National Park Service - Rhode Island Historical Preservation ...

National Park Service - Rhode Island Historical Preservation ...

National Park Service - Rhode Island Historical Preservation ...


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NPS Form 10-900-i<br />

3-i2<br />

United States Department of the Interior<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Service</strong> -<br />

<strong>National</strong> Register of Historic Places<br />

Inventory-Nomination Form<br />

0MB No 1024-0015<br />

- En,- 10-31-U<br />

Continuation sheet 43 Item number 7 Page 44<br />

r<br />

156<br />

49-4/3 3<br />

12 Branch Street c. 1960:<br />

1-story "ranch". NC<br />

157 - -<br />

49-4/32 -<br />

,_- 13 Branch Street c. 1900:<br />

Altered cross-gabled, L-plan cottage. C<br />

158<br />

57-1/2 16<br />

Branch Street c. 1900:<br />

-Altered, cross-gabled, Queen Anne cottage with extensive<br />

twentieth-century additions. Former stable in rear converted<br />

-<br />

- into apartments. Si<br />

C<br />

159<br />

- 57-1/120<br />

38-40 School Street, former South Kingstown High School, now the<br />

-- School Street Apartments c. 1880/c1915:<br />

- Originally much smaller and built as a high school at the<br />

corner of School Street and Columbia Street, the building was<br />

moved here when the Hazard School was built to replace it see<br />

#115. As altered for apartment use, the building is -a 2-1/2story,<br />

flank-gable structure with cross-gable oriels. It has a<br />

high stone basement, aluminum clapboard on the first story, and<br />

wood shingle above. C - -<br />

160 -<br />

-57-1/211 -<br />

School Street, northwest corner Branch c. 1900:<br />

Hip-roofed, 2-story, 5-bay, clapboard and shingle house;<br />

central entrance within a turned-post porch. C<br />

161 - -<br />

.57-1/212<br />

y50 School Street, northeast corner Branch c. 1925:<br />

Clapboard "Colonial" bungalow, 1-story, with a pedimented<br />

entrance pavilion. C

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