Henry Krabbendam - James - World Evangelical Alliance

Henry Krabbendam - James - World Evangelical Alliance

Henry Krabbendam - James - World Evangelical Alliance


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country, marked by rebellion and turbulence. In 1 Corinthians 14:33 it is<br />

contrasted with “peace,” in John 5:29; Romans 9:11; 2 Corinthians 5:10 with<br />

goodness, and in John 3:20; 5:29 with truth. In John 3:20; 5:29 is linked with<br />

praxis, and in Titus 2:8 with speech (Cheung, 145). In Luke 21:9 it is paired<br />

with (the tumults and commotion of) war, which is introduced in <strong>James</strong> 4:1. It<br />

destroys mutual confidence and support, demolishes peace and unity, and<br />

breeds pandemonium and warfare (Keddie, 120).<br />

Second, bitter envy and selfish ambition are the “parents” and breeding<br />

ground for all sorts of base, evil, worthless activities, all kinds of vile practices<br />

(See John 3:20; 5:29; Rom. 9:11; 2 Cor. 5:10; Tit. 2:8). This concept<br />

designates evil in the sense of being “good-for-nothing.” That is, it is without<br />

any possible edification. No true gain will ever come from it. Self-seeking,<br />

self-serving, and self-gratifying teachers, their followers, and their emulators<br />

have a lot on their conscience! <strong>James</strong>’ terminology of “every kind of practice”<br />

is all-inclusive. It may mean all kinds of depraved thoughts, words or<br />

actions (John 3:20; 5:29; Rom. 9:11; 2 Cor. 5:10; Tit. 3:3), including immoral<br />

lawsuits (Johnson, 273). The closest parallel in Paul is found in Romans 1:28-<br />

32, where God ultimately gives the suppressors of the truth over to a debased<br />

mind as the source of untold depravity. Disorder and evil practice constitute<br />

the very warp and woof of a life governed by such mind. Interrelations fray,<br />

unity goes by the board, and a never ending stream of moral filth manifests<br />

itself everywhere. It is hardly a coincidence that Scripture calls envy rottenness<br />

of the bones (Prov. 11:17). It turns the practitioner into a corpse that<br />

smells up the universe with its putrefaction. It started with Cain and has never<br />

been absent from mankind since (Jude 11).<br />

632<br />

c. Blueprint of Victory (3:17-18)<br />

(17) But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable,<br />

gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial<br />

and without hypocrisy. (18) And a harvest of righteousness<br />

is sown in peace by those who make peace.<br />

(1) Explanation of Victory (3:17a)<br />

The victory is won in the Christian life, (only) when it enjoys God’s gifts that<br />

without exception come from above (Jam. 1:17). 305 That is why the wisdom<br />

305 In this context Cheung, 150-152, 159, with reference to Deuteronomy 4:6 and <strong>James</strong> 1:20-<br />

22, once again argues for the intimate association, be it not total identification, of genuine<br />

wisdom with the God-given Torah as its “locus,” its “source,” as well as its “consummate<br />

embodiment.” Wisdom, which is essential to gain perfection, is not only a requirement for,<br />

but also, as in this context, the result of the study of the Torah. As such it consists of right-

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