W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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witnessed to the mighty work of the Lord in healing his body, saying to the people, “Beware how you treat this<br />

man, for he has power to heal the sick,” at the same time testifying that he had burnt with typhoid fever ten days<br />

and gotten no relief, but was healed while I was praying for him, his mother gladly corroborating his testimony,<br />

the result was that conviction fell on the people and we had a glorious revival.<br />

From that circuit the Conference sent me to Burlington, the county-seat of Boone Co., of which Covington,<br />

containing about a hundred thousand people, is the metropolis. They gave me that town along with Florence and<br />

East Berd, thriving bluegrass villages, containing about fifteen hundred each. At the close of the Conference,<br />

Wednesday night, the Bishop read out the appointments.<br />

Though the schedule time for the preachers to begin the work of the ensuing year did not arrive till Sunday, 1<br />

started away on the first train, reaching East Berd Thursday afternoon. Then sending the word all around, we<br />

drummed up a good congregation by lamplighting.<br />

Meanwhile the magnates of the Church informed me that they had preaching by just two denominations, I. e.,<br />

the Methodists and the Universalists, and that they alternated either with the other in perfect harmony, brotherly<br />

love and Christian union, and that I must be very careful to say nothing about Hell and damnation, lest they<br />

receive offense, which would ruin everything; If they had said nothing to me, I would certainly not have<br />

introduced myself preaching on that subject, but under the circumstances I saw it was “strike then” or my<br />

liberties were gone and my year's work a failure. Therefore, taking for my text, Psalm x, 17, “The wicked shall<br />

be turned into Hell, with all the nations that forget God,” I uncapped the bottomless pit and shook them over it,<br />

exposing the fact that people who do not believe in Hell are unbelievers; that Jesus says, “He that believeth not<br />

shall be damned.” While I exposed the awful doom of the wicked, I held those poor, deluded Universalists over<br />

the flaming abyss and the people saw them all dropping in and the devil kicking them for foot-balls around the<br />

pandemonium, cursing them for being such fools as to believe his lies and take Hell out of their creed, thus<br />

giving him a chance to lead them blind-folded till they dropped down to rise no more.<br />

That one sermon settled my destiny at that place. The news had gone abroad everywhere that I was crazy. They<br />

had heard it and then they believed it and were so disgusted with me that they didn't want me for their preacher.<br />

The following morning I hasted away to Florence, a very beautiful town. There we scattered the word al around<br />

so that we had a splendid audience at night, the people posting me up, notifying me that they had two<br />

denominations preaching in that town, the Methodists and Campbellites, alternating either with the other, and,<br />

warned me that I should he very careful not to say anything against the water doctrine, such a favorite with the<br />

Campbellites, lest they receive offense, observing that they had Christian union and co-operation and were<br />

opposed to having anything said calculated to alienation.<br />

I knew I could do no good there if I closed my mouth against the awful, soul-destroying heresies currently<br />

preached by those people, deceiving poor souls by thousands and making them believe they are Christians when<br />

they are sinners in the broad way that leads to death. Therefore I fearlessly exposed their heresies and labored to<br />

show the people the true way of salvation by grace and not by works. Of course that upset them and, as they,<br />

too, had heard the report that I was crazy, they concluded they did not want a crazy preacher whom they could<br />

not control. Therefore they settled on the conclusion of giving me a free ride to the presiding elder's office in<br />

Covington. Therefore Saturday morning I enjoyed this ten mile ride free. The carriage was driven y the leading<br />

steward who turned over the crazy preacher to the presiding elder and asked him to supply his place. That was<br />

the happiest ride of my life. I shouted all the way and he groaned. I was bright as the vernal rose and he was<br />

blue as indigo.<br />

At that time Bishop McTieyre, in charge of the six Southern Methodist Conferences in Texas, which was then<br />

truly the Wild West, was calling aloud for a hundred volunteers to supply the deficiencies in the Lone Star State.<br />

I made up my mind to respond to his call, saying to him, to put me down ad libitum in the Lone Star State.<br />

Therefore I ordered my presiding elder to telegraph my name to him, but he positively refused to do it, saying<br />

that he would rather transfer any other twenty men out of the Kentucky Conference than W. B. <strong>Godbey</strong>. He<br />

looked me in the face and said, “Brother <strong>Godbey</strong>, the man that had four hundred people converted last year<br />

cannot transfer out of this Conference.” Then I said, “What will you do with me? My people have rejected me<br />

and hauled me away for a crazy man.” “Oh,” he said, “that question is easy answered. I will take you from them

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