W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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abiding of Christianity in their midst. They pronounced it a strange frenzy which its votaries in some mysterious<br />

way had the power to transmit; observing that frequently they communicated it to their executioners, so that<br />

they turned Christians and submitted to the same martyrdom. Those historians proceed to describe the<br />

prosecution of a Christian pending martyrdom, and state that the magistrate always asked; “Dominicum<br />

servasti? Hast thou kept the Lord's day?” Then he answered, “Christianus sum intermittere non possum” -- “I<br />

am a Christian I am not able to omit it.”<br />

Then they proceeded to execute them either burning them or carting them to the wild beast in the Coliseum.<br />

This is positive proof that they were keeping the first day of the week, hallowed by the Lord's resurrection and<br />

consequently always called the Lord's Day, Rev. 1:10, whereas Saturday never was so called. If they had been<br />

keeping Saturday, as the Seventh Day Adventists tell us, then the judge would have said, “Sabbalicum servasti?”<br />

-- “Hast thou kept the Sabbath day?” But they never did propound that question, which is positive proof that<br />

they were not keeping the old day, but the new one.<br />

There is an impracticability in this stickleristical Sabbatic regime of these people. I found it illustrated in my<br />

own history when I traveled around the world. As I went from West to East, I had 366 days in the year.<br />

Therefore I gained a day, and if I were now keeping the seventh day, it would be Saturday. Should I travel<br />

around again, it would make my Sabbath Friday. Therefore you see in seven years, I would actually have to<br />

adopt every day in the week as my Sabbath. Suppose I should go around the other way; then when I got back,<br />

my Sabbath would be Monday as I would only have 364 days in the year. Should I make another trip, it would<br />

be Tuesday, and in seven years traveling around the world from East to West, would again change my Sabbath<br />

every year if I kept the seventh day. Any way you can arrange it, if the Seventh Day Adventists were right in<br />

their hypothesis that you must keep the seventh day or fall under condemnation, one-half the world would be<br />

violating the Sabbath. When the Old World has Sunday we have Monday. This illustrates the impracticability of<br />

keeping some certain number as the day.<br />

At Jerusalem they have six Sabbaths every week. They tell me that the Howling Dervishes keep Monday, the<br />

Jumping Dervishes Tuesday, and the Dancing Dervishes Thursday, the regular Sabbath of the great<br />

Mohammedan Church is Friday; the seventy-five thousand Jews in that city keep Saturday, and the Christians,<br />

who have their colonies there from all the prominent nations, keep Sunday. [The Dervishes are the holiness<br />

people of the Mohammedan Church.] I am much concerned for the Seventh Day Adventists, lest they may lose<br />

their souls, and their hemerolatry, I. e., day worship, instead of being Divine worship, actually drag many of<br />

them into Hell. If you will examine Paul's treatment of that subject in Romans and I Corinthians, where he is<br />

discussing the subject of eating meats offered to idols, you will come to the same conclusion. He proceeds to<br />

state that all those who had reached the clear light which qualified them to see that the “idol is nothing,” can eat<br />

the meats offered to them with perfect impunity; while those who had not reached the degree of light, so that<br />

they till felt that the idol to which the meat had been sacrificed existed, all such should desist from eating the<br />

meat offered to them, as their consciences would be polluted with conviction that they were still serving those<br />

idols, Then he adds that those who, like himself, had the clear light and saw that the idols were nothing and<br />

consequently could eat the meat with perfect impunity so far as their own conscience was concerned, must still<br />

abstain for the sake of the consciences of their brethren, who had not reached the clear light which they<br />

themselves enjoyed. Paul said, “If meat cause my brother to stumble, I will never eat any more of it.” The clear<br />

and unmistakable conclusion from these deliverances of inspiration is simple and inevasible; the Seventh Day<br />

Adventists must either keep the Christian's Sabbath, for the sake of the conscience of Christendom, or fall under<br />

condemnation.<br />

The fratricidal Cain told God he was not his brother's keeper still God held him to the awful responsibility and<br />

said to him, “Thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.” Therefore if these people want to go to<br />

Heaven they will have to keep two Sabbaths every week, Saturday for their own conscience and Sunday for the<br />

conscience of Christendom. They would better solve the problem in a short way; I. e., get sanctified wholly, then<br />

they will have an everlasting Sabbath in their hearts wherever they are and so far as the day of temporal rest is<br />

concerned they will rejoice to be “all things to all men.”

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