W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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your houses, and do not bid him Godspeed; for he that says to him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds.” I<br />

made an awful issue of it, saying to them, “This man whom I find to be an infidel, not even believing in the<br />

soul's immortality, and utterly repudiating the new birth and all spirituality, has come to you and you have<br />

received him into your house, actually joined his church and are bidding him Godspeed; all this notwithstanding<br />

the fact that God positively tells you in <strong>His</strong> Word that if any one comes to you and does not bring this great<br />

fundamental doctrine of the soul's immortality and the regeneration of the Holy Spirit you are not to receive him<br />

into your house, nor to bid him Godspeed. If you do, you become “partakers of his evil deeds.” Then I said to<br />

them: “God has sent me here to show you the awful thing you have done, receiving an infidel for your preacher,<br />

who is worse than the heathen in the fact that they believe in the soul's immortality, but he rejects it altogether,<br />

and at the same time repudiates our Savior's great and glorious doctrine of spiritual regeneration, the new birth<br />

and the kingdom of God, thus establishing the heart by the Holy Ghost in this life. Therefore God will put me on<br />

the witness block in the day of judgment to testify against you, if you do not repent of this awful mistake and<br />

ask <strong>His</strong> pardoning mercy.”<br />

About that time the old class-leader, who was serving as Skeel's moderator, just cried out, “Brethren, I have<br />

been deceived and I want you to pray for me.” Then others around said the same.<br />

So we had to turn the debate into a seeker's meeting to get the people reclaimed who had gone off after him. The<br />

result was that they all saw what a mistake they had made and dropped him like a hot potato, then resumed their<br />

places in the churches. The Campbellite Church discontinued altogether and the Methodists, rebuilding the<br />

house, revived and live on to this day. You cannot find a Seventh Day Adventist anywhere about there. I live<br />

within seven miles of that place and am satisfied that there is not a single one, though that man had built up a<br />

big membership. I know no country anywhere that is clearer from that heresy than Kentucky, and especially all<br />

of that region.<br />

Thus you see the importance of open investigation which we are enabled to give the people in these public<br />

discussions. Seventh Day Adventism is an awful infidelity, as the people saw when that man was brought face to<br />

face with an opponent and forced either to defend his doctrine, which I had in the books, or reject it publicly. He<br />

chose the former and as consequently forced to uncover his unapologizable infidelity to all of the people, and<br />

they said outright they had been deceived.<br />

Therefore they dropped him, and his church and every vestige of his movement evanesced away, leaving not a<br />

trace, nor a track.<br />

This heresy of Seventh Day Adventism is widely spread over the whole country. It is verily a soul poison,<br />

destitute of a solitary redeeming truth. It is sugar-coated infidelity. Satan very adroitly sugar-coats all of his pills,<br />

so that people will take them thus imbibing the soul poison which brings certain destruction soon or late. How<br />

significantly God says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” That case was peculiar in the fact that this<br />

heresy was utterly new and they had enjoyed no available opportunities to study it; therefore this able and<br />

captious preacher lassoed them quickly.<br />

Another point peculiar in their case was that they were all acquainted with me and had confidence in my<br />

veracity; so that: when I lifted the mask and revealed the infidel monstrosity they shrank with horror and gladly<br />

retraced the steps but recently taken. Hemerolatry,, I, e., day worship, is the idolatry peculiar to the Seventh Day<br />

Adventists. They idolize the Mosaic Sabbath, preaching the holyday instead of a holy heart, without which all<br />

are forever lost, day or no day. “Sabbath” is a Hebrew word and means rest. It is the perfect, rest which the<br />

sanctified soul receives in Jesus. Therefore with holy people all days are holy; The first Christians were all Jews,<br />

and consequently kept, both of the Sabbaths, the Mosaic and the Christian, as long as they lived. The Gentile<br />

Christians never did keep the Mosaic Sabbath and were not required to do it, Acts 15, but they did keep the first<br />

day of the week, Acts 20:7; I Cor 2:16. The Seventh Day Adventists tell us the Pope changed the Sabbath. It is<br />

easy to tell it, but they cannot prove it, because there never was a Pope until the seventh century, and the<br />

disciples kept the first day of the week without a break from the Lord's resurrection.<br />

Confirmation of this we have in Roman history in abundance. Sallust, Seutonius and Pliny, who lived and wrote<br />

in the first century of the Christian Era and faithfully chronicled all the notable current events, though pagans<br />

themselves manifested great candor and veracity which I cannot doubt in their narration of the coming and

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