W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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shut out from the world lest they might transmit that awful plague, before me. The native pastor with sable face<br />

and foreign speech through an interpreter asked me to preach on baptism, as he expected to follow my sermon<br />

by administering that ordinance to about one hundred of his people. I had no time to preach to them on water<br />

baptism, as I knew that had nothing to do with their salvation, but I gladly accepted his invitation, and preached<br />

to them about the baptism which Jesus gives with the Holy Ghost and fire, and exhorted them to make their full<br />

and eternal consecration and trust Jesus to give it to them. Then their pastor poured the limpid rill on their heads,<br />

thus beautifully symbolizing the baptism Jesus gives when He pours <strong>His</strong> Spirit on us.<br />

Baptism means a purification. The Holy Ghost is the omnipotent Purifier whom Jesus pours on you when He<br />

baptizes you. “Our God is a consuming fire.” Heb. 12:1. The Holy Ghost is none other than the eternal God.<br />

When Jesus pours the Spirit on you, the living fire goes through you, and how appropriately we sing with the<br />

old Methodists,<br />

“Refining fire go through my heart,<br />

Illuminate my soul;<br />

Scatter Thy life through every part,<br />

And sanctify the whole.<br />

“Oh, that He now from Heaven might fall,<br />

And all my sins consume;<br />

Come, Holy Ghost, on Thee I call,<br />

Spirit of burning, come'.”<br />

So when they call on you and ask you to preach on baptism, always preach on the baptism which Jesus gives<br />

and Paul says is the only one in all the world; the ordinance with water merely being the outward sign. In all<br />

these things note that the great salient point is to walk in the foot-prints of Jesus, meek, humble and lowly, and<br />

like Him, to go about doing good. Again I entreat you, do not argue.<br />

Paul says, “the man of God shall not strive.” Let your zeal culminate in perfect love for God and <strong>His</strong> people and<br />

all mankind. During the little remnant of my earthly life I will certainly pray that what I have written, pursuant<br />

to candor and veracity in the faithful submission of my biography, and responsive to the importunate appeals of<br />

my thousands of friends, shall not stir up strife. However, I know that the enemy is always manipulating to<br />

clothe the angel, perfect love, with the bear skin so that his Hell-hounds will chase it.<br />


All my eighteen debates were not with the Campbellites. I had one with a Seventh Day Adventist who twentyfive<br />

or thirty years ago came from New York and began to preach at a rural village near where I now live. That<br />

was before I settled there subsequently to my episcopal appointment to the evangelistic work, which took me<br />

out of the Conference and permitted me to settle in a permanent home. <strong>His</strong> doctrine was perfectly new, having<br />

never been heard of in the country. The novelty of the man and his doctrine produced a popular sensation and<br />

gave him a splendid hearing by the people.<br />

He proved very pugnacious and belligerent; not only heroically preaching his new doctrine, but challenging all<br />

of the preachers to meet him in debate. As they had no acquaintance with the teaching of his Church, and were<br />

not accustomed to public disputation, they all declined. Meanwhile he began to invite people to join his Church.<br />

He was a persuasive, winning, argumentative and hortatory speaker. There was but one church in the village,<br />

and that was the union of Methodists and Campbellites, both organizations using the same house and alternating<br />

with each other. The people began to join him and quite a revival broke out under his preaching, the fruits of<br />

which were only marked by church-joining, and really made no effort to get people spiritually changed, blessed<br />

and saved, but made church-joining a great salient point. As he was constantly challenging all the Methodist and<br />

Baptist preachers and Campbellites, too, since I had notoriety as a debater, they wrote to me, at that time in a<br />

distant part of the Conference, asking me to come and debate with him, and stating that he was producing a<br />

great sensation there and getting a heap of members; they could not see that it was for the glory of God. I<br />

responded by acceptance. Then we corresponded and appointed the time.<br />

The Seventh Day Adventists, as said above, had hitherto been unknown in all of that country. As I had been born

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