W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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sin and Satan, occupying all of our time, so that we have no ammunition to waste on the air. Satan is always<br />

maneuvering to get the children of God into a fight with one another simply in order to keep them from fighting<br />

him. It is wonderfully sweet to be perfectly free from all ecclesiastical shackles. That does not mean that we<br />

become church fighters, we have no time for that. Souls are too valuable, time too short and eternity too long for<br />

us to waste an ounce of ammunition shooting to and fro at one another. In this book, as elsewhere, I have not<br />

spared Heaven's artillery where life and salvation are involved; but on this problem of the mere manner in which<br />

water baptism is administered, it is only question of revelation in which we desire to know the facts revealed in<br />

this blessed and infallible volume of truth, so edifying and precious to me, as a matter of erudition and<br />

edification. Therefore we enjoy these explorations through the precious oracles with which God has favored us,<br />

that we may have an abundant supply of intellectual and spiritual pabulum.<br />

Let me, in fatherly kindness, make an earnest appeal to all who, in the providence of God, may read these pages<br />

that you beware of a critical, fault-finding spirit, which is grievous to God and calculated to alienate <strong>His</strong> Holy<br />

Spirit, without whose guidance, illuminations and revelations in the understanding of <strong>His</strong> precious Word and<br />

providence we cannot successfully fight this probationary battle and run the heavenly race which is set before<br />

us. If you have a conviction for immersion, avail yourself of the kind service of one of God's called and sent<br />

preachers and fully satisfy your conscience, but do not criticize your brothers and sisters who have not received<br />

those convictions, as in so doing you will certainly grieve the Holy Spirit. Never fail to warn them of anything<br />

even savoring of evil and to exhort them to the greatest possible diligence and heroism in pursuit of everything<br />

which is to the honor and glory of God. Paul said, “Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? To his own<br />

master he standeth or falleth. But he shall stand; for God is able to make him stand.” Be sure you do not<br />

discount the godly Quaker who has no convictions for water baptism in any way.<br />

You see he is living the life of an humble, devout saint of God. Therefore leave him in the hands of God; neither<br />

criticize nor grieve him. Nor dare to burlesque your brother who, under conscientious conviction, has received<br />

triune immersion at the hands of some Dowieite. Thousands and millions who have received the same during<br />

the long roll of the Middle Ages are now in glory. Do not discount him because of his peculiarities. These little<br />

non-essentials, which differentiate the people of God, are to wield no influence whatever in the loving<br />

appreciation in which you are to hold one another. If you have a chance to attend an immersion, though you may<br />

never have received it, nor now have a conviction for it, ask God to make it a blessing to you, so that you may<br />

rejoice with your brothers and sisters. God is so anxious to bless us that He avails Himself of all occasions to<br />

reveal <strong>His</strong> unutterable love and mercy in pouring out <strong>His</strong> Spirit in showers of blessing on <strong>His</strong> dear people whom<br />

He has redeemed by the blood of <strong>His</strong> precious and only Son. Do not argue with one another on baptism or<br />

anything else. Freely investigate the precious Word together and help one another; “always esteeming others<br />

better than yourselves.” Make no effort to dissuade any of your brothers and sisters from receiving the baptism<br />

by immersion. Tell them to walk in the light and govern themselves accordingly; then you pray for them. It is<br />

very dangerous to make much of non-essentials.<br />

We are to make everything of Jesus, taking Him for everything, and wearing everything else as a loose garment.<br />

When you get to criticizing your brothers and sisters, remember you need a shower of fire on you to burn up the<br />

critic's cap.<br />

As a matter of truth and fidelity in writing my biography, I have freely delivered to you an epitome of what God<br />

by <strong>His</strong> Word, Spirit and providence has delivered to me. If you love me the less for so doing, I can only say I<br />

love you the more. If I have administered heavy blows with the sledge hammer of revealed truth, please<br />

remember that they are all love-licks. I have given you thus briefly the benefit of my life of hard work and large<br />

opportunities in the way of education and traveling. If you can only sink out of self into Christ and continue to<br />

sink deeper and deeper into God's glorious Divinity, keep humble, meek and lowly and, like Jesus, go about<br />

doing good, you will find platoons of guardian angels from Heaven descended, who will accompany you along<br />

the perilous journey of this stormy pilgrimage. They will fortify you against all of Satan's pitfalls and<br />

ambushments, and meanwhile, with the splendor of their pinions, will light up your way till you will realize that<br />

you are truly walking in Beulah Land where the sun and the moon both shine night and day.<br />

If anybody invites you to preach baptism do as I did the last time they invited me. I was far away in India and<br />

preaching in the largest leper asylum in the world, having seven hundred of those unfortunate sufferers who are

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