W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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unkindly and misrepresent me. God has not restricted us in this matter, but given us glorious and perfect liberty.<br />

If you have a conviction for it, do not hesitate to go at once and receive it. I have known multitudes of people<br />

immersed by men whom I'm satisfied did not know God. They denounced and mocked experimental religion,<br />

which no Christian can do, and exhorted the people to come and receive immersion at their hands for the<br />

remission of their sins.<br />

If you desire immersion, go at once and receive it at the hands of some man whom God has saved and called to<br />

preach the Gospel.<br />

To be candid before God and the world, I have but one objection to immersion, and that I feel it my duty to tell<br />

you. In my observation I am convinced that it trends to hydrolatry, which is perhaps the most seductive form of<br />

idolatry incidental to the Church of God, e. g., the Campbellites and Mormons, who are downright hydrolaters,<br />

positively preach the essentiality of water baptism for the salvation of the soul; they are uncompromising<br />

immersionists.<br />

Baptism is not an institution of the Gospel dispensation, as many think, but of the Mosaic, and practiced by<br />

Moses himself, when with his own hands he baptized all the people, (three millions) at the tabernacle door, Heb.<br />

9:10-19. Of course there is a vast difference between the Mosaic and the Christian dispensations. The former<br />

was literally inundated with ceremonies, millions of birds and beasts bleeding on their altars, symbolic of the<br />

blessed Christ dying on the cross, and multitudinous watery ablutions (baptismos) typifying the mighty works of<br />

the Holy Ghost. The latter has nothing but the simple ceremonies of the water baptism and the Eucharist.<br />

Millions of Jews were baptized thousands of times during their lives, as they had to receive it every time they<br />

contracted ceremonial defilement before they were allowed even to enter the holy campus, much less go into the<br />

holy temple. All churches in by-gone ages have gradually grieved the Holy Spirit and drifted away into idolatry<br />

in some form or other.<br />

The American Church has not only gone largely into hydrolatry, ecclesiolatry, eucharolatry, pyrolatry,<br />

hemerolatry, I. e., day worship, e. g., Seventh-Day Adventism; but some of them have actually gone into pagan<br />

idolatry, I. e., Buddhism. I am personally acquainted with a Methodist preacher and his members who have gone<br />

into it and are preaching it. At San Diego, Cal., they have built a splendid temple and dedicated it to Buddha,<br />

and are preparing to build one in Los Angeles.<br />

Our only anchorage competent to prevent this fearful drifting is in Jesus, taking Him for everything, and<br />

contenting ourselves with what He gives us. When you lose sight of everything but God alone, and sink away<br />

into Him, then He gives you <strong>His</strong> own liberty, which is freedom to do everything good and nothing bad. I can<br />

frankly confess that I can see nothing wrong in receiving water baptism as often as you desire and in the way<br />

you prefer.<br />

Of course my Biblical exegesis on this subject, as well as all others, can make no compromise with what God<br />

has revealed. While after a long life of constant study, with all the benefits of a classical education, reading the<br />

Word in the inspired original with readiness and dispensing with all translations; in the providence of God,<br />

visiting the Holy Land three times and investigating everything to my utmost ability; I am perfectly satisfied<br />

that the Bible baptisms were all effusions in both dispensations; yet I have no controversy with my immersion<br />

brethren. During my entire ministerial life I have faithfully immersed all who made application to me and<br />

invariably advised all who had convictions for it to go ahead and receive it. It is certainly perfectly innocent, if<br />

any one is stickleristic either for effusion or immersion. Oh, how frequently when I have put them down in the<br />

river have I seen the rolling billows pour down upon them.<br />

The only criticism you can offer immersion is simply that of superfluity; which is certainly an objection. This is<br />

the glorious felicity of full salvation. It gives us the wonderful, perfect freedom of God Himself, who is free to<br />

do everything good and nothing bad. Besides, it fills us with perfect love so that we love God's dear children<br />

who differ from us quite as dearly as those who agree with us.<br />

In this wonderful salvation, while we must make no compromise on essentials, but must heroically contend for<br />

the faith once delivered to the saints, sparing nothing where life and salvation are involved; yet in all<br />

nonessential ecclesiastical matters we have boundless liberty. This probationary life is a constant battle against

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