W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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(2) The identification of “burial” in these Scriptures with “baptism” can only be the conclusion of a most<br />

superficial examination. It says, “we are buried by baptism,” (Romans), and “in baptism,” (Colossians). These<br />

two statements are precisely synonymous. Therefore instead of identifying baptism and the burial, which the<br />

immersionists do, I. e., they tell us the baptism is the burial, the Holy Spirit tells us that the baptism is the agent<br />

by which we are buried, I. e., the baptism instead of being the burial is the undertaker, who digs the grave and<br />

buries the corpse (old Adam), and leaves it there for the grass to grow green over it forever, as the resurrection<br />

of old Adam would be certain damnation. There is a resurrection in this wonderful transaction, but it is the new<br />

creature, created in the heart by the Holy Ghost in regeneration, and hitherto encumbered with the old body of<br />

sin, which having been crucified in burial forever, this new creature is resurrected, to walk in newness of life<br />

forever. As we learn in these Scriptures (Colossians), this resurrection is not by physical power, but by the very<br />

same omnipotent arm that raised up Christ from the dead. Few men in the world have immersed more people<br />

than your humble servant. I always, when putting them down into the liquid grave, sinking them beneath the<br />

yielding wave, found it necessary to raise them up by the muscular power of my left arm. My last exercise was<br />

in the holy Jordan. Now you see the burial is not physical, appertaining to the human body, but spiritual,<br />

crucified old Adam being the subject.<br />

As the resurrection is not physical by human power, but purely spiritual, as it says, by the power which raised up<br />

Christ from the dead, therefore we know that the burial is by that same omnipotent power. Long habituation to<br />

hearing a superficial, materialistic pseudo-gospel, has so cultured many people that when they see baptism in the<br />

Bible they always think it means the ordinance with water.<br />

I have heard preachers confidently quote, “So many as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ,”<br />

enforcing on the people that it indubitably means water baptism, which is utterly untrue; to be baptized is one<br />

thing, and to be baptized into Christ is quite another. Baptism has but one meaning and that is a purification,<br />

John 3:25; Luke 11:8, 59, and other citations, we could conveniently give.<br />

The ordinance of water is a ceremonial purification, but the baptism which Jesus gives with the Holy Ghost and<br />

fire is the only actual and real purification. Therefore this is the baptism that puts us in Christ, which water<br />

baptism is utterly incompetent to do.<br />

(3) You see in these Scriptures describing this wonderful transaction, (Col.) that baptism is identical with<br />

circumcision. If you will examine you will see clearly for yourself that the baptism is in both grammatical and<br />

logical apposition with circumcision, and therefore precisely identical. If it were water baptism and physical<br />

circumcision, of course they would not be identical, -- but in opposition either with the other. How do we know<br />

that this is spiritual circumcision? Because Paul says it is the circumcision made without hands. Now since you<br />

see beyond the possibility of question the identity of the circumcision and baptism, therefore the baptism is<br />

spiritual and not physical. Paul says the circumcision is made without hands; and with the same breath, that the<br />

baptism is administered without bands. Jesus is our wonderful Healer. If you have that fatal malady,<br />

hydrocephalus, I. e., water on the brain, turn it over to Him that He may heal you now lest you die.<br />

Do you not see that the conclusion that this means an immersion in water is taken from the mere jingle of the<br />

words, with a luminous analysis of the context?<br />

(4) In the clear light of the blessed Holy Spirit, the author of the precious Word, and especially when<br />

corroborated by your own happy experience in your heart, these Scriptures do loom up so beautiful, bright and<br />

glorious, that you cannot fail to see the grand harmony of this wonderful transaction in all its phases and<br />

ramifications. Then you say, “Brother <strong>Godbey</strong>, I see clearly that this is all spiritual, without mention or allusion<br />

to the human body, water or any other physical entity.<br />

But since the spiritual has the burial, should we not bury the people when we baptize them with water? Does it<br />

not follow from this that the mode of spiritual baptism is immersion?” We must answer positively in the<br />

negative, because God's Word forever settles the mode of spiritual baptism, Acts 2:17, “I will pour out my Spirit<br />

upon all flesh.” Verily you cannot read your Bible at all without knowing that the mode of spiritual baptism is<br />

effusion invariably. The Savior pours <strong>His</strong> Spirit on the human spirit, thereby purifying that spirit from depravity,<br />

which is “old Adam,” which this baptism crucifies and destroys, the body of sin. Thus this old dead body is<br />

buried into “<strong>His</strong> death” and, never resurrecting, leaves it there forever; while the resurrection, as you see, brings

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