W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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A presiding elder, making a speech to raise a princely sum of money to build a church edifice, with a cost<br />

twenty times the amount necessary for comfort and convenience, nineteen-twentieths of the money actually<br />

being due to the poor heathens who have never heard the name of Jesus, eloquently referred the people to the<br />

Temple of King Solomon, which he ornamented with gold, expending uncounted millions. The queen of Sheba<br />

traveled five thousand miles on a camel to hear his wisdom, see his glory and bring him a million dollars worth<br />

of gold. Now what was the matter with that presiding elder? Sad to say he had actually gone into idolatry, I. e.,<br />

church worship.<br />

Ecclesiolatry is a specious form of idolatry which is fast capturing the great Protestant Church, which God gave<br />

to the world through <strong>His</strong> noble heroes, Luther, Bunyan, Fox, Knox and Wesley, the immortal leaders of the<br />

Holiness Movement in their day and generation. Oh, how fearful are the inroads of these alien gods this day!<br />

Eucharolatry has just about captured the Lutherans and is making awful inroads into the others.<br />

I am personally acquainted with a great holiness leader, once an evangelist, the flash of whose keen New<br />

Jerusalem blade electrified many warriors to redoubled heroism on the battlefield. He is now a pastor and<br />

building for himself an institutional church, having accommodations not only for all religious people, but an<br />

Atheneum well supplied with reading matter, not only religious but secular, and a billiard room and ten-pin alley<br />

for the entertainment of the worldly people. He says this is so they will not have to run after Satan, but so he can<br />

have them under his influence with a chance to lead them to God. The last time I heard from him, my informant<br />

told me that he saw him walking around bossing the work with a great big Havana cigar in his mouth. So you<br />

see he is worshipping at the shrine of two alien gods, ecclesiolatry, the Church god, and tobacco, the filthy god.<br />

Therefore, though he yet claims to be a loyal holiness man and sanctified, I need not tell you whither he has<br />

drifted, and the end is not yet.<br />

The downward trend in religion never means anything short of damnation, because Satan is manipulating it, and<br />

he is making his full calculations upon taking all who tinker with him to Hell.<br />

Now while we investigate the mode of baptism, remember I am feeling great concern for the dear holiness<br />

people who are the hope of the world. God has raised up this great latter-day Movement, with which He is this<br />

day girdling the globe, to preach the everlasting Gospel to all nations and to call out the bride from every<br />

kindred and tongue and people; to get her robed and ready for the speedy return of <strong>His</strong> glorified Son to this<br />

world, for Him to put the devil out and reign forever. I am now, in the providence of God, one of the living<br />

fathers of this Movement. I am so glad that this great revival of Holy Ghost religion represents all churches and<br />

denominations, with their diversified ecclesiastical views and ceremonies.<br />

While in India those memorable three months, in the providence of God, I traveled and preached night and day<br />

to multitudes of the dear Indians through interpreters, and to the missionaries and English-speaking people viva<br />

voce. I did not discriminate by hunting up the Methodists, who, in the good providence of God, have a hundred<br />

and fifty thousand members in that country. I went to all, not passing by the German-Lutherans, who are doing<br />

noble work. We fellowshipped with them as holiness brethren most cordially, and I never did receive a more<br />

fraternal welcome as they made me feel free as Gabriel. I also went and served our feetwashing holiness<br />

brethren with great delight. We had the blessed consolation that we enjoy the glorious freedom which forever<br />

saves us from a fault-finding spirit, for the fires of the Holy Ghost burned up the critic's cap, and if any of you<br />

are still wearing one, I hope the Lord will pour the fire on you and burn it up and that you may never buy<br />

another one. Satan has a variety on hand very fantastical and beautiful; he charges you neither silver nor gold if<br />

you should desire to purchase one. You can have your choice, as he has but one price and that is your soul.<br />

After God took Hezekiah to Heaven, his own son and successor led the people back into idolatry; after Josiah,<br />

the great holiness leader, had gone to Heaven, his son, Jehoiakim, burned the Word of the Lord. God in signal<br />

mercy took those loyal kings to Heaven before they saw the evil that was coming. God is still going to have a<br />

people on the earth, who will hold up the banner of holiness and give the Gospel trumpet no uncertain sound.<br />

After you and I have laid the armor down and gone to our account with God, people of whom we have never<br />

heard nor thought will still lead the embattled hosts to victory. The thing for us to do is to wash our own hands<br />

from the blood of souls, rising triumphantly above the wild clangor of Satan' s musicians celebrating the orgies<br />

of alien gods, whether hydrolatry, ecclesiolatry, pyrolatry, eucharolatry, or some other strange god, whose name

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