W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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martyrdom to save others, to establish <strong>His</strong> truth, and to glorify <strong>His</strong> great name, I respond with shouts of victory.<br />

I am like the Baptist missionary motto, which exhibits an ox standing between the altar and the plow, “Ready for<br />

service or sacrifice.” I have no creed to serve, and no dogma to defend. I have lost sight of everything but God<br />

and <strong>His</strong> precious truth, by which alone sinners can be saved.<br />

Hezekiah, while destroying idols on all sides, exterminated the brazen serpent, because the people would burn<br />

incense to it, I. e., worship it. That was idolatry. That brazen serpent was certainly an exceedingly precious<br />

memento of a glorious deliverance which had taken place hundreds of years before; and that godly king so<br />

realized its consolation as a souvenir of a glorious, merciful intervention, yet when the people would worship it,<br />

he utterly destroyed it, grinding it into powder, and throwing it into the brook Kedron.<br />

George Fox, the paragon saint of the Friend's religion, had no objection to the ordinances per se; he appreciated<br />

them as precious mementos of redeeming mercy and saving grace, yet he eliminated them altogether and<br />

declined to administer them, because he saw the people on all sides looking to them for salvation.<br />

I would a thousand times rather take the place of a dry-land Quaker than a water-log Campbellite.<br />

When timber gets water-logged it always sinks to the bottom of the rivers, where it rots and is lost forever.<br />

When Christians get water-logged, if they abide in that condition, they will not only forfeit all the saving grace<br />

they ever had, but sink to the bottom of Hell. Good Lord, help us to beware of hydrolatry!<br />

I have not yet written anything about the mode of baptism, for all that you have seen that is on the design. There<br />

is where we meet the tug of war. If you take it like the Campbellites and the Mormons, as an indispensable<br />

condition of salvation, you become an idolater and are in awful danger of losing your soul, world without end.<br />

This arises from the fact that our Savior is omnipotent and needs no help to save your soul or mine. Therefore<br />

when you take in a Campbellite preacher, or Mormon prophet, or a Roman Catholic priest to help Him, you<br />

offer Him a downright insult; consequently He leaves the preacher and the water god to serve you. God only<br />

saves people when they utterly abandon the water god and every other idol and say to the preachers, “Stand<br />

back and let me go and meet the Lord!” Even Mohammed, the Arabian false prophet, in his Koran when he tells<br />

about going with the angel Gabriel up to Heaven; to stand before God and receive his commission, said that<br />

when they had finally reached the sixth heaven, Gabriel asked to be excused, telling him he could escort him no<br />

farther on his way to God; that he would find Him on the throne of the universe in the seventh heaven at quite a<br />

distance. Therefore he must go on alone and stand before the effulgent throne of the great God of the universe,<br />

hear <strong>His</strong> message and receive his commission.<br />

I was a chronic mourner all my life, but never got salvation till I was sixteen years old. I was in the midst of a<br />

glorious revival among the Baptists, all of the Methodists in that country having united with them in a glorious<br />

revival effort. Finally, when I found the Lord and He saved my soul, I was in the woods alone, prostrate on the<br />

ground and crying for mercy, my sins like a mountain crushing me down to Hell. When I reached the point of<br />

utter desperation and gave up my preaching father, shouting Methodist mother, all the good church members,<br />

my own irreproachable moral character, which Satan had manipulated into a mountain of self-righteousness<br />

with which he had covered me and was pulling me into Hell, and absolutely realized that none of these could<br />

help me and I deserved nothing but a place in Hell, and said: “O Lord, just send me there; I now confess<br />

judgment against my own soul,” then the darkness which had wrapped me in Satan's midnight sped away and<br />

the glorious Sun of righteousness did rise in my soul with healing in <strong>His</strong> wings. I had been down in a deep<br />

valley alone amid the forests, crying from the depths of my hopeless soul. I found myself on the top of the<br />

highest hill, leaping for joy. A new world had burst on me and everything looked so beautiful that language is<br />

utterly impoverished to this day in an attempt to describe the rapture of my spirit. I could but sing:<br />

“Oh, how happy are they, who their Savior obey;<br />

And have laid up their treasures above.<br />

Tongue cannot express the sweet comfort and peace<br />

Of a soul in its earliest love.<br />

“That sweet comfort was mine, when the favor<br />

Divine I first found in the life-giving blood;

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