W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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circuit rider because you ride around on a horse. Now, please tell me, are you a priest?”<br />

Here you see the absolute necessity of that beautiful gift of the Holy Ghost, denominated wisdom.<br />

(1 Cor. 12:8.) Without that gift, do you not see how this brokenhearted Irish mother would have bluffed the<br />

circuit rider. But, while James Hall had no collegiate learning, he was wonderfully filled with the Holy Ghost<br />

and enriched with <strong>His</strong> gifts, therefore he was prepared to face the emergency.<br />

He responded unhesitatingly in the affirmative: “Yes, madam, I am a priest.” In this he did not prevaricate,<br />

because every called and sent preacher of the Gospel is a priest after the order of Melchizedek (Heb. 7th<br />

chapter). Then the dear woman, determined that no defalcation should supervene, clinched the matter by<br />

interrogating him: “But are you a Roman Catholic priest?” Now you see this gift of wisdom again coming to his<br />

relief, as he had to be rigidly truthful on all occasions. It would not do for him to answer in the affirmative;<br />

meanwhile a negative answer would ruin everything, utterly taking the job out of his hands. Therefore he<br />

responds: “Not exactly; but I can do anything a Roman Catholic priest can do.” Then she at once settled down in<br />

the conclusion that the priests in this new country were in some respects different from those in Ireland; but,<br />

“What does that signify if they can do everything that appertains to the office and power of the Roman Catholic<br />

priest? If that is so, he can certainly get my dear baby out of purgatory.” After this soliloquy, which instantly<br />

passed in her mind, she proceeded at once to inform him that her sweet baby had passed away in the absence of<br />

a priest to baptize it, and of course it had gone to purgatory, and he must please proceed at once to get it out.<br />

Then he responded: “My sister, your neighbor who gave me your invitation also informed me about the baby. I<br />

have had it before God, and am happy to say it is not in purgatory, but in Heaven, and is the happiest, prettiest<br />

thing you ever saw, and has never cried nor whimpered since it got there, and the angels all want it in their arms<br />

at the same time.”<br />

This so pleased the family, that they almost died of joy to think the sweet baby whom they so dearly loved was<br />

already in Heaven and the angels so delighted with it. Then he asked them if they had ever been born again, and<br />

they answered in the negative, saying that they had never heard of such a thing. Then he told them that, while<br />

the baby was already in Heaven, if they wanted to see it again they must be born from above, as the Savior said<br />

to Nicodemus. They were so delighted with the glad news which he brought them, and, had all confidence in<br />

everything the “priest” told them, they believed it without a doubt, therefore they asked him to come and see<br />

them just as often as he could. Here comes in the supernatural spiritual gift of wisdom again. He had no church<br />

edifice in all the land, and did all of his preaching in the cabins of the squatters and under the green trees.<br />

Therefore the broad invitation they had given him to visit them as their priest was all the open door he wanted to<br />

make their house a regular preaching place in his monthly round. So he says to them: “One month from this day<br />

look for me to come and see you again, and feel free to invite your friends to be present during my visit.”<br />

Therefore going around, for he had an appointment every day in the month, he published his appointment to<br />

preach in the house of the Irish Roman Catholic family.<br />

Sure enough, the day and hour arrived, and the house was crowded with those red-hot, fire-baptized Methodists,<br />

for at that time there was no other sort, Satan not as yet having invented the Methodist ice factory, which, in our<br />

day, to our deep regret, is doing a lamentably extensive business: Now these Methodists all threw open their<br />

alligator mouths and roared like lions, singing the grand full salvation songs which God gave John and Charles<br />

Wesley, so loudly that the angels heard them. Falling on their knees, their fire-baptized prayers rose in smoking<br />

volumes till it seemed that the clapboards of the roof would all take wings and fly away and lodge among the<br />

stars, and the puncheon floors break through under their ponderous leaps and mighty shouts. Meanwhile the<br />

bottom of Heaven drops out and swelling floods pour down and inundate the whole congregation.<br />

Under the irresistible power the whole family falls prostrate, paralyzed with a nightmare of repentance and<br />

seeing themselves forever lost and crying aloud for mercy; while those red-hot Methodists were just in their<br />

glory, praying those Roman Catholics through into the kingdom. What is the result? Those indefatigable<br />

Methodists never let up till that Irish family was gloriously converted. They joined the Methodist Church and all<br />

turned preachers. They, like the <strong>Godbey</strong>s, are preaching throughout the continent this day. Therefore, you see<br />

that my family, on both sides, are preachers; my mother's family by pre-emption Roman Catholics, and my<br />

father's family having emanated from the Anglican Church.

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