W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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The last great Holiness Movement in the Jewish Church was by Josiah. He went down to the bottom of things<br />

and did his best to exterminate idolatry out of the nation, traveling extensively and everywhere destroying the<br />

idols. The shrine of Moloch had stood in the valley of Hinnom, west of Jerusalem, ever since the days of<br />

Solomon. He utterly exterminated it and everything pertaining to idol worship. After all of his faithful efforts to<br />

purify the land from idolatry, when he passed away to his heavenly home the people soon began to drift back<br />

into the different forms of idol worship.<br />

You have observed all of your life that when people want a revival, they have to take their eyes off of all their<br />

ordinances and lay down their churchisms and all of their controversies and get on their faces before God. When<br />

they go back to their churchisms they grieve the Spirit, and the revival evanesces. The Holiness Movement is<br />

God's revival for the evangelization of the world. He has brought us together from all parts of the world, that we<br />

may unite our hearts and hands and, losing sight of the various phases of those churchisms in which we were<br />

born, dropping the curtain over the dark, unsatisfactory past and leaving it with all of its wrecks,<br />

disappointments, difficulties and failures, march out under the blood-stained banner for the salvation of the<br />

world.<br />

While we follow the blood-stained banner, we fight under the flag which means no compromise with sin or<br />

error. In that we are utterly free from all partisan alliances, legalisms and creedisms of every form and phase. We<br />

have forever closed our eyes to everything but God and <strong>His</strong> Word. In this exterminating war with sin and Satan<br />

we have no fight with churches. God has laid them all on our hearts, and we feel, like Paul, that we are truly<br />

indebted to all. We love all of the churches with a perfect love, which prepares us for martyrdom.<br />

This unutterable love constrains us to tell the whole truth, however unsavory it may be to their perverted<br />

olfactories. Medical science reveals that the most powerful remedies and most indispensable in therapeutics are<br />

invariably the most nauseous to the patient. Palatable medicines are not generally worth administering. Heb.<br />

4:12 tells us, “The Word of God is a two-edged sword.” If we have the courage heroically to hug the salvation<br />

edge, it will quickly cut out of us everything we cannot take to Heaven with us. If we shrink from the salvation<br />

edge, we are bound to meet the damnation edge, which will cut out forever all of our hopes of Heaven. If we<br />

will not take the precious promises in the Bible, which superabound like a rolling ocean without bank or bottom,<br />

we are destined to take the awful judgments pronounced in that volume of infallible truth.<br />

Well has man been denominated by philosophers “the religious animal.” When I traveled around the world I saw<br />

that the poor heathen were quite as religious as the Christians; but the trouble is there is no Savior from sin in all<br />

their religion. Their idols stand between them and God, so that they stop short of Him “who is mighty to save<br />

and strong to deliver.” In Christian lands, the water god is the most prominent; the same is true in heathen lands.<br />

They throng their holy rivers by the millions and plunge beneath the limpid wave to get rid of their sins, in their<br />

heathen blindness doing just what myriads are doing amid the glorious light of Christian civilization, showing<br />

thereby the universal trend toward idolatry.<br />

Shall we not put away every god but Jesus? When we have Him, we have the heavenly Trinity, Father, Son, and<br />

Holy Ghost. Col. 2:9, “In Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” You are complete in Him, who is<br />

the head of all government and authority. Therefore you see plainly that when you have Him enthroned,<br />

crowned and sceptered, reigning in your heart and life without a rival, then you have the glorious heavenly<br />

Trinity, and everything else appertaining to life and godliness. Hence the pertinency of the unceasing battle-cry,<br />

“Jesus only.” The truth is, the very fact that you are running after other things is prima facie evidence that you<br />

do not have Him enthroned in your heart. He makes the life a cloudless sunshine, and so satisfies the longings of<br />

the immortal soul that you rest in perfect peace, having the full satiety of your hitherto insatiable spirit. If Jesus<br />

had been enthroned in my heart, I never would have constrained that Methodist preacher to immerse me in<br />

water, because I would have been perfectly satisfied already.<br />

In writing my biography I have already given you quite a history of my debates with the Campbellites, which<br />

covered a space of ten years, during the very flower of my young manhood.<br />

Some who, in the Providence of God, may read this may conclude that I have a retaliatory spirit; in this I have<br />

the consolation that they are mistaken. I know that I love all the people whom I have met on the controversial<br />

floor with the perfect love which prepares me to die for them. Of this, God is my judge. If He needs my

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