W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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anti-Christ. Therefore he does his best by his preaching to convince the sinner that he cannot get to Christ, meet<br />

Him and receive his salvation. This is an undeniable fact, since he actually tells him he has no right to pray,<br />

whereas prayer is the only possible method of access to the Savior. Hence you see this poor, mistaken man<br />

actually heads the sinner off and paralyzes all of his efforts to get to Christ, by telling him that he has no right to<br />

pray, and if he does God will not hear him. At the same time he pleads with him with all his might to come and<br />

join the church and let him immerse him in water for the remission of his sins, which is farcical and<br />

blasphemous. Jesus alone has the power to save a soul (Acts 4:12). Our work is nothing but to tell the poor lost<br />

sinners about Him, and to do our utmost by our prayers and instructions to encourage them in their seeking after<br />

Him. This has always been the only way of salvation. God says through <strong>His</strong> own prophet: “Let the wicked man<br />

forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him, return unto the Lord, who will have mercy on<br />

him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” There never from the beginning has been any other way of<br />

salvation but for a man to seek and find the Lord for himself and get truly, knowingly, and intelligently saved,<br />

which God always attests by <strong>His</strong> Holy Spirit so that we know it is better than anything else. God is the greatest<br />

of all teachers. When men teach us an important truth, we know it but when God teaches us, we know infinitely<br />

better than anything that man can possibly teach us.<br />

When they get people utterly alienated from the influence of the Holy Ghost, there is no longer any probability<br />

of their finding Jesus their Savior, as the Holy Ghost alone can reveal Him.<br />

Consequently in every protracted meeting they would begin by preaching against the work of the Holy Spirit,<br />

tantalizing and mocking frequently in order to stir up the risibles of the people and expedite their utter alienation<br />

from the Holy Spirit. After they thought they had convinced them that there was no such thing as Holy Ghost<br />

religion, that it was all wild-fire and fanaticism, then, changing their tactics, they would preach on sin and Hell,<br />

not holding up Jesus and <strong>His</strong> precious blood as the remedy, but obedience and especially church joining,<br />

confession and immersion. They would often speak very pathetically of the Savior's dying love, which was<br />

much to our edification, but all of that dying love is of no avail to the sinner unless he can find Him and get Him<br />

to save him.<br />

This he can never do unless the Holy Ghost has revealed Him; on this the Word is clear and explicit.<br />

“No one can say that Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Ghost.” Therefore when they ridicule, and with sarcasm,<br />

witticism, burlesque and vociferous speeches have convinced the people that there is no Holy Ghost nor<br />

experimental religion, do you not see that they have already effectually headed them off from Jesus, whom none<br />

but the Holy Ghost can reveal? Oh, that those preachers could only be converted to God, so they would fly from<br />

the office of anti-Christ, as from the mouth of Hell, and take their places where they are so much needed as the<br />

preachers of our glorious Savior who is mighty to save.<br />

The human heart spontaneously bows in reverential awe to everything in all the universe on which its salvation<br />

from sin, death and Hell depends. I have conversed with many heathen bowing before their idols. They all<br />

denied that they were worshipping them; but said that they had them because they reminded them of God. As<br />

the holiness people are from all churches, sects and nationalities, therefore we have a constant fight to keep<br />

them out of the different initial phases of idolatry, always more or less prevalent in Christian nations. See where<br />

Catholicism has gone so deep into idolatry that it is hard to tell whether their condition is any more hopeful than<br />

that of the heathen. They actually seem to have lost a personal knowledge of God.<br />

Sanctification gloriously delivers every soul from idolatry in all of its forms and phases. Hezekiah was a great<br />

leader of the most prevalent Holiness Movement which had been known in the Jewish Church. He traveled all<br />

over the country destroying idols everywhere and doing his best to exterminate idol worship out of the land. Yet<br />

his only son, Manasseh, who succeeded him on the throne and reigned fifty-three years, went into idolatry and<br />

even had idols put into the holy temple and worshipped there. God permitted the king of Babylon to take him<br />

away captive. There he suffered awful horrors, as they made a specialty of punishing him in a most unmerciful<br />

manner. But these terrible sufferings brought him to repentance, so that he got down low, humbling himself<br />

before God and crying for <strong>His</strong> mercy till He heard him and delivered him out of his captivity, sent him back to<br />

Jerusalem and restored to him his kingdom. After this Manasseh did his best to reform the nation from idolatry,<br />

but could not.

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