W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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people. God's true people have always by their enemies been denominated fanatics, and such we are from their<br />

standpoint. Whereas they call us fanatics, and do not prove it for the good reason that they cannot, we know we<br />

are not fanatics. We believe and preach nothing but the plain Word of God, without twisting or perverting it;<br />

meanwhile we know that they are fanatics because they flatly contradict the Word of God.<br />

The above Scripture, enunciated by Peter on the day of Pentecost, irrefutably contradicts the Campbellite dogma<br />

which restricts our Savior's baptism which He administers with the Holy Ghost and fire to that day and<br />

occasion, because Peter here is so clear and explicit that candor and veracity cannot possibly mistake. Here you<br />

see he positively says that this baptism which Jesus had given him that day is for “all that are afar off, even as<br />

many as the Lord our God may call.” This refers to the Gospel call which is still going on. I have preached in<br />

towns where they said they never had heard this call before. In India the whole country has been stirred,<br />

especially in the last year, with the literal and actual fulfillment of this glorious promise during the three months<br />

of my constant preaching there, this wonderful baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire which constantly attended<br />

our ministry.<br />

It was not at all uncommon for the Spirit to fall on those people, and they would pray through to God, get saved<br />

and sanctified and shout all night. Oh, how gloriously is God this day fulfilling that promise among the<br />

benighted pagans, who have awaited the coming of the Gospel herald for thousands of dreary years.<br />

Those Campbellites during my boyhood spent the most of their pulpit time toiling, sweating and vociferating in<br />

a desperate effort to drive the Holy Ghost from the people. When they had fought and conquered the Holy Ghost<br />

in a community, of course they had things their own way, with nothing to do but to get the people and immerse<br />

them in water. Of course the people had to take their word for it and conclude that their sins were forgiven in the<br />

act of immersion. As the preachers labored persistently to convince the people that there was no such a thing as<br />

a change of heart and a spiritual experience, of course when they got them completely under their influence they<br />

did not look for anything of that kind.<br />

After immersion for remission, they only required converts to live a moral life, abstaining from outward, overt<br />

participation in the vulgar vices; and to be faithful church-goers, obedient to the active duties incumbent on a<br />

church member. The idea of getting to where they did not commit sin daily and hourly they utterly ignored and<br />

ridiculed; their preachers confessing that they sinned daily like other people, and preaching to people that<br />

nobody could live in this world without sin. They are simply strict and rigid legalists from beginning to end.<br />

They preached the law of pardon, confession and immersion for the remission of all their past sins.<br />

They positively deny, and actually in their debates with me affirmed before the vast multitudes that a sinner has<br />

no right to pray, and if he does God does not hear him. They constantly falsify the statement of the man who had<br />

been born blind and whose eyes our Savior had opened (John 9:31), “We know that God does not hear sinners,<br />

but if any one may be a worshipper of God and does the <strong>His</strong> will, He heareth him.” They always used that as a<br />

proof that a sinner has no right to pray, and if he does God does not hear him nor answer his prayer. You see in<br />

this that they wickedly pervert the Word of God. This man was answering the statement of the Pharisees that<br />

Jesus was a sinner because He did not keep the Sabbath. The meaning of the man is that if Jesus was a sinner<br />

God would not work miracles through <strong>His</strong> instrumentality; whereas in the same sentence he says if any man is a<br />

worshipper of God He does hear him. Every penitent sinner bows down before God and does worship Him.<br />

Therefore you see this, which is the only passage they have for the fact that a sinner has no right to pray, proves<br />

the very opposite, that it is his glorious privilege to pray, and when he does, with a broken heart and contrite<br />

spirit, God always hears him. That is an illustration of the audaciously wicked perversion to which those dear<br />

people expose God's precious Word. Repeatedly, in their debates with me, their champion exponent (as they<br />

always selected the best they had) affirmed that the sinner had no right to pray; therefore you see they take the<br />

work of salvation entirely out of the hands of God, like the Roman Catholic priest who, when a man joined his<br />

church and asked him what he was to do to be saved, said to him, “Give yourself no concern about that; rest<br />

easy and I will attend to it. You obey me and I will see to your soul.” Their attitude is literally papistical; and<br />

though they claim to be the Christians, in an exclusive sense (they did at that time, but think they have given it<br />

up), they are in fact anti-Christian.<br />

The Pope is the anti-Christ of prophecy. All of his priests are subordinate anti-Christs. I am sorry I have to give

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