W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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what he does not know. The Gospel is not a speech to be delivered, but “it is the power (dynamite) of God unto<br />

salvation, to every one that believeth.” (Rom. 1:16.) Power is something to be known and felt experimentally.<br />

People who have no experience of personal salvation are utterly ignorant of the Gospel.<br />

That whole country was inundated with that awful infidelity, its adherents clamoring vociferously for the<br />

isolated legalistic dogma, “Immersion for Remission,” and actually fighting with all their might the whole<br />

curriculum of Gospel truth, even denying its very existence. So long had they overrun that country with this<br />

uncompromising belligerent preaching, denunciatory and condemnatory of the great spiritual experimental truth,<br />

which really constitutes Bible theology, and ever warding off opposition by constant bantering and challenging,<br />

that they actually captured the ignorant (spiritually) people and took them to the water in platoons. They<br />

required nothing in the way of antecedent preparation, except the confession that Jesus Christ is the Son of God;<br />

then they immersed them for the remission of their sins and warned them to have nothing to do with<br />

experimental religion.<br />

You can see plainly that their work meant recruiting souls for Satan, because this church-joining and baptism,<br />

with their actual admonitions against the Holy Ghost, were calculated to harden their hearts and stiffen their<br />

necks, “that they might believe a lie and be damned;” thus leaving folks in infinitely worse spiritual plight than<br />

when they found them. While “Holy Ghost” and “Holy Spirit” are precisely synonymous, there being but one<br />

phrase in the original, to hagion pneuma; it is perfectly optionary with the translator to render the “Holy Ghost”<br />

or “Holy Spirit,” as he may prefer), in their baptisms they never said “Holy Ghost,” but “Holy Spirit,” simply<br />

meaning the Word, as they utterly denied the person.<br />

The Campbellites boasted over their good confession, (Acts 8:37), that of the eunuch before Philip baptized<br />

him. Alexander Campbell fought all of the human creeds all of his life, and boasted that he took the Bible alone;<br />

therefore he adopted this one question as the solitary requirement of people seeking admission into his church.<br />

At present no scholar believes the eunuch's confession ever was in the Bible. Erasmus, a noble, godly preacher,<br />

contemporary with Martin Luther, while transcribing the New Testament, studying over the baptism of the<br />

eunuch, concluded that there ought to be a confession preceding the administration. Therefore, supposing that<br />

some careless transcriber had left it out, he composed it according to his own judgment and put it in. Afterwards<br />

many old manuscripts were discovered and as none of them contained it, of course, it became a known fact that<br />

it had never been in the Bible. If Campbell had known that, he would not have used it, as he was so<br />

stickleristical for the Word, which I confess to his honor.<br />

I also endorse all of his arguments against human creeds. We certainly, as he earnestly contended, need no creed<br />

nor authority but the New Testament which is plain on everything important in the way of doctrine,<br />

organization, church government and discipline. While he was a great intellectualist and very learned, his<br />

writings constantly show deficiency in spirituality. The dear man actually went into fanaticism on baptism,<br />

making it everything in the gracious economy, while the Bible makes it nothing but the outward sign of inward<br />

grace which is as real and available without the sign, as with it. A physician has a perfect right to put up his sign;<br />

yet he is just as good and efficient in curing the sick without it as with it. Meanwhile the various quacks, who,<br />

instead of cure, can use as brilliant a sign as the best doctor in the world. Hence we see the silly nonsense of<br />

attaching saving efficacy to the mere outward sign. It is like hanging the doctor's sign over the sick bed instead<br />

of taking the panacea. A fanatic is a person who permits a theory or dogma to lead him away from God's Word.<br />

So long as you rigidly follow the precious Word, you will never go into fanaticism.<br />

The Campbellites utterly deny that there is such a thing as our Savior's baptism, which He administers with the<br />

Holy Ghost and fire, now on the earth. They unanimously tell us and stoutly contend that it ceased when the<br />

apostles all left the world. As a rule they limit it to the day of Pentecost. In this they flatly contradict the Word of<br />

God. Therefore we know they are wrong. Acts 2:39, “For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to<br />

all who are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” Peter is here talking about the identical<br />

baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire which they had received that very morning; therefore it is absolutely<br />

undeniable and inevitable. When people flatly contradict God's Word, always know that they are clearly gone<br />

into wild fanaticism. Those people constantly denounce the orthodox Christians of the different denominations<br />

who profess experimental religion, as fanatics; at the same time boasting vociferously that they are the Bible

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