W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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sense. They constantly keep the lines distinctly drawn between themselves and all other denominations;<br />

contemptuously and condemnatorally denouncing them “sects,” in contradistinction to themselves the<br />

“Christians,” exclusively of all others. At the same time they sedulously, vociferously and incessantly denied<br />

that they ever were a denomination, claiming to be the only Christians in the world because they had no creed<br />

and took the Bible as their only authority, rejecting all sectarian names, and were consequently the Christians.<br />

They often said that if the Savior was on the earth He would walk through the towns, passing by every other<br />

church edifice but theirs, which He would enter and recognize them for <strong>His</strong> people, to the exclusion of all<br />

others. Their constant and unequivocal preaching, uncompromisingly condemnatory of all the people who<br />

claimed Holy Ghost experimental religion, not only denied the personal existence of the Holy Ghost, simply<br />

identifying Him with the Word and utterly eliminating Him from the Trinity, but ridiculed <strong>His</strong> presence and<br />

operation on the hearts of the people, so that they developed an awful trend of the popular mind in the direction<br />

of the unpardonable sin. (Matt. 12:30-32.) This our Savior pronounces the “blasphemy of the Spirit.” The<br />

meaning of blasphemy is contemptuous treatment of God. In this awful blasphemy of the Holy Ghost their<br />

preachers led the way, and the people followed them like sheep follow a shepherd.<br />

The normal trend of their work was to drive all real conviction, which the Holy Ghost alone can give, out of the<br />

popular mind, and superinduce a species of bold, predominant infidelity on all sides, while at the same time<br />

claiming to be the only genuine article of Christianity in all the country, and consigning everything else to Hell.<br />

The inevitable result of this pseudo Gospel was to actually eliminate a knowledge of God entirely out of the<br />

country. This conclusion follows as a normal sequence from God's Word, which plainly teaches that no one can<br />

know the Son of God without the Holy Ghost, as He is <strong>His</strong> only revelator. (I Cor. 12:4.) We read in our Savior's<br />

preaching the positive statement that “No one knows the Father but the Son and he to whom the Son reveals<br />

Him.” Therefore you see that when people reject the Holy Ghost they never can know either the Father or the<br />

Son; consequently those who do so actually retrogress into practical heathenism.<br />

Their system of theology is so small and simple that they never lack preachers, because any one who has natural<br />

colloquial and oratorical gifts can, in a very little time learn all of their doctrines, which really are condensed in<br />

the simple statement, “Immersion for the remission of sins.” This is really their only positive doctrine. All the<br />

balance is negative, denying not only the personal existence of the Holy Ghost, but all of <strong>His</strong> mighty works, in<br />

illuminations, conviction, conversion, regeneration, witness of the Spirit and sanctification.<br />

The personal Father sits upon the throne of the universe, while millions of worlds wheel in their orbits,<br />

responsive to <strong>His</strong> sovereign mandate. The personal Son now sits at the right hand of the Father and administers<br />

the mediatorial kingdom of human redemption, through the personal Holy Ghost whom He sends into the world<br />

to shine into every heart, convict every soul, save every penitent, sanctify every believer, and reveal the glorified<br />

Savior to every human soul. He gives every faithful pilgrim all needed help, with the eye of Jesus, the infallible<br />

Paragon, to travel the King's highway of Holiness, successfully fighting the battles and winning victories, till the<br />

probationary war is ended and the ipse dixit rings, “It is enough, come up higher.” Since Campbellite theology,<br />

significantly multum in parvo, “much in little,” is all told in the terse phrase, “Immersion for the remission of<br />

sins,” they can all quickly learn to graduate. They have nothing to do but to deny the whole curriculum of<br />

spiritual truth, in which they shrewdly and adroitly bring into availability wit, humor, sarcasm, ridicule,<br />

burlesque, and even the awful and horrific blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. Hence our country swarmed with<br />

preachers who, to all spiritual people, sadly exposed their experimental ignorance of God; e. g., two of them<br />

were holding a revival meeting and doing their best to get joiners all the time. One of them was preaching a<br />

powerful sermon against experimental religion and assuring the people that there is no such thing, and proving it<br />

by the fact that he did not have it. He said: “Here you see me; I have been through college and read the Bible<br />

through, and of course if there was any such thing as experimental religion I would have found it and would<br />

have it. But, brethren, I tell you frankly and honestly I have never seen anything of it, and I have not got it.”<br />

Then turning to his brother preacher, sitting in the pulpit, he said: “Brother Martin, have you got it?” He spoke<br />

up: “No, I have not got it.” Then he turned to his audience and said: “I prove by us two witnesses that there is no<br />

such thing as Holy Ghost religion.” Now recognize and diagnose that meeting for a moment. You see two<br />

sinners, utterly unacquainted with God, there pretentiously preaching the Gospel, of which they were utterly<br />

ignorant and had no more qualifications to preach than a Hottentot. It is utterly impossible for a man to preach

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