W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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The Campbellite dogma of confession and baptism actually takes away the convictions by rendering the sinner<br />

independent of Christ. No one ever does get pardoned till he has given up everything else, finding his own good<br />

works all “filthy rags in the sight of God.” With this universal surrender he must also give up that dogma of<br />

remission by immersion, otherwise he will never be able to reach that utter desperation of all earthly resources<br />

which must inevitably antedate his total, unreserved and eternal abandonment at the feet of Jesus, and the final<br />

ejectment of his hopeless soul on the mercy of God in Christ; which is absolutely necessary to bring him into a<br />

position to receive the free pardon of all his sin. Therefore these false prophets with their legalism actually head<br />

off the sinner from Christ and put him on this greased plank of legalism, on which he slides down to Hell.<br />

In my world-wide travels, when seeing the millions of idolaters, and preaching in the midst of their temples and<br />

shrines and amid millions thronging the holy rivers to wash away their sins in those sacred waters, or, a matter<br />

of convenience to the people living far away from those holy rivers, washing in the holy tanks, that they might<br />

be saved, thus actually worshipping those holy waters; I often thought about the myriads in Christian lands who<br />

are wedded to idolatry in different forms and phases. Hydrolatry, I. e., water worship, is very prevalent. <strong>Rest</strong><br />

assured that every person who believes in baptism in order to the remission of sins, or in any way regards it as a<br />

saving ordinance, is a hydrolater, I. e., a water worshipper, which is a form of idolatry exceedingly prominent in<br />

heathen lands, and has been developed more or less in the Church in every age.<br />

With the Roman and Greek Catholics, Maryolatry, I. e., the worship of the Virgin Mary, which is none other<br />

than a species of idolatry, has actually captured three hundred and fifty millions of people who wear the<br />

Christian name.<br />

Eucharolatry, I. e., the worship of the sacramental elements, has not only swept Catholicism in all lands, but the<br />

thirty millions of Lutherans throughout the world, I am sorry to say, are by no means free from it. Luther found<br />

the Church, just having passed through the Dark Ages (a thousand years, during which not one man in a<br />

thousand could read or write), full of idolatry. The Church remained pure till the conversion of the Emperor<br />

Constantine, A. D. 321. He did his best to stop pagan worship throughout his world-wide empire, but he could<br />

not do it. Under his potent influence millions of heathen were brought into the Church without a knowledge of<br />

God in personal experience. Therefore while they gave up their pagan worship, they soon idolized the<br />

sacraments, baptism and the Lord's Supper. They magnified them, as they imputed salvation to them. Soon the<br />

triune immersion, in a state of entire nudity and with a lot of ceremonies invented by the priests, universally<br />

prevailed. Luther found the Church wrapped in the dismal night of the Dark Ages and had so much to do that he<br />

did not get rid of all of the dogmata of priestcraft, which had found their way into the Church.<br />

The Roman Catholics hold the doctrine of transubstantiation, pursuant to which they claim that when the priest<br />

consecrates the bread, it is actually turned into the literal body of Christ, which the people eat, and the wine into<br />

the literal body of Christ, which they drink. While Luther tried to get rid of that heresy, he hung on a<br />

modification of it, which he called consubstantiation. In this he discards the popish dogma that the elements are<br />

turned into our Lord's literal body and blood; meanwhile he maintains the real presence of the body and blood.<br />

Therefore the people under his reformation still held on to the papistical dogma of sins forgiven in the<br />

sacrament.<br />

I remember an illustrative case. A profane, drunken German had married a very bright and spiritual Methodist<br />

woman. He was learned and intellectual, but really a wicked man. Though born a Lutheran, when I invited the<br />

Christians to the sacraments on the Sunday morning of the quarterly meeting, he came from the rear of the<br />

congregation and took his place among the communicants.<br />

Afterward some of them asked him why he did it, as he was a notorious sinner. He told them he did it because<br />

he wanted his sins forgiven. He was no Christian, but an eucharolater, I. e., an idolater, worshipping the Lord's<br />

sacrament; just like the man who receives baptism in order for the remission of his sins.<br />

Another form of idolatry common in Christian lands is eccelesiolatry, I. e., church worship. It is very extensive<br />

and growing rapidly and is awfully detrimental to spirituality. I have often known a congregation to backslide<br />

while building a fine edifice, after the occupancy of which they never more had the Holy Ghost and the old-time<br />

power. God was grieved away because they worshipped the fine edifice. Oh, how pertinent for us to constantly<br />

pray, like the Apostle John, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols.”

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