W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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our Lord.<br />

There are four justifications in human life:<br />

FIRST, in infancy we are all justified without faith or works, but purely by the work of Christ.<br />

SECOND, the sinner is justified by faith alone, as he is in the devil's kingdom and if he did any good work the<br />

devil would get it. Therefore it is impossible for him to do anything but cast himself on the mercy of God in<br />

Christ and trust Jesus for pardon and salvation. The Campbellite policy of having him depend on works is most<br />

nonsensical, as he cannot possibly do anything that would not belong to the devil until he gets out of his<br />

kingdom, which he can never do till he is freely justified by the work of Christ, which he can only receive and<br />

appropriate by faith. Then God freely forgives him all his sins for Christ's sake and the Holy Spirit regenerates<br />

him, therefore this awful diabolical priestcraft that sends the weeping penitent to the water instead of Jesus is the<br />

cunning device of Satan for his certain damnation. Better that preacher never had been born than to assume this<br />

awful responsibility of coming between the lost soul and the Savior, and offering him the vain substitute of<br />

church rites instead of the precious blood of Jesus. If this doctrine had been true, the Son of God might have<br />

saved <strong>His</strong> life and stayed in Heaven, for we had the law from the beginning with nothing to do but to obey; we<br />

always had plenty of water to immerse people. This horrific, Satanic legalism of salvation by obedience, which<br />

those people preached boldly with all their might, (and I doubt not their sincerity, because blind people do not<br />

see anything), is shocking and appalling beyond all conception, as it actually treats with contempt the dying love<br />

of Jesus, which brought Him from Heaven to redeem us by <strong>His</strong> blood.<br />

If this doctrine were true, you plainly see the work of Christ was not necessary. Truly, this terrific falsehood<br />

hatched in the bottomless pit shoves away Jesus in a corner and gives the Campbellites, the Mormon prophet,<br />

and the Roman Catholic priests the field, honored with the investiture of life and salvation. You may take a<br />

whole community under this influence and this state of things will normally obtain; the preachers coming to the<br />

front and Jesus relegated to the rear. It really becomes a puzzle to know what use they have for Him, as they are<br />

just ready to take the candidate's confession, immerse him for the remission of his sins, and thus make him a<br />

Christian, after their bogus nomenclature, independent of Christ. Shocking to think! After the poor sinner has<br />

been freely justified by the vicarious substitutionary atonement of Christ, received and appropriated by faith, he<br />

is then gloriously regenerated by the Holy Ghost.<br />

THIRD, as bona fide citizens of the kingdom, we must always obey God, proving our faith by our works, as<br />

James beautifully teaches us, in perfect harmony with Paul's powerful and unmistakable deliverances on the<br />

justification of all sinners by faith, “without deeds of law.” Baptism is a deed of the ritual law, and therefore,<br />

with all other deeds of law, eternally and unequivocally excluded from the realm of justification. It comes in<br />

with all other good works, after we are freely justified by the grace of God in Christ, and joyfully regenerated by<br />

the Holy Ghost.<br />

FOURTH, there is also a fourth justification which takes place when we stand before the judgment seat of<br />

Christ. This justification is by works alone. Revelation 22:12: “Behold, I come quickly, and My reward is with<br />

me, to give unto each one as his work is.” You see that while the doctrine of good works has not anything to do<br />

with saving us from our sins, which is the work of Christ alone, yet they are the measure of our reward in<br />

Heaven. Therefore we should work for the Lord night and day after we get into <strong>His</strong> kingdom; but beware of<br />

Satan's awful lies, telling you that you can get saved by good works. Until you are saved, you are still in the<br />

devil's kingdom, therefore, as you are under his influence, he will hallucinate you by the idea that you can be<br />

saved by your good works; because in this way he will drive off your convictions, thus making you believe you<br />

are a Christian, when he knows you are a sinner. If he can keep you under that delusion, he will soon have you<br />

in Hell<br />


Churches which do not send people directly to the feet of Jesus to implore the pardoning mercy of God which<br />

He purchased on Calvary, are all Hell traps, hallucinating the people with the vain delusion that they are<br />

Christians, when they are sinners on the broad road to Hell.

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