W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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fortifying Jerusalem by impregnable walls.<br />

The Methodist preachers had yielded to intimidation and given up the altar, contenting themselves to take in<br />

members as seekers and risk getting them converted afterwards. This state of things was fast secularizing the<br />

Church, as the old ones who had been saved were going to Heaven and leaving the Church in the hands of their<br />

successors who knew not the Lord experimentally. I could not preach Bible Holy Ghost religion clearly,<br />

forcefully, efficiently and successfully, without constantly exposing the silly, superficial sophistries of<br />

Campbellism, which the people had heard so long that many of them believed, and really the popular mind had<br />

suffered an awful deterioration appertaining to the orthodox truth of the Bible, which is the actual new creation<br />

wrought in the heart by the Holy Ghost, through faith subsequently to a radical and genuine repentance.<br />

Campbell's translation of the New Testament was circulated and read, which gives “reformation” for<br />

“repentance,” and “immersion” for “baptism,” thus really eliminating spirituality out of the Bible. The Greek<br />

word for repentance is metamoria, which literally means a change of mind. The Campbellite interpretation is<br />

simply metaphysical, construing it into a mere change of purpose and consequent reformation. The error lurks<br />

deep down on the bottom of Bible theology. The Bible is not a book on mental philosophy, but salvation and<br />

serves as its own expositor. The precious book plainly reveals what the change of mind is; not simply a change<br />

of thought and purpose, but the actual removal of the carnal mind, which is hereditary from fallen Adam, and its<br />

substitution by the mind of Christ, which is created in the heart by the Holy Ghost in regeneration. In the first<br />

great work of grace wrought by the Holy Ghost in justification and regeneration, which constitutes conversion,<br />

the old man of sin,<br />

I. e., the carnal mind, is conquered and grace given to hold him in subordination so that he does not break<br />

out and commit actual transgressions; yet we still have him on hand in the deep interior of the heart and ready to<br />

rise in the form of pride, vanity, ambition, lust, passion, temper, envy, jealousy, revenge, ritualism, prejudice,<br />

bigotry, egotism, sectarianism, self-will and a diversity of insidious metamorphisms. Consequently every true<br />

Christian has the inward conflict till these indwelling enemies, which are the elements of the carnal mind, are all<br />

washed away by the cleansing blood in entire sanctification, which is the completion of repentance.<br />

The vast multitudes who came from all the surrounding country to attend those debates had never heard much<br />

true, straight, orthodox preaching, as four-fifths of the crowd were either members of the Campbellites or under<br />

their influence. My opportunities to preach the Gospel to the people who had really never heard it were almost<br />

as if one were in India. Some places where I preached, the people said that they had never heard the Gospel<br />

before. Let the Campbellites get the complete monopoly of a country and give the people nothing but their water<br />

doctrines, and at the same time abuse and ridicule Holy Ghost religion and tell the people that there is no such<br />

thing, and that the people who profess it are fanatics, deceived and deceiving others; in a generation or two the<br />

Gospel will go out of that country, and the people become practically heathenized. The doctrine constantly<br />

preached by these people, which I heard incessantly during the first twenty years of my life, is literal idolatry. In<br />

the house of Noah, whence all the people in the world emanated, they all had a knowledge of the true God; but<br />

how quickly they trended away into idolatry. Baal, the sun-god, and Ashteroth, the moon-goddess, led the way<br />

in the monopoly of the human heart, as they are the most conspicuous to the eye.<br />

Well has man been denominated by philosophers the “religious animal.” Therefore a nation without a religion<br />

has never been found. The most simple form of religion which has been found among all nations is spiritism, I.<br />

e., the recognition of a spirit at every place, at a fountain, at a river, or a mountain, or a plain. They think that<br />

there is a spirit there somewhere having charge of it, and if they do not respect its rights and show it reverence<br />

by offering it sacrifice, it will punish them in some way. From this comes fetishism, the religion of charms, I. e.,<br />

the wearing of something on one's person, like a ring on the finger, to keep away diseases, and fortify you<br />

against evils.<br />

You see how exceedingly difficult it was to keep Israel out of idolatry. They would engage in the worship of<br />

Jehovah, whom they could not see, but they wanted to see the object of their worship.<br />

Baal, the sun-god, was so conspicuous as he rolled his fiery chariot over the skies, flooding the world with his<br />

light, that they felt awed into reverence before him and constrained to recognize his majesty by offering him a<br />

sacrifice. Thy believed that he was the god that made them. The American Indians have always worshipped the

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