W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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calculated to derail and sidetrack you. When you, thus robed and ready, stand watching and waiting the<br />

appearing of our glorious Lord coming in the clouds to consummate the long anticipated rapture of <strong>His</strong><br />

expectant spouse, then, responsive to the archangel's trump, through the faith by which Enoch was translated<br />

that he should not taste death even so the saints of the latter days will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air<br />

and to thus be forever with Him. This is the glorious transfiguration Gospel, when the same heavenly dynamite<br />

that gave us the Sinai conviction when a sinner, a sky blue regeneration when a brokenhearted penitent, a<br />

triumphant sanctification when we sought the second great work of grace, will also transform these mortal<br />

bodies in the twinkling of an eye, eliminating all ponderous matter, till they will not weigh anything and<br />

consequently, spontaneously responsive to the interior impulses of the soul, will rise with shouts of victory to<br />

meet the Lord in the air.<br />

N. B. This dynamite (Rom. 1:16) is the Gospel. It is God's own definition. Without it you may hear the Word<br />

like sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal, but, utterly destitute of the Gospel, you will never be saved. You will<br />

see from this Scripture that you receive this Gospel not by works, but by faith alone, as it is the dynamite of God<br />

only to those who believe. If you have not received it, mark it down that there is a deficiency in your faith. In all<br />

probability the deficiency is in the department of repentance, which is absolutely necessary to put you on<br />

believing-ground, in order that you may be justified, sanctified, and glorified by faith. Thus alone will you<br />

receive these three great and indispensable works of grace.<br />

Oh, what a grand open door did the blessed Lord give me in those debates. Both contestants had equal time<br />

which the umpire diligently kept, securing to each one every minute due him. He had a right to do as he pleased<br />

with his time. I had no trouble to answer all of their Water doctrines in one-half of my allotted time. Then I had<br />

the other half to preach Holy Ghost religion like lightning to the multitude, when God wonderfully used this<br />

truth. During a debate of eight days of four hours each, we could pour out on them floods of the precious truth<br />

which alone can save a lost world. As the days passed by, conviction descended from God and settled down on<br />

unsaved people like a nightmare. There we had multitudes of Campbellites as well as sinners of other churches<br />

who so much needed the Gospel, but who, through the manipulations of their preachers, had been kept away<br />

from Holy Ghost meetings, which their preachers had denounced and ridiculed, arousing their prejudices against<br />

them in order to make sure of holding them.<br />

In the providence of God, I had two debates of eight days each with Elder J. B. Briney, a classical scholar and a<br />

great orator.<br />

As uniformly I only needed half of my time to answer their water arguments, I had the other half to preach the<br />

power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth. We get this wonderful salvation only through faith.<br />

When you resort to other devices, you are sidetracked by Satan every time, and trying to get it by works, which<br />

the Scriptures condemn from beginning to end. <strong>Rest</strong> assured, legalism is Satan's greased plank over which he<br />

slides multiplied millions into Hell.<br />

Whenever any person is shoving any kind of work as a condition of justification, regeneration, or sanctification<br />

you, you may know he is sidetracking you into legalism, which is the sleekest plank to Hell. You say, “I have the<br />

faith, but not the experience.” I know you are mistaken. If you had the faith, you would have the experience,<br />

because Jesus says: “As your faith is, so be it unto you.” Matt.<br />

9:29. He makes faith the necessary line of the grace He gives you, and you so find it throughout the Bible,<br />

without a solitary exception.<br />

In debating with Elder Briney, I used my extra time to show up the grand spiritual truths of the Bible along the<br />

line of experimental salvation, assuring the people that they might take all of those water doctrines and do their<br />

best on the line of legal obedience and they would certainly be lost forever. We obey the law because we are<br />

saved. If we do it in order to get saved we will be forever lost, because, in so doing, we ignore the perfect work<br />

of Christ, which we can only receive by faith.<br />

If we resort to our own works, in that way we vitiate the faith which alone can receive and appropriate the<br />

salvation of Christ.<br />

While I was exposing that awful Campbellite legalism, he called me to order. The law of forensic discussion,

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