W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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experimental religion; at the same time bringing burlesque and sarcasm in all possible availability to conserve<br />

the end in view, I. e., to get all the members they could. When they had preached several sermons directly<br />

against all spirituality in every form and phase, till they thought they had convinced the sinners that there was no<br />

such a thing as finding the Lord and receiving conscious experimental salvation, then they would change their<br />

tactics and preach Hell and damnation with all their might, at the same time assuring the people that if they<br />

would quit their sins, join the Church and receive baptism for the remission of their sins, the whole matter<br />

would then be settled forever and they would then have nothing to do but to keep the moral commandments.<br />

When they succeeded in convincing the people that they were correct, then of course they would begin to join,<br />

one moving another and the influence spreading till they would sweep in quite a multitude, as they believed that<br />

they were liable to drop into Hell before they were immersed for the remission of their sins; therefore they<br />

always rushed away to the creek and immersed them. From the simple fact that I know that the whole procedure<br />

is untrue and has deceived millions who are now in eternity, I kindly dictate these pages. If you will reflect a<br />

moment, you will know that this whole system is radically false. You know that if it were true our Savior would<br />

never have come down from Heaven, bled and died on the cross to redeem us from sin, death and Hell. There<br />

was as much water in the world to immerse people before He came as since; they had Noah's flood. If the people<br />

could be saved by obedience, as these people preach, you know they had the law from the beginning. Therefore<br />

you see how they not only minify, but utterly ignore, the work of Christ.<br />

Their whole system consists in a reflection on and vilification of the Holy Ghost, a minification of the<br />

atonement and a practical ignoring of our blessed Savior and <strong>His</strong> mighty works in the salvation of souls. In their<br />

preaching, they boldly claimed to be the only Christian Church in the world, following the Bible as their only<br />

guide, while other churches followed their creeds. Oh, I have so often seen them hold up the Methodist<br />

discipline and denounce it with the bitterest condemnation, drawing the most enviable contrast with the Bible<br />

and telling the people they were the only church that had no creed and followed the Bible alone. Of course we<br />

have no business with any creed, except the New Testament, which ought to be the creed of Christendom. The<br />

Old Testament is all right, true and precious, but we are not living under that dispensation. Therefore, while we<br />

duly appreciate it for the wonderful truth it contains, we adopt the New as our only guide, lest we get sidetracked<br />

away from the glorious Pentecostal Dispensation, which the New Testament launched and perpetuates.<br />

While these people constantly resorted to those strategic vilifications of discipline, and to boastful contrasts with<br />

the Bible, which was utter sophistry, they were the most rigid creedists in the whole country, contending<br />

constantly for their little creed, which contained but one item, “Immersion for the remission of sins.” Creed is<br />

from the Latin word credo, to believe, therefore you may have a creed, written or unwritten. All the preaching I<br />

heard them do during the twenty years I lived with them was on this belligerent, challenging line; incessantly<br />

telling the people that they were ready to meet us face to face and with an open Bible prove the truth of their<br />

doctrine and the falsity of ours, and the very fact at we did not meet them was demonstrative truth that we were<br />

afraid; because we knew that the Bible was against us. My father was an unlearned Methodist preacher,<br />

preaching the true, experimental, Holy Ghost religion with all his might. They were constantly after him,<br />

fighting and challenging him and all others who believed in experimental religion to debate with them. He was<br />

afraid of them; besides, he had conscientious scruples against debates, which he transmitted to me.<br />

Thirty years ago we had two great men in American Methodism – Bishop Simpson in the North and Bishop<br />

Pierce in the South. In the providence of God, the latter came to our Conference. During his abode with us, the<br />

brethren told him about the belligerent policy of the Campbellites, fighting us all the time, denouncing<br />

experimental religion as false and challenging us to meet them, not only in defense of our Holy Ghost religion,<br />

but the doctrine of baptism as we held and practiced it. He asked us why we did not accept the challenge and<br />

meet them according to their incessant bantering, in open controversy, assuring us that we ought to be ready at<br />

all times “to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints.” (Jude 3.) Hitherto the brethren, like my<br />

father, had had conscientious scruples against public debates, lest they might stir up strife and grieve the Holy<br />

Spirit.<br />

But after this deliverance of the Bishop, the brethren somewhat changed their minds and Drs. Miller and Fitch,<br />

Hiner and your humble servant, and some others, entered the controversial arena and kept the sword unsheathed<br />

until the war was over, and the victory won.

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