W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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So he did. What was the result? He paid his fine of forty-five dollars for cursing in the presence of my wife and<br />

children.<br />

Afterwards I lived in that house six years, directly on that man's way to and from the county seat, but he ever<br />

afterward passed by like a gentleman.<br />

While we should do our utmost to keep our children from hearing bad words and seeing sinful conduct of any<br />

kind, let us remember that there is a magic in print, rendering it far more influential than words spoken, which<br />

will evanesce much more quickly than seductive iniquities which we read in an elegantly bound book. There are<br />

many books in Christian libraries, avowedly good and innocent, which ought to be burned, because they<br />

indirectly encourage sin. This point is to be especially guarded in the biographies of the Lord's dear saints, many<br />

of whom have been guilty of the darkest iniquities, blackest crimes, vilest debaucheries and grossest<br />

sensualities, while they served Satan. Let me warn all such to never write them in their biographies for the youth<br />

to read, lest Satan take advantage and the charm of the serpent shall prove too strong for the fluttering bird. The<br />

awful whirlpool from which omnipotent grace delivered these souls may catch the reader in the whirl of its<br />

suction power, and he may never receive the wonderful grace which delivered the subject of the biography.<br />

Truth does not require us to give a catalogue of Satan's awful work in our lives. It is enough to confess it in the<br />

aggregate, and drop the curtain over it forever; showing up the brilliant victories of redeeming grace, till they<br />

drop it into total eclipse.<br />

I never dreamed of writing my biography, neither had I any predilection in that direction. I am sure I never<br />

would have written it had not the dear saints from the Atlantic to the Pacific constrained me to do so. As I, a few<br />

years ago, received the call to go around the world in the interest of missions, doing what little I could to<br />

conserve the kingdom of God during this fleeting life, I postponed the biography until after that tour,<br />

apologizing to my clamorous friends that it would add an important interest to the biography. Therefore I had<br />

utterly dismissed it from my mind and had no thought of writing it now, till, on my arrival, they raised the same<br />

importunate clamor, insisting that I should postpone it no longer, lest receiving my discharge, I might pass away<br />

and they never get it. Therefore I acquiesce, turning over the work to the blessed Holy Spirit that He may utilize<br />

it to the glory of God when I am gone.<br />

I am satisfied that the Spirit will make it exceedingly helpful to children and young people, fortifying them<br />

against temptation and instructing them in the way of salvation, sanctification, edification, education, and<br />

usefulness in their day and generation. My earnest prayer accompanies this biography that the reader may not<br />

only do as well as the writer, but excel him in all of these lines of duty, privilege, erudition and achievement.<br />

The important feature of biography consists in the preponderance it gives to virtue over vice; sin over ignorance;<br />

industry over indolence; frugality over prodigality; holiness over depravity; and victory over defeat. The fact<br />

that I have no blank period in my life, practically and effectively given over to Satan, and consequently no black<br />

segment in my biography, is calculated to prove eminently inspiring to children and young people to avail<br />

themselves of the same economy which fortified me from the cradle. I do not insinuate that I was not a sinner.<br />

This I confess with shame. I was born in the City of Destruction like the whole family of father Adam and<br />

mother Eve, whose children, like the sands of the sea, have populated the world in all ages.<br />

Quite awhile ago, responsive to a campmeeting call, I went to North Carolina. At the opening I was introduced<br />

to my comrade in labor, Sam Page, a former notorious infidel and drunken saloonkeeper, whose profligacy and<br />

wickedness had been proverbial in all the land. Having been wonderfully converted and gloriously sanctified,<br />

responsive to his heavenly calling he was then a flaming evangelist, shaking that country with the Pentecostal<br />

power, which, in the mercy of God, characterized his ministry. The power descended on us and waves of<br />

salvation began to roll over the audience, revealing Him who is mighty to save. Simultaneously with the rolling<br />

billows, Sam would leap on a bench and shout aloud, “Look here, all ye drunkards, gamblers, blasphemers,<br />

thieves, murderers, and adulterers, and see me. Do you not know that I am Sam Page, the saloonkeeper,<br />

drunkard, blasphemer, gambler and infidel? See what God will do for you if you will repent of your sins and<br />

seek Him with all your heart as I did. Oh, He will wonderfully save and gloriously sanctify you!” Then I would<br />

leap up by his side, throw my arms around him and shout to the people: “Look at me, O ye good Methodists,<br />

Baptists, Presbyterians and Campbellites, who keep the moral law and walk irreproachably before the world, but<br />

have never been born from above, regenerated by the Holy Ghost, and know not what it is to receive a new

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