W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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scattered throughout the country, he is preaching “no-hellism,” “water regeneration” and many other insidious<br />

forms of occult and seductive heresies and diversified ad captandum dogmatisms, hatched in the bottomless pit.<br />

As I have several thousand copies of my books, which these other houses make and I have brought here (to<br />

Cincinnati) for my own convenience in circulating them, doubtless when I wind up there will be quit a lot of<br />

them on hand. All of these I here and now will to the missionaries in all heathen and Mohammedan lands, to be<br />

distributed by the Missionary Board of the “International Apostolic Holiness Union,” according to their godly<br />

judgment. I also will to them all of the royalty, which shall accumulate on my boo's, indefinitely, after my<br />

exodus, also to be distributed by the I.<br />

A. H. U, through their Missionary Board, according to their godly judgment. This is certainly fair and impartial,<br />

because it is the privilege of all the holiness people throughout the world to be identified with this I. A. H. U. If<br />

you are not now a member of it, you have nothing to do but to address them at the “Revivalist Office,”<br />

Cincinnati, Ohio, and they will give you a hearty welcome.<br />

Then you will have an equal chance to participate in the benefits of my will in the interest of your missionaries,<br />

as in this matter there will be no discrimination whatever.<br />

N. B. Membership in the I. A. H. U. will not conflict with your membership in your local Church or Holiness<br />

Association, or even our National Association, as this is International, in order to unite all the nations of the<br />

earth in the common cause of universal salvation. Therefore none of the holiness people in this country, or any<br />

other, have anything to lose by membership in this I. A. H. U., but everything to gain. It is in perfect harmony<br />

with the United States motto, “E Pluribus Unum,” “One out of many;” “United we stand, divided we fall;” “In<br />

union there is strength.” Holiness people should all go into this Association for the mutual encouragement of<br />

one another.<br />

Some of our holiness people who are good, true and all right are not members of any church organization.<br />

Therefore this universal Association will be helpful to them as well as to all others in the way of Christian<br />

fellowship, which is one of the beautiful graces of the Holy Spirit. This Association has no creed but the New<br />

Testament, no authority but the Word of the Lord. Our National Association is deficient in the fact that its name<br />

would restrict it to this great and mighty Yankee Nation. The “Holiness Movement” is now well represented in<br />

all heathen lands. It certainly will be well pleasing to the Lord and encouraging to the dear saints of all lands to<br />

enjoy mutual fraternity and fellowship in one great Association, including all other associations, churches and<br />

nations, with a single bond of union, I. e., “Holiness to the Lord,” as revealed in <strong>His</strong> own blessed Book,<br />

independently of all human creeds.<br />

We must all learn the great lesson of harmony, fraternity, fellowship and union on the one great all-absorbing<br />

Bible doctrine of “Holiness unto the Lord,” scriptural, experimental and practical; entire sanctification as the<br />

second work of grace, received and appropriated by faith in the cleansing blood administered by the Holy Ghost<br />

in the expurgation of inbred sin, after a clear experience of justification through the vicarious substitutionary<br />

atonement, received and appropriated by faith, and the happy experience of regeneration wrought by the Holy<br />

Ghost in the heart and clearly and indubitably witnessed by the same. Meanwhile we extend perfect liberty of<br />

conscience on all of the ecclesiastical phases of the kingdom, I. e., the ordinances, and the different forms of<br />

church government. We have but one end in view and that is to save the lost world for whom Jesus died.<br />


(Conclusion – Summation)<br />

“Brethren, all who disagree<br />

That would have charity to please us,<br />

Union there can never be,<br />

Unless that we're one in Jesus,<br />

One as He is one in God,

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