W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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enemies who were after Him thirsting for <strong>His</strong> blood, having resolved to kill Him, and <strong>His</strong> friends who were on<br />

tiptoe to crown Him King, in which case the Romans would have put Him to death under charge of high treason.<br />

He often alluded to the fact that <strong>His</strong> time had not yet come. Hence we see how amid the great conceivable<br />

difficulties He prolonged <strong>His</strong> life those three years, in order to finish that curriculum of instruction, which was<br />

absolutely indispensable to qualify <strong>His</strong> apostles for the great and responsible work of launching the Gospel<br />

Church.<br />

God says in the Old Testament, “My people perish for the lack of knowledge,” and in the New Testament,<br />

“Study to show thyself approved of God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of<br />

Truth.” 2 Tim. 2:15. While the world and the worldly churches need salvation, and consequently the Sinai<br />

Gospel, which is the grand sine qua non of conviction, without which there can be no conversion, and of course<br />

no sanctification, the Holiness people and all of the really sanctified in all the Churches need teaching most<br />

imperatively, not only to qualify them to preach the Gospel and save the Hellward-bound millions, but to feed<br />

their souls so they will flourish like trees planted by the riverside, bringing forth fruit in their season and thus<br />

fortifying them against apostasy.<br />

The good shepherd who understands his business, will make the care of his flock the great specialty. If he gives<br />

them plenty of wholesome food and pure water, and protects them from wild beasts and robbers, they will<br />

multiply till the lambs will skip over all the hills and race across the plains, like Texas ponies. The unwise<br />

shepherd goes for numbers, seeking quantity, rather than quality. God is our infallible exemplar, who always<br />

goes for quality instead of quantity. If we can take care of our Holiness people, teaching them the blessed Bible<br />

faithfully and heroically and diligently fortifying them against the dangerous heresies, in whose insidious<br />

manacles Satan keeps Hell constantly embargoed, we will soon have a panoplied army marching forth with<br />

banners flying, unfurled to the breezes of every land and clime, marching on to the conquest of the world for our<br />

glorious Christ, who has bought it with <strong>His</strong> own blood and now intercedes for it at God's right hand.<br />

The Bible School phenomenon in the Holiness Movement is most encouraging. Such schools are springing up<br />

everywhere like mushrooms in the night, not only throughout this country from the Atlantic to the Pacific and<br />

from the Gulf to British America, but they are also lighting the dark pagan empires of the antipodian world. We<br />

have now twenty-five hundred Christian schools in heathen lands, attended by a million of heathen boys and<br />

girls. Do you not see how the salvation and sanctification of these heathen pupils constitute the golden key that<br />

unlocks the mystery and solves the problem which has puzzled Christendom from the Apostolic age, I. e., the<br />

evangelization of the whole heathen world? We only have about a thousand millions in all heathendom. If we<br />

can only get these million students saved and sanctified, we will have a preacher for every thousand pagans in<br />

the whole world. We certainly have these million in our own hands and do enjoy the facilities, evolving the<br />

gracious possibility of saving and sanctifying them all.<br />

I have already stated that I am bewildered with a thousand open doors, inviting me to enter and labor for the<br />

salvation of souls. All of the Bible Schools and Holiness Colleges in the whole world keep the doors wide open<br />

and the Macedonian cry ringing in my ears, “Come over and help us.” The last year I spent traveling around the<br />

world and preaching in all lands, therefore, I've done no work in America. Now, as I contemplate entering the<br />

field immediately, I am literally bewildered with calls. Not only the cities and large towns throughout the<br />

continent, inter-ocean, but these Bible Schools, which have sprung up everywhere and are multiplying so<br />

rapidly that it is difficult even to keep a list of them before me for prayer, which I so much desire to do, are<br />

calling me, and how to pass by any of them in my peregrinations across the continent breaks my heart to<br />

contemplate. Many of these Bible Schools and Holiness Colleges beg me hard to stay with them all the time. As<br />

I feel debtor to them all, realizing the endearing relationship of spiritual consanguinity, therefore, I cannot get<br />

my consent to give all of my time to any one of them, lest I might grieve the Holy Spirit who has published all<br />

of them, that He may teach the people <strong>His</strong> own Word and qualify them to go and teach others, as this is <strong>His</strong><br />

method of evangelical succession, 2 Tim. 2:2, “The things which thou hast learned with me, commit thou to the<br />

faithful people, who shall be able to teach others.” I do very much need all of my time to spend teaching the<br />

Bible in these different schools, which the blessed Holy Spirit has founded since the Movement has rolled the<br />

revival wave over the world and brought full salvation within the reach of millions. But if I were to confine my<br />

labors to the schools, I would have to give up the churches, which the blessed Holy Spirit has organized

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