W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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appointments on the Pacific Coast, and through the great interior, which I had promised to serve before<br />

returning home. Therefore, instead of obeying the order of my dear cousin of the healing art, I went at once to<br />

the Great Physician, and turned over the cancer to Him. I realized my utter dependence on the Holy Ghost to<br />

inspire my faith for present healing, but He did it and I so realized.<br />

I went on preaching in Oregon and let the bandage stay till it wore off, which was about a month.<br />

Then I looked in vain for my cancer. It had disappeared, and left only the scar, which I carry today, the souvenir<br />

of my unwelcome visitor. I found quite a test of my faith in the healing of this cancer.<br />

I actually had to heroically face the music and take the bit in my teeth, soliloquizing, “Jesus, I believe you were<br />

healed this cancer,” and there abide and refuse to doubt. Then I was enabled to appropriate <strong>His</strong> current axiom,<br />

during <strong>His</strong> ministry, Matt. 9:29, “As your faith is, so be it unto you.” There is no mistake as to the great Bible<br />

doctrine of bodily healing. You will find it in the commission which our Lord gave the twelve Apostles, and also<br />

in that of the seventy disciples. He commands them all to heal the sick, as well as to cast out demons.<br />

When I was embarking from New York for my around the world tour, I was advised to carry a little cholera<br />

medicine, as it is so common in the countries I contemplated visiting. The Lord had given me wonderful health<br />

till I reached Rangoon, Burma, a country celebrated for the prevalence of that terrible destroyer. Two of my<br />

young men had suffered with it in India. Sure enough it struck me suddenly and unexpectedly. I at once took the<br />

medicine, but am satisfied it did not stay in my stomach a minute, as the eructation was such that it was utterly<br />

impossible to receive anything internally. I need not attempt to describe the sufferings characteristic of cholera.<br />

Therefore I will leave you to your own imagination, and advise you to ask the Lord to save you from an attack.<br />

When it seemed to me that I was certainly face to face with the King of Terrors, (who had no terror for me), the<br />

Texas boys took hold of me and cried to God for my healing. As they held on, one of them spoke out and said<br />

that he had heard from Heaven that I was healed, and the other two soon joined him in their testimony. Cholera<br />

does its work quickly, and there was no time to hunt a physician. Eleven days subsequently, when I was<br />

convalescing quite slowly, much impeded by the climate, as I was not only in the torrid zone, but had by this<br />

time reached the Equator, where the heat was almost killing me in the terribly prostrate condition in which<br />

cholera had left me, God made Dr.West, presiding elder at Singapore, a great blessing to my feeble body. Well<br />

can I say, “In Thee we live, and move, and have our being.” As I am now seventy-three years old, my bodily<br />

organs are failing, and if He did not keep <strong>His</strong> hand on this frail tenement night and day, I would break down and<br />

die. Oh, how wonderfully He keeps me, and enables me to do more work than almost any young man. I am a<br />

continual astonishment to myself: but it is all <strong>His</strong> keeping power.<br />

During all of my ministry, especially since the Lord sanctified me thirty-eight years ago, I have constantly<br />

served Him in the ministry of bodily healing, as well as soul saving. Throughout the South I have preached<br />

much in the malarial regions, where distressing fevers of every kind abound. The Lord has everywhere used me<br />

in the ministry of healing. In countless instances I have prayed for the people burning with fever, and it abated at<br />

once, and they got up and came to meeting.<br />

I was called to hold a protracted meeting in Central Georgia. When I began I found a goodly number beautifully<br />

clear in regeneration, but not sanctified. I began at once to preach that glorious doctrine, corroborating it by my<br />

testimony to the experience, when the pastor spoke out in the presence of all the people, boldly antagonizing<br />

me. Of course I did not strive with him a moment, as I had to respect his office and authority; but I inwardly<br />

turned him over to God and cried, though inaudibly, to God to put <strong>His</strong> hand on him and help me out of the<br />

difficulty. I realized my audience in Heaven and entered into inward rest, feeling assured that God would<br />

manage the man and conserve <strong>His</strong> own cause. In twenty-four hours we missed him out of the meetings, and the<br />

news came that he was sick. I went to see him. He saluted me kindly and said, “Bro. <strong>Godbey</strong>, I am attacked with<br />

this bad fever and will not likely be with you any more in the meetings.” I said, “My dear brother, Jesus is here<br />

today and ready to rebuke your fever as He did that which burnt Peter's mother-in-law.” I fell on my knees and<br />

putting my hand on him turned him over to the blessed Omnipotent Healer. While I was praying I felt the<br />

abatement of the fever, as his body began to cool off and the perspiration to come out.<br />

I went away to the meeting and had only passed through the introductory songs and prayers when he arrived and

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