W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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In 1901, while preaching in Fresno, California, I lost my life by the inhalation of illuminating gas escaping in<br />

my room and was found dead the next morning at ten o'clock. As I am not in the habit of taking breakfast, they<br />

did not look for me at the table, but as I did not come downstairs, the lady of the house, feeling a little uneasy, at<br />

ten o'clock went up and rapped at my door, but received no response. Then opening she looked in and saw my<br />

shoes and knew I was there but instantly became affrighted because she could not make me speak. Felicitously I<br />

was enjoying the hospitality of Dr. Meux, a good holiness friend, who also believed in Divine Healing.<br />

Fortunately he was at home, when his good wife ran down the stairway and told him that I was speechless. He<br />

ran up instantly and meeting the gas suspected the trouble and upon examination found that all breathing had<br />

ceased and he had a dead man on his hands. Instantly he resorted to what physicians call artificial respiration,<br />

and after vigorous efforts within a very short time he saw me catch my breath, thus resuming the respiration.<br />

I knew not my whereabouts till forty hours from the time of my retirement had elapsed. He said that without the<br />

mechanical operation, which he brought into availability, I certainly never would have breathed again. I am<br />

satisfied that I was out of my body.<br />

My experience during the time reminds me of Paul in 2 Cor. 12, when at Lystra they stoned him to death, and<br />

God raised him up again to go on and finish his work. He said that he was caught up to the third heaven, (I. e.,<br />

the heaven of saints and angels, the atmosphere being the first heaven and the astronomical spheres the second)<br />

where he saw and heard things impossible to tell, -- not unlawful, as the English Version has it, for there was no<br />

law against telling it. But it was impossible to tell, because we cannot reveal heavenly glories through the<br />

medium of mortal language. The most of our language here is metaphorical and symbolical, in order to reach us<br />

in these material tenements.<br />

Not so in Heaven, where there is no material body but all is spirituality. There the language is all lightning,<br />

without taking time to thunder. I verily believe that I was out of the body, as when I found myself in it and again<br />

in this world, I deeply realized a mysterious alienation from transitory things.<br />

I resorted at once to prayer, asking God to put <strong>His</strong> hand on me and re-adapt me to the work He still had for me<br />

to do in this world, as I felt that my congeniality for probationary life had been marred.<br />

During the time of my alienation from the body, I heard and saw things which were utterly impossible for me to<br />

tell e. g., music most sweet and delicious, but I could tell nothing about it, and I especially had an unutterable<br />

sweetness in my own soul. I believe I was dead and God used that noble physician to raise me to life again. As a<br />

rule, the resurrections in the Bible took place very quickly after the expiration, the four days in the case of<br />

Lazarus being quite an exception.<br />

God, in <strong>His</strong> wonderful mercy, has healed my body so frequently that time would fail me to tell you all about it. I<br />

will only give you a few salient, illustrative cases. <strong>His</strong> healing has been so prompt and speedy, that I have spent<br />

almost no time in my whole life on a sick bed.<br />

Thirty-four years ago, two eminent physicians, graduates of Cincinnati Medical College, gave me up to die of<br />

serious lung trouble, which had developed into congestion of the lungs by the inundation of the blood from the<br />

system, so flooding them as to stop respiration in the air cells, the breathing only continuing in the trachea<br />

bronchia and the larger air tubes. I was in a protracted meeting working hard and was suddenly attacked so<br />

severely that the friends called a physician and he became alarmed and sent for another to assist him in a case<br />

which he regarded as exceedingly critical. All pulsation had ceased in my members. They, assisted by a number<br />

of the brothers and sisters, labored six hours in the vain attempt by external friction and internal stimulants to<br />

stop the congestion, and restore the circulation. Then our family physician coming to me, notified me that I<br />

would be dead in two hours at most, and was liable to die at just any moment. Then both physicians and all the<br />

people quit their efforts to restore the circulation and just waited to see me die; meanwhile the papers reported<br />

that I was dead.<br />

I had been in the sanctified experience four years, but my dear wife had not entered Beulah Land.<br />

Though naturally timid, and having no experience in leading meetings, she at once took command of the crowd<br />

and observed, “These doctors have given my husband up to die, but I am not willing to let him go, and believe<br />

the Lord has much work for him to do yet, so get on your knees all of you and join me in prayer for his healing,

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