W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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These books and booklets, all told, number forty-eight, if we are not mistaken. Many of the dear saints are<br />

exceedingly anxious to have them all in their private library. This is certainly a every wise decision on their part,<br />

as in that way they will avail themselves of my whole life of constant toil, amid extraordinary opportunities. If<br />

we did not avail ourselves of the knowledge accumulated by our predecessors, we would make very slow<br />

progress and accumulate but little during this fleeting life.<br />

In that way the world is constantly growing wiser, every generation availing itself of the achievements wrought<br />

by its predecessors. My successors ought to transcend me in the accumulation of knowledge, because they have<br />

the benefit of my long life of constant labor, amid circumstances exceedingly favorable to the acquisition of<br />

knowledge. The rising generation has ample opportunities from my books, substantially to receive and<br />

appropriate and utilize everything that I have ever learned. This is God's method of transmitting the inspired<br />

oracles from generation to generation. 2 Tim. 2:1, “Therefore, thou, my child, be filled with dynamite in the<br />

grace which is in Christ Jesus, and whatsoever thou hast learned with me through many witnesses, commit thou<br />

these things to faithful people, who shall be able also to teach others.” We thus learn God's truth and then teach<br />

others, and so it goes on from sire to son, indefinitely to the latest generation.<br />

My books are plain and easily understood. Therefore with reasonable industry, the rising generation can<br />

substantially learn everything I know, thus availing themselves of my long life of constant toil, amid facilities<br />

and environments exceedingly favorable to the acquisition of knowledge. The books written in our day are<br />

easier for the present generation to understand than those of bygone ages, whose language has largely become<br />

obsolete. All living languages are constantly undergoing changes; therefore the writings of your contemporaries<br />

will be more easily understood than those who lived several generations ago. Besides, we have the benefit of the<br />

great and important discoveries which have been made in the realms of science, art, literature and also Biblical<br />

exegesis. The scholars of the present day know some things of great importance revealed in the Bible, which<br />

John Wesley and his contemporaries did not know, because important discoveries have been made since their<br />

day, correcting errors in the Scriptures which they knew nothing about. As my greatest desire is to transmit to<br />

my successors all of the knowledge I have accumulated in a long life of assiduous study, I am very anxious that<br />

they shall have the full benefit of my books. In one respect I feel, as many able preachers have told me, that my<br />

writings convey more truth in the same space than any they ever saw. My small books are especially<br />

distinguished for the characteristic, multum in parvo, I.e., “much in little,” conveying a heap of truth in a few<br />

words. My large books you will find cheaper in proportion to their contents than any others in circulation.<br />

Divine Healing<br />

My experience along the line of bodily healing abundantly corroborates the great fact that God is the only<br />

Healer. He made the body as well as the soul, consequently He alone knows how to repair them both, when out<br />

of order. While He is the only Healer, it does not follow that physicians are not useful in their place. We need<br />

them for diagnosing, I. e., to tell us what the disease is. As they have made the human body their lifelong study,<br />

of course they have knowledge appertaining to this mysterious organism which those who have not the benefit<br />

of a medical education do not possess.<br />

When I was seventy years old, I fell and broke my arm till it just turned back like a broken stick.<br />

I immediately hastened to a physician who set it and braced it, putting no medicine on it whatever.<br />

Then, at my suggestion, he gladly knelt with me in prayer and we turned it over to the Great Physician to heal it.<br />

I went on preaching, carrying it in a sling. At the expiration of six weeks I returned to him. He took the bandage<br />

off, which he had put on it, removed the braces, and behold, it was well, and not a scar surviving. He was<br />

delighted to see that it had grown together precisely right, not leaving a ridge nor any other mark to survive as a<br />

memento of the former breakage.<br />

Without that medical attention, in view of my age, I would very likely have lost the use of it the balance of my<br />

life. Yet he applied no medicine to execute the healing, but left it with the Lord alone, therefore, you see I<br />

needed him to do a mechanical work, which my friends could not have done, as they would neither have known<br />

how to set it or brace it.

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