W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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variant and comprehensive history. Besides, the book will give you an acquaintance with our mission fields,<br />

which will prove delightfully edifying and at the same time impart an inspiration which will profitably react in<br />

copious blessings on your soul and conduce to the enlargement of your philanthropy, broadening your spiritual<br />

horizon and bringing you into closer proximity and more immediate sympathy with our dear brothers and sisters<br />

toiling in the regions beyond, while God, in <strong>His</strong> condescending mercy, is using them to evangelize the millions<br />

sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death.<br />

You will find in the book five large chapters on great India, which is now visited with the Pentecost for which<br />

the missionaries have been praying and toiling for a third of a century. As the Lord permitted me to travel six<br />

thousand miles in the great interior, visiting the mission fields and preaching for them, you will be much<br />

interested in the information you will there reach. You will also be much interested in the two chapters on China<br />

and the two on Japan, as well as those on Oceania and the Hawaiian Islands. I have all my life been studying<br />

and trying to locate the Garden of Eden. I realize that the Lord has revealed it to me. In this book you will find a<br />

chapter on that subject, expounding and locating it.<br />

My “Autobiography”<br />

[This Publication]<br />

In this history of my life, you will find a variety of almost everything. Many questions which you would find it<br />

difficult to answer by reading any of my other books, you will see solved in this. My life has been quite stormy<br />

and eventful. My providential deliverance from the vices and follies so fatal to childhood and youth will prove<br />

helpful to parents in protecting their children from these terrible pitfalls of Satan. The prosecution of a thorough<br />

collegiate education, despite the greatest financial impediments, will prove an inspiration to the youth thirsting<br />

for the blessings of a classical education. The clear and definite spiritual experiences which God, in <strong>His</strong> mercy,<br />

gave me, regeneration at the age of sixteen and sanctification at thirty-five, will prove instructive, encouraging<br />

and inspiring to pilgrims beating their march to the Better Land, and especially to inquirers after the way of<br />

truth, peace and holiness.<br />

My ten years war with the Campbellites will be luminous to all the people who desire true light and available<br />

instruction on the controverted subject of baptism. Along these lines the multitudes stand in imperative need of<br />

solid and reliable information, helping them out of the difficulties in which Satan's sophistries and fallacies have<br />

entangled them.<br />

My war with the Seventh Day Adventists, the Holy Spirit will use helpfully to people who are entangled with<br />

those heresies.<br />

The many revivals rehearsed during the long years of incessant war with Satan, especially in the great South,<br />

will be used by the blessed Holy Spirit as an encouragement and inspiration to the young people now engaged in<br />

the same conflict.<br />

While I have thus been briefly sketching over my books I remember one whose name I have not yet mentioned,<br />

I.e., “JESUS IS COMING.” It is a nice little cloth bound volume which sells for twenty-five cents. It has<br />

received quite an extensive circulation and has been a blessing to thousands.<br />

You will find it exceedingly helpful as an exposition of the prophecies, expounding the ages and epochs and<br />

periods, and showing conclusively that we are living in the time of the end, and that the prophecies have been so<br />

fulfilled that we have even reason to be on the constant outlook for our Lord's glorious appearing to take away<br />

<strong>His</strong> waiting Bride.<br />

In this catalogue of my writings, it is pertinent to observe that my “BAPTISM,” which has received a very<br />

extensive circulation and is still much in demand, is out of print because the publishers have lost the stereotypes.<br />

They are hunting for them diligently and say that if they do not find them soon, they will make more; therefore<br />

the people may rely on the circulation of the book as in former years.

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