W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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pride, vanity, egotism and my own ways consumed by the fires of the Holy Ghost, meanwhile, like little<br />

Samuel, saying, 'Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.” Since old Adam has been crucified, I am dead to every<br />

voice but that which rings down from the effulgent throne. As the Bible is my only Guide, like John Wesley, I<br />

am truly homo unius libri, a man of one book; meanwhile I avail myself of the multitudinous human teachers He<br />

has given me expository of <strong>His</strong> precious Word.<br />

The Holy Spirit is the only leader of my spirit. We are all in eminent danger of seduction and delusion by evil<br />

spirits, playing the Holy Ghost. They are more easily detected and exposed than we generally think. If you<br />

follow them, they will quickly lead you to do something out of God's Word and providence, which is a certain<br />

evidence of their Satanic identity. As God made my body, mind and spirit, <strong>His</strong> leadership will always be<br />

characteristic of this beautiful triple harmony. These evil spirits will lead you into fanaticism, where you will<br />

ignore God's Word and providence, which is a certain evidence that you are on your way to ruin. Satan is now<br />

stirring earth and Hell to ruin the holiness people by deflecting them from the straight and narrow way of<br />

“Holiness to the Lord.” You need this booklet to instruct you in reference to this wonderful and glorious triple<br />

leadership, which is our only security from the side-tracking, derailing and ditching devices of the enemy, who<br />

is constantly hounding the track of every soul who has escaped out of his clutches. He will capture you soon or<br />

late, if you are not true to God's triple leadership.<br />

These twenty-seven dime booklets, which you get for so little money that you cannot miss it, will furnish you a<br />

splendid library, not only posting you in the great Bible truths of full salvation, but fortifying you against the<br />

myriad Satanic devices which lurk around you, and hang upon your track like the lightning upon the skirts of the<br />

clouds, constantly ready to strike you dead with a thunderbolt forged in the arsenals of damnation. Besides, you<br />

ought to keep a supply of them to loan to your friends. That is the reason why they are made so cheap, that every<br />

friend of Jesus can financially well afford to keep a circulating library. Oh, what a light will you be in your<br />

neighborhood, always ready to put in the hand of your neighbor the very book he needs for conviction,<br />

conversion, sanctification, establishment, and fortification against this heresy or that. If you had a supply of<br />

these twenty-seven dime booklets for loan, having people return them after reading a few times, studying and<br />

understanding them, reading one and then another and so on until they had read them all, what good you might<br />

do. These booklets are much condensed, so that they contain as much truth as many of the dollar books now in<br />

circulation, meanwhile their brevity qualifies you to read them through in a little spare time, then to re-read and<br />

study till you actually appropriate the truth so that you can use it for the glory of God in preaching the<br />

everlasting Gospel.<br />

“Around the World, Garden of Eden, Latter-day Prophesies, and Missions”<br />

It is not at all probable that you will ever travel round the world, as not more than one in a million is likely to<br />

make that greatly arduous and expensive tour. Therefore you cannot afford not to avail yourself of this journey<br />

by proxy. The Lord gave me an extraordinary memory and a splendid education, which I have industriously<br />

endeavored to use for <strong>His</strong> glory. Three times has He permitted me to travel in Europe, Asia and Africa and<br />

preach the Gospel, 1895, 1899 and 1905-6. In all of these tours I have availed myself of every possible<br />

opportunity to get acquainted with everything which will be a matter of interest to the reader. Therefore in this<br />

large volume you will find an epitome of universal history, from the days of the patriarchs down to the present. I<br />

became a good reader at the early age of six years and especially fond of history, which I read much and have<br />

remembered all my life. In this book you will find the most important historic epitome of all the prominent<br />

nations of the earth, as I purposely took them in my route, England, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria, the<br />

Holy Land, Egypt, Abyssinia, Abrabia, Persia, India, Oceania, China, Japan and the Hawaiian Islands. Therefore<br />

the historic phase of this book will absolutely prove to you invaluable, giving you most important facts<br />

appertaining to all of the nations, perhaps as much as you can remember. Therefore it ought to be in your home<br />

for your children to read and study. You need it also as a priceless auxiliary to Bible study. In this respect you<br />

will find it more helpful than you think. Among the forty-three chapters, constituting that large and elegantly<br />

cloth-bound book of about six hundred pages, you will find about a dozen chapters directly expository of<br />

Biblical history. You will find so vast an amount of information in it which you will not likely strike anywhere<br />

else that you cannot afford to forego the infinite benefit which you will see by a careful perusal and study of that

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