W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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heroically that they even got the emperor gloriously converted and, through his influence, sent their flaming<br />

heralds to the ends of the earth. God warns them that they shall suffer persecution ten days; that means ten<br />

different great persecutionary epochs, which broke out afresh at the expiration of every thirty years in which the<br />

reigning emperor always did his best for their extermination. But the more they killed them the more rapidly<br />

they spread to the ends of the earth.<br />

Pergamos represents the proud Imperial Church which followed the martyr age, which wound up with the<br />

conversion of the emperor. The normal effect of this wonderful promotion to the royal palace, which ruled the<br />

whole world, was to gradually bring the world into the Church; and meanwhile millions of pagans were only<br />

nominally converted, responsive to the imperial edict, their priests turning Gospel ministers.<br />

The Church of Thyatira symbolizes Roman Catholicism which followed the Constantinian age, actually<br />

paganizing Christianity by bringing in the worship of angels, the Virgin Mary and the canonization of saints. We<br />

see her reprimanded for tolerating that woman Jezebel who taught the people to eat things offered to idols and<br />

commit fornication, which means spiritual deflection from God and departure from entire sanctification, which<br />

brings us into the Bridehood, eternally discarding all earthly lovers.<br />

Then we have the Church of Sardis, to which the Apostle positively says, “Thou hast a name to live but art<br />

dead” This is the awful state of spiritual death in which Luther, Wycliffe, Zwingle, Melancthon and Erasmus<br />

found the Church. However, John says that there are a few in it who have not defiled their garments and they<br />

shall walk with Him in white.<br />

The sixth is the Church of Philadelphia, which symbolizes the great Lutheran Reformation of the sixteenth<br />

century, which brought a glorious sunburst on the black darkness which had filled the world a thousand years. If<br />

you will examine the paragraph descriptive of this Church, you will find not a solitary allegation against her.<br />

Last of all we have the Church of Laodicea, which symbolizes the fallen Protestant denominations of the present<br />

day. God says to her, “Would that thou roast either cold or hot, but because thou art neither cold nor hot, but<br />

lukewarm, therefore I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Thus you see lukewarm indifference is worse than<br />

outbreaking wickedness, because it makes people harder to save and surer of Hell. That is the awful state of<br />

things in the great Protestant churches this day. They are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, but indifferent;<br />

therefore vastly harder to save than the poor victims of slumdom whose wretched condition has already given<br />

them a prelude of Hell. Now where is the Holiness Movement? You find it in the words “Behold, I stand at the<br />

door and knock ...,” Rev. 3:20.<br />

God help us to knock our best.<br />

(26.) ”MIGHTY TO SAVE” Isa. 62:1. Man has been denominated by philosophers, “The religious animal.”<br />

When I traveled around the world I was profoundly impressed with the significant fact that all the heathen are, if<br />

possible, more religious than the Christians and the same is true with the Mohammedans, (who are practically<br />

heathen). They pray five times a day, even whenever they happened to be on ships packed with people, till it<br />

seemed that they could not get room for genuflection, yet they always found room and time to pray, and were<br />

utterly dead to all criticism.<br />

The poor Hindus worship three hundred and thirty millions of gods. I found their temples and shrines<br />

everywhere and saw them worshipping and plunging into the holy rivers and tanks to wash their sins away.<br />

The heathen world is crowded with altars, shrines, temples and gods, but the trouble is that none of them can<br />

save. Many heathens seem actually to entertain a correct idea of the one omnipotent God who created the world,<br />

yet, amid all their superabounding religious ceremonies, shrines and temples, they have no god that actually<br />

takes their sins away and saves them, but always their crushing burden of a guilty conscience haunts them night<br />

and day. The most efficient preaching we can do among the heathen is faithfully to tell them that Jesus has<br />

actually taken away our sins and we know it. We may tell them as much as we will about the Bible and our God<br />

and the great truths of our religion, but they, as in India, have their bible, the Shastras, and their books, the<br />

Vedas, but no realization that their burden of sin is taken away. They travel on long pilgrimages for the privilege<br />

of baptism in the holy rivers, the Ganges and Jumna, but still have no consciousness of the burden removed, of a<br />

new heart and actual salvation.

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