W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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morn to dusky eve. All this that they might hang spell-bound upon the lips of the paradoxical prophet of the<br />

wilderness.<br />

You find at least an approximate solution of the problem in the fact that when Herod sent the soldiers to murder<br />

the babes of Bethlehem, Zachariah and Elizabeth took their son and fled into the wilderness and never came<br />

back. They reared him up in rural simplicity among the Essenes, the poor holiness people who lived there for the<br />

sake of room, peace and solitary communion with God.<br />

Oh, how all of our Sunday School teachers need awakening to the blessed feasibility of having their pupils<br />

converted before they forfeit their infantile justification and then sanctified before they backslide, and do you<br />

not know that this is the very way to bring in the Millennium? You need this booklet to give you light and help<br />

you to study these glorious realities so delectably revealed in the precious Word.<br />

(24.) ”THEOLOGY VERSUS CREEDOLOGY” Our lands abound in theological schools. They are all<br />

misnamed, unless it is some of the Bible Schools conducted by the holiness people. They should be called<br />

“Creedological Schools,” from the simple fact that they study the Bible in view of bending it to their creed,<br />

which is an awful mistake; it should be the reverse, I. e., bending their creed to the Bible. There never was a<br />

creed made on earth I ill after the conversion of the Emperor Constantine, when, A. D. 325, they called the<br />

ecumenical Council to Nice in Bithynia, over which the Emperor presided, sitting in a golden chair. The sudden<br />

promotion of the Christians from the lion's mouth and the burning stake to the royal palace and the first places in<br />

the empire, revived carnality and superinduced the desire for a human creed. So long as they burnt them at the<br />

stake, and used them to fatten their lions, tigers and bears, they never thought of any creed but the New<br />

Testament, nor any doctrine but “Holiness to the Lord.” The Council at Nice proved to be the prolific mother of<br />

all the creeds of Christendom and is still used in the Roman Catholic Church, the Episcopal being a<br />

modification and the Methodist an abstraction from that. There is no reason why every church in the world<br />

should not drop her creed this day and adopt the New Testament; not that we have any criticism for the Old, but<br />

we are not under that dispensation.<br />

Theology is from two Greek words, Theos, God, and logue, speech; therefore it simply means the word of God.<br />

The Bible Schools, in the literal sense, are the only theological institutions we have, as all of the so-called<br />

theological colleges of the denominations really conserve their creed to which they are committed, making it the<br />

end in view to bend the Bible to it in order to bolster it up and sustain it, instead of bending their creed to the<br />

Bible, the thing pre-eminently reasonable and proper.<br />

If all denominations would drop their creeds and make the Bible their text book, perfectly independent of their<br />

creed, you would soon see a felicitous approximation either to other. These creeds have done more to sunder and<br />

alienate the body of Christ than any other influence. In heathen lands we now see an auspicious trend on the part<br />

of all denominations either to other. In great India, where I preached three months, I everywhere found an<br />

earnest call and a hearty welcome. You need this booklet to edify and post you in this great and important truth,<br />

I. e., the absolute supremacy and sovereign independency of God's Word.<br />

(25.) ”THE SEVEN CHURCHES” You find them catalogued and described in the first three chapters of<br />

Revelation. These Churches consecutively represent Christendom, down to the glorious coming of the Lord. The<br />

Church at Ephesus represents the backslidden Apostolic institution. A whole generation had passed away into<br />

eternity after it was established by the labors of Paul, as John did his writing sixty-five years after our Lord's<br />

ascension; consequently the Pauline converts had mostly exchanged the battlefield for the mount of victory,<br />

whereas the new membership perhaps had never been so spiritual and zealous as their predecessors, while<br />

doubtless some of them had never been converted and others, though saved, had never received the Holy Ghost.<br />

We here have the sad revelation that they had lost their first love; consequently the Holy Ghost commands them<br />

to repent and do their first work over lest He come and take away their candlestick, I. e., lest they actually lose<br />

their organization. This has been signally verified and that great and magnificent city of Ephesus has long ago<br />

become a heap of ruins.<br />

Smyrna represents the Martyr Church during the first three hundred years, when, it is estimated, one hundred<br />

millions sealed their faith with their blood. If you read this scripture you will find that there is not a solitary<br />

charge against Smyrna. <strong>His</strong>tory says that they actually carried the Gospel to all nations, pushing the battle so

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