W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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(22.) ”CARNALITY” This word is synonymous with depravity and means the old man of sin; the Satanic<br />

nature in the heart transmitted from the fall. The same is Ishmael whom God commanded Abraham to take away<br />

that he might not be an heir with Isaac in the patriarchal patrimony. The same is also Agag, the king of the<br />

Amalekites, who fought against Israel forty years to keep them out of the Promised Land. When God<br />

commanded Saul, in his royal representation of all Israel, to go and exterminate them, and he spared Agag and<br />

the best of the sheep and cattle that he might offer fat sacrifices to God, then He utterly cast him away, no longer<br />

answering him either in dreams or visions, nor by Urim and Thummim. Saul there drifted away and turned<br />

spiritualist, finally winding up his miserable life by suicide. Thus appallingly is illustrated the sad fate of every<br />

Christian who does not have Agag slain, I. e., old Adam crucified and the body of sin utterly exterminated.<br />

Compromise with sin anywhere means ultimate damnation.<br />

Saul had had a bright conversion. The Word positively says that “when he met the Lord's prophets God gave<br />

him another heart.” He reigned over Israel forty years, making them a good king, both wise in counsel and<br />

valiant on the battlefield. In his case carnality took the form of self-will and never would fully let up; you see his<br />

awful end, dying on Mount Gilboa amid terrible and signal defeat and going down to a backslider's Hell. Let<br />

every one take warning and adopt the maxim of Cato, the great Roman statesman, with which he wound up<br />

every powerful speech, delivered in the Senate Oral Chamber, “Carthage delenda est,” “Carthage must be<br />

destroyed.” Let us make a slight change in the phraseology and ring out now, and never compromise, “Carnality<br />

must be destroyed.” You will find this booklet a blessing to you as the Holy Spirit will use it as a heart-searcher.<br />

(23.) ”JOHN THE BAPTIST AND THE APOSTLE PAUL” These were the two greatest preachers the world<br />

ever saw, except the Conqueror? Of Mount Calvary. They tower in their intellectual majesty, the lights of both<br />

dispensations. Though John lived and died in the Old, he proleptically enjoyed the Pentecostal experience of the<br />

New, being filled with the Holy Ghost from the womb of his mother, I. e., sanctified wholly. Paul unfortunately<br />

backslid from his infantile justification, Rom. 7:9, (I was alive at one time without law, but the commandment<br />

having come, sin revived and I died, and the commandment which is unto me for life the same was unto death,<br />

for sin having taken occasion through the commandment deceived me and by it slew me.” Here we see that<br />

Paul, like every other son and daughter of Adam's fallen race, enjoyed justification through the normal grace of<br />

Christ till he got old enough to know right from wrong, then his hereditary depravity rising up antagonized the<br />

law, causing him to become a transgressor and fall under condemnation.<br />

He was reared up in a godly home and with the greatest possible educational facilities in the world of his day,<br />

not only graduating in the Greek College of Tarsus, but in the Hebrew Academies of Jerusalem. He became a<br />

great theologian, his extraordinary intellect and transcendent culture giving him a place in the Sanhedrin and at<br />

the front of the theocracy. But evidently all this time he was under the condemnation which supervened upon the<br />

forfeiture of his infantile justification above mentioned and thus preaching ahead in a backslidden state, till the<br />

lightning flashing from the glorified person of Jesus sent thunderbolts of conviction to his guilty soul, and<br />

prostrated him an importunate mourner in the house of Judas, till gloriously converted under the ministry of<br />

Ananias.<br />

While preaching with all his might he soon realized the need of the second work and, going away into Arabia,<br />

where Moses sought it forty years and received it at the burning bush, he agonized in the burning sand three<br />

years, trying to get it by the law, until, giving up in utter desperation, he turned the body of sin over to Christ<br />

and immediately shouted the victory, Rom. 7:24. Then and there he was transformed into a cyclone of fire,<br />

flashing and flaming over Asia and Europe, till he lost his head at Nero's block, sweeping up to Heaven in a<br />

chariot of fire.<br />

Oh, what worlds of spiritual detriment supervened to that mighty man because he lost his infantile justification!<br />

How signally contrastive was the experience of John the Baptist, who, instead of backsliding from his infantile<br />

justification, added to it the glorious experience of proleptical sanctification, actually entering into the<br />

Pentecostal power in anticipation, thus the greatest preacher the world has ever seen, his thrilling eloquence,<br />

stentorian oratory and fiery pathos literally magnetizing all who came within the sound of his trumpet voice, till<br />

he actually emptied the cities and populated the wilderness with the thronging multitudes, the rich on their<br />

camels, the middle classes on their donkeys, and the poor trudging along the dusty way on foot, from dewy

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