W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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face and govern themselves accordingly. The post-millennialists tell me that we must make a millennium on the<br />

earth and after it runs a thousand years the Lord will come and take the world; I. e., we are to make the<br />

Millennium and give it to Him, whereas the Bible clearly reveals that He is to bring the Millennium and give it<br />

to us. It is a significant fact that Jesus commands us all to be constantly looking for Him. This was true of the<br />

Apostles and the primitive Church; they looked for Him constantly as long as they lived. The Post-Millennialists<br />

are not looking for Hi m now and with this view cannot look for Him until the Millennium has come and run its<br />

happy thousand years and is numbered with the annals before the flood.<br />

Our Lord commands us frequently over and over to be always ready and watching for Him, and pronounces a<br />

terrible woe on the people who are unwatchful, saying, “My Lord delayeth <strong>His</strong> coming,” Matt. 24:50. He<br />

actually pronounces such a man a wicked servant and says that his Lord will come in a day he does not look for<br />

Him, at an hour he does not expect Him, and will cut him off and appoint him his part with the unbelievers and<br />

hypocrites, and “there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.” I know nothing except what the<br />

Lord tells me, therefore I would rather this moment seal my fate with my blood than to believe anything that<br />

would put me in an attitude of disobedience. The post-millennial view of the Lord's coming is absolutely<br />

incompatible with that constant outlook for <strong>His</strong> appearing which He has positively commanded, more frequently<br />

than anything else. Beloved, shall we not all take God at <strong>His</strong> word and look for Jesus every moment and, by <strong>His</strong><br />

wonderful redeeming grace and sanctifying power, be constantly robed and ready to meet Him at <strong>His</strong> glorious<br />

coming?<br />

(19.) ”APOSTASY” is also another of the twenty-seven dime booklets. A subtle heresy has somewhat<br />

pervaded the ranks of the holiness people, assuming that the forfeiture of sanctification necessarily and<br />

invariably deprives you of your justification, bringing you under condemnation and relegating you back into the<br />

kingdom of Satan. This view really saps the very foundation of the Movement by actually nullifying the second<br />

work of grace, without which we certainly have no holiness people on the earth in contradistinction to the<br />

justified. A momentary analysis will enable you to see the possibility of this statement. If simultaneous forfeiture<br />

of justification and sanctification be true, then the Zinzendorfians are right in their hypothesis of simultaneous<br />

reception.<br />

As Israel had two crossings in her journey from Egypt to Canaan, and we know that apostasy means<br />

retrogression over the ground we traverse in our escape from Satan's bondage, then there must be two crossings<br />

in the retrogression of Israel from Canaan back to Egypt. They assume that we cannot commit a sin without<br />

losing our sanctification, which we frankly admit. Then they go on and tell us that every known sin brings us<br />

under condemnation and forfeits our justification. Therefore they conclude that every sin committed by<br />

sanctified people forfeits not only sanctification, but justification, too; this we frankly admit. Their argument is<br />

true, but they have a false premise, which in every case must produce a false conclusion, even though the<br />

reasoning be correct. That false premise is the assumption that we lose sanctification by committing some<br />

known sin, which is not true at all. The fact is the sanctification must be lost before you ever get your consent to<br />

do wrong.<br />

If your sanctification were on hand, you would die in your tracks rather than do anything which your conscience<br />

condemns. Sanctification is not forfeited by a willing act of sin, but by the inadvertent leakage of love, and<br />

ambition of depravity, imparted by evil spirits around you, both excarnate and incarnate. In this way, and by<br />

unwatchfulness, the Holy Ghost is grieved away, as in the case of Samson, who knew not that the Spirit of the<br />

Lord had departed from him till he found himself utterly incompetent to whip the Philistines. So in this way<br />

sanctified people grieve away the Holy Spirit, lose their power to resist temptation, and the moment they<br />

commit a known sin their justification is gone; whereas the Sanctifier had been grieved away sometime<br />

previously and consequently Satan, too strong for you, gains the victory over you and takes you captive. This is<br />

a great practical truth and ought to be understood by all the holiness people. For the want of special light and<br />

Biblical instruction at this point, the Holiness people are fast dropping down the standard to the normal level of<br />

regeneration.<br />

(20.) ”THE BIBLE” This booklet expounds the great work which the Holy Ghost does through the medium of<br />

<strong>His</strong> Bible. Paul says, “All Scripture is God-breathed,” I. e., it is the very breath of God, thus settling forever the<br />

controverted question of its plenary, verbal inspiration. It is of the greatest importance that we ascertain the

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