W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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Bridehood having their places in perfect harmony and symmetry, with infinite delight serving our glorified King<br />

of kings, as He rules all nations in righteousness and love, I. e., with a rod of iron, Rev. 19:15). While the<br />

millennial reign will be in righteousness and love, yet we see here the rod of iron, which will preclude all overt<br />

sin.<br />

The people will be free and still on probation, so that they can commit sin, but in the absence of Satan and all of<br />

his myrmidons to tempt them it is not at all probable that they will. Yet, in the event that any do rebel against the<br />

authority of the King, such will be suddenly cut off and dropped into Hell.<br />

As all the Apostles went to their respective fields of labor and suffered martyrdom, there is at least a probability<br />

that each one will receive his original evangelistic field in the glorious coming kingdom. In the prophecies,<br />

America is included with Europe, as we are all Europeans. Oh, what incalculable inspirations pass over the<br />

inspired pages, filling every Christian heart with the gladdening enthusiasm for a place in the Bridehood and a<br />

participation in the glorious millennial reign as the subordinates of our blessed Christ!<br />

(17.) ”THE CHRISTHOOD AND THE ANTI-CHRISTHOOD.” This booklet expounds the wonderful<br />

Christhood in its infinitesimal official ramifications through <strong>His</strong> numberless ministers after the order of<br />

Melchizedec, filling the whole earth and continuing forever, uninterrupted by death, as in the case of the Aaronic<br />

ministry, but abiding eternally and, in the wonderful gracious economy, lighting the world with the glory of God<br />

manifested through the vicarious substitutionary atonement, wrought by <strong>His</strong> Son, our glorious Christ on the<br />

cruel cross of Calvary. Through the diversified media of <strong>His</strong> called and sent ministry, the wonderful Christ<br />

reaches and saves all the lost souls who will appreciatively reciprocate <strong>His</strong> mercy. God out of Christ is a<br />

consuming fire, (Heb. 12:18). God in Christ, divine and omnipotent, is the only hope of lost souls.<br />

Anti is a Greek word which means “instead of,” as Jesus says, “Who of you is a father, and if his son ask bread,<br />

will give him a stone, or if he ask a fish will, instead of a fish, give him a serpent?” There our Savior uses the<br />

preposition anti before fish, meaning that the cruel father in that case gives his son the serpent as a substitute for<br />

the fish. Satan rules this world (2 Cor. 4:4), doing his best to pass himself with the people for God, and in most<br />

cases, especially in heathen lands, is eminently succeeding.<br />

The Pope is the antiChrist of prophecy, generally, especially in Revelation, denominated the beast.<br />

The Greek word is theerion, which means a wild beast, bloodthirsty, e. g., the lion, the tiger, etc. This beast<br />

mentioned in the Bible and applied to antiChrist is the symbol of carnality which has always predominated in<br />

the leadership of the fallen Church. The Pope boldly claims to be the vicar of Christ and the vicegerent of God,<br />

thus actually usurping the place of Christ and robbing Him of <strong>His</strong> sovereign prerogative. He is also, in this anti-<br />

Christian attitude, co-operated by a million of priests, dispersed throughout the whole world. We find people<br />

who are not Roman Catholics who actually make this awful anti-Christian claim, e. g., Campbellites and<br />

Mormons, who, instead of sending all the people to the blessed Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, “the<br />

only name given under Heaven among men by which it is possible to be saved,” say, “Come and join our<br />

Church and we will immerse you in water for the re mission of your sins, and thus make you a full-fledged<br />

Christian.” Satan in all ages has been doing his best through false prophets and counterfeit preachers to actually<br />

usurp the throne of Christ, whereas the Lord's preachers do nothing but hide behind the cross and cry, “Behold<br />

the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world,” thus serving as humble heralds, and telling all the<br />

people about the wonderful Christ who alone can save. The ministers of antiChrist say to all the world, “Come<br />

to us and we will take you in hand and you may rest easy about your souls, as you have only to do what we tell<br />

you.” There is an irrepressible conflict in all the world between Christ, <strong>His</strong> called and sent preachers, and the<br />

antichrists with their vast panoplied hosts who are not acquainted with God, and consequently do not claim that<br />

He has called and sent them. The Pope and all anti-Christian preachers claim that God has turned over the<br />

salvation of the world to them, thus clearly evincing to all clearly illuminated people that they are actually<br />

manipulated by Satan and led captive at his will.<br />

(18.) ”APPEAL TO POST-MILLENNIALISTS” This is another of the twenty-seven dime booklets. In this I,<br />

in the honesty of my heart and the fear of God, with the open Bible and facing the great white throne, appeal to<br />

my dear postmillennial brethren, feeling that they have not really the light relative to this matter, which God, in<br />

<strong>His</strong> mercy, has given to me. Therefore in perfect love I appeal to them to halt and look the facts squarely in the

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