W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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prophetic data which you will find exceedingly convenient for reference, and to use when you desire to impart<br />

information on this great and mighty truth of our Savior's return to this world, which is certainly very nigh. All<br />

the chronologies concur in the conclusion that we are certainly living in the time of the end of the Gentile age,<br />

and great and wonderful events are going to transpire whose adumbrations are strikingly ominous in all lands.<br />

According to the Lunar Chronology, which measures time by the revolutions of the moon around the earth, the<br />

Gentile times have already expired and are fifteen years over. According to the Calendar Chronology, which<br />

measures time by the revolution of the planets around the sun, the Gentile times only lack twenty-seven years.<br />

According to the Solar Chronology, which measures time by the revolution of the earth around the sun, there are<br />

only sixty-two ears yet remaining to complete the period of the Gentile times, when we are assured that our<br />

Lord will appear (Luke 21:24) on the throne of <strong>His</strong> millennial glory, dethrone Satan and all of his subordinates,<br />

and establish <strong>His</strong> kingdom from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same.<br />

“For he shall have dominion over river, sea and shore, As fir as eagle's pinion or dove's light wing can soar.”<br />

Now, let us remember that Daniel, the twelfth chapter, gives us forty-five years as the Tribulation Period, during<br />

which the Ancient of Days (Dan. 7:9) will shake down every potentate, political and ecclesiastical, thus clearing<br />

the way for the glorious reign of <strong>His</strong> Son. N. B. Just before the tribulation shall set in, our Lord will descend and<br />

take away <strong>His</strong> Bride (Dan. 12) to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, (Matt. 25) which will continue<br />

contemporaneously with the Tribulation on the earth and at its expiration our Lord will return on the throne of<br />

<strong>His</strong> millennial glory, (Rev. 20) arrest Satan and take him out of the world, establishing <strong>His</strong> glorious reign in all<br />

the earth.<br />

Now you see above that the Lunar Chronology has already expired the Gentile times plus fifteen years, the<br />

Calendar Chronology will expire then in twenty-seven years, and the Solar Chronology in sixty-two years, but<br />

as the Tribulation belongs to the Gentile times, therefore the Rapture will take place forty-five years before its<br />

expiration, which gives us, according to the Lunar Chronology, the Rapture over-due forty-five plus fifteen,<br />

equaling sixty years; Calendar Chronology, forty-five minus twenty-seven, equaling eighteen years Rapture<br />

over-due; and Solar Chronology, sixty-two minus forty-five, equals seventeen years until the Rapture of the<br />

saints is due. Therefore you see that the Lunar makes the glorious Rapture of the saints due sixty years ago, the<br />

Calendar eighteen years ago, and the Solar seventeen years from this date, I. e., in 1923.<br />

The Mohammedans and Jews use the Lunar Chronology, the European nations the Calendar, and the Americans<br />

the Solar.<br />

These facts ought to keep all enlightened Christians on the constant outlook for the appearing of our blessed,<br />

glorified Savior to transfigure and take us up to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Are you robed, ready,<br />

watching and waiting? If not settle it quickly. Radically and eternally plunge beneath the crimson flood that<br />

washes whiter than snow, and then rise to walk in Heaven's own light above the world and sin, with heart made<br />

pure, garments white and Christ enthroned within.<br />

(16.) ”MILLENNIUM” This is one of these dime booklets which tells you briefly all about the glorious reign<br />

of our blessed and wonderful Savior on the earth in <strong>His</strong> personal, transfigured majesty, following <strong>His</strong> descension<br />

from the Marriage Supper of the Lamb accompanied by the transfigured saints of <strong>His</strong> Bridehood, who, during<br />

the tribulation on the earth while the Father was hackling [sic] out of all nations the incorrigibles whose<br />

character is utterly incompatible and unharmonizable with the glorious reign of perfect justice, purity,<br />

righteousness and love in all the earth, passed through an adjudication in Heaven, by which they received their<br />

respective places in the Divine government according to their personal idiosyncrasies and adaptation to conserve<br />

the glorious millennial reign, as the faithful and loving subordinates of the King of kings and Lord of lords,<br />

(Rev. 20:4-6).<br />

Our great and pressing expedition at the present day is to get the Bride ready in every nation under Heaven,<br />

since our glorious Lord will need charter members for <strong>His</strong> millennial kingdom in every nation. He informs us<br />

(Matt. 19:28) that the Apostles will be the first rulers in <strong>His</strong> glorious coming kingdom. He also repeats the same<br />

at the last supper (Luke 22:28). There are just about twelve great nationalities now upon the earth, which will be<br />

given, according to <strong>His</strong> promise, to the twelve Apostles, as <strong>His</strong> chief subordinates, all the members of the

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