W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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and upright. Among these twenty-seven booklets, which you get for one dime per copy, these two I. e.,<br />

“Demonology” and “The Work of the Holy Spirit,” which have always been circulated in pairs, as they represent<br />

the opposite sides of the battlefield which envelopes the whole earth, are of transcendent importance.<br />

(10.) ”WHY WILL YE DIE?” Ezek. 33:11. This booklet is an appeal to the unconverted and exceedingly<br />

appropriate for extensive promiscuous distribution by way of warning the wicked to flee from the wrath to<br />

come. In this respect it stands isolated in the entire catalogue of my writings, as all the balance are more directly<br />

to Christians in the interest of sanctification and subsequent holy living and especially the great enterprise of<br />

universal evangelization, which, in the economy of God's Kingdom, becomes the glorious privilege of all who<br />

have the honored privilege of a place in the sacramental host marching under the blood-stained banner of the<br />

conquest of the world for Christ.<br />

(11.) ”THE SABBATH” You need this book especially to qualify you to meet the Seventh Day Adventists,<br />

who are dispersed throughout this continent very widely and are a very enterprising people in the interest of<br />

their sect, whose constant battle-cry is “The Mosaic Sabbath.” They befog the consciences of multitudes who<br />

are sincerely seeking after light and truth and, in the integrity of their hearts, are endeavoring to keep the<br />

commandments of God and do <strong>His</strong> will on earth as the angels do it in Heaven. They tell them boldly and<br />

unhesitatingly that Saturday is the only true Sabbath and that our Sunday in the Pope's counterfeit, assuring the<br />

people that he made the change.<br />

The innocent rank and file of Christendom look upon the papacy as running far back near the beginning of the<br />

Christian age, which is quite a mistake, as there never was a pope till A. D. 606, when Procas, the king of Italy,<br />

crowned Boniface III, Bishop of Rome, Supreme Pontificate of all the churches, and he was the first Pope. You<br />

will see in the booklet, clearly proved by Scripture and history, that the disciples kept the first day of the week<br />

without a break from the resurrection of the Lord and that the Gentiles never did keep the Mosaic Sabbath and<br />

were not required to do it, the Jewish wing of the Church having kept both days till they evanesced and the<br />

Church became all Gentile.<br />

The trouble with the influence of these Seventh Day Adventists is not simply their fight against the Christian<br />

Sabbath, but their infidelity. It is not generally known that they are actually downright infidels of the<br />

materialistic order, actually repudiating all spirituality, even the immortality of the soul. They are called “Soul-<br />

Sleepers,” but it is a mistake. They do not believe you have any soul to sleep. The only immortality which they<br />

allow is that of the body of believers in the resurrection, where as the wicked are forever annihilated. These<br />

people use the day question to lasso your conscience and draw you in with them. Then, at their leisure, they lead<br />

you away into infidelity and freeze you to death. This booklet should be circulated to the ends of the earth to<br />

fortify honest people against that pestilential influence.<br />

(12.) ”SATAN'S SIDETRACKS” This booklet proceeds to show up ten prominent side-tracks which Satan,<br />

through his false prophets and counterfeit preachers, is now currently bringing into availability. He is so cunning<br />

and adroit that, slipping in like the vampire at midnight, he manages to lay down a side-track which is so<br />

parallel with the main track that unanointed eyes will not identify it. Then he has us run on the same direction a<br />

considerable time and deflects so gradually that the travelers do not detect it but think they are still on the King's<br />

highway, till eventually it gets completely turned around and runs directly back in the opposite direction. Still<br />

Satan is on board dressed in railroad uniform and with great care and adroitness playing the Holy Ghost, while<br />

his myrmidons so cunningly play the angel that you think all is well and the trainmen are all in their places.<br />

Meanwhile you are looking for the “New Jerusalem” and expecting to see your glorified relatives and friends on<br />

the platform to greet you, when your train runs into the union depot. But finally, when it is eternally too late,<br />

you wake up to the fact that you are on the wrong train and in the company of devils and have actually reached<br />

Hell.<br />

(13.) ”NO-HELLISM” This booklet shows up the Bible doctrine of a real Hell of fire and brimstone clearly<br />

and beyond the possibility of doubt, and gives you overwhelming scriptural refutations of the boasted theories<br />

manipulated by the No-Hellites, I. e., Millennial Dawners, Seventh Day Adventists and Universalists. When we<br />

consider the lamentable fact that the Sinai Gospel of Hell and damnation for the finally impenitent has actually<br />

gone out of the pulpit, it is high time that we all rally to the rescue of this great fundamental Bible truth. Where

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