W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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about fifty to one hundred pages each and are all bound in paper and sell for only one dime per copy. Therefore<br />

you see you can actually command a splendid library with the small sum of two dollars and a half. When I<br />

graduated from college, having been a student twenty-one years (from five to twenty-six years of age), I<br />

proceeded at once to ransack all of the world for books and gathered up a library at the cost of one thousand<br />

dollars, much of it consisting of costly works sent from Germany and England. The Lord, in <strong>His</strong> mercy, as let<br />

me write forty-eight books and booklets. I honestly believe that if these had been put into my hands instead of<br />

the one thousand dollar library, they would have done me more good than that wagon load of books. While<br />

many of my books are large, containing three to six hundred pages and substantially bound in cloth, the twentyseven<br />

booklets, about which we now give you a word of information, cost but a dime per copy and therefore<br />

amount in total cost to but very little; the whole sum necessary to secure the entire library would probably be in<br />

the neighborhood of $1500. God, in <strong>His</strong> mercy, blessed me with splendid educational facilities, so that I read<br />

English fluently at the age of six, and after years of toil actually used the New Testament scriptures in thirteen<br />

languages and dialects and the Old Testament in all of the important classical languages. I have been an<br />

assiduous student all my life and lost comparatively no time sowing wild oats in the realms of Diabolus, like<br />

most people, and having spent fifty-three years preaching the Gospel and teaching not only the Bible, but the<br />

entire collegiate course, I am certainly very anxious to give the rising generation the full benefit of my seventythree<br />

years on the earth and all the additional remnant which God, in <strong>His</strong> infallible providence and<br />

superabounding mercy, shall add to my preceding years, which already begin to render me somewhat an<br />

example f human longevity.<br />

The booklets are:<br />

(1) ”SPIRITUAL GIFTS AND GRACES” When first written this produced a general and wide-spread<br />

sensation among the scholars of Christendom, who had acquiesced in the conclusion that all of these gifts had<br />

left the world when the Apostles went to Heaven. Consequently this book was really a sunburst on the spiritual<br />

people of the different denominations who seized it with universal avidity and devoured it with insatiable<br />

voracity, seeing clearly and confessedly its pure Biblical orthodoxy, and at the same time recognizing the<br />

glorious feasibility of receiving and appropriating these gifts and graces like the people of the apostolic age. We<br />

all must have the nine graces, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith and<br />

holiness, (Gal.<br />

5:22) in order that we ourselves may be saved. Therefore you see that the nine graces are an absolute sine qua<br />

non, which none of us under any circumstances can afford to forfeit as we must get to Heaven whether other<br />

people do or not.<br />

Meanwhile the nine gifts of the Holy Ghost, wisdom, knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, the workings of<br />

dynamite, discernment of spirits, prophecy, languages and interpretations, constitute the Christian's panoply by<br />

which we conquer Satan's host and rescue the lost millions from sin, death and endless woe. You see, then, if we<br />

have not the graces we will lose our souls, while if we do not utilize the gifts, though with the graces we get to<br />

Heaven, we will have no stars to shine in our crown for the angel to admire through the ages of eternity and, as<br />

some say will have to go bare headed<br />

(2.) ”VICTORY” -- This book has received a wonderful circulation and God has everywhere set <strong>His</strong> seal<br />

upon the truth. Bound in cloth it only costs twenty five cents but in paper it ranks as a dime book along with the<br />

twenty-six dime booklets in paper. It means just what it says, “Victory over the world, the flesh and the devil.” It<br />

tells you the Lord's secret of getting it and keeping it, its circulation has gone up to forty or fifty thousand and it<br />

is still going to the ends of the earth. It was published early in the Holiness Movement. I have known many<br />

preachers to attribute their sanctification to reading it. Like all of these small books it is characteristic of<br />

'multum in parvo, “much in little,” and evidently adapted to laboring people.<br />

(3.) ”HOLY LAND” This book is the size and price of the two preceding, twenty-five cents, bound in cloth,<br />

and in paper one dime. It gives you an account of my first journey to the Holy Land.<br />

It has received an extensive circulation and been read by myriads great delight. Children and young people are<br />

especially carried away with it.

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