W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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people, which would soon vitiate the experience, entrench upon regeneration without delay, undermine<br />

justification and settle the poor victim of Satanic delusion in confirmed apostasy, the certain antecedent of<br />

damnation.<br />

(5.) Man is a trinity consisting of spirit, soul and body, I. e., pneuma, psuchee and sooma. The pneumatical<br />

and psychical glorification take place when the soul evacuates the body and this mortal puts on immortality. The<br />

soomatical glorification takes place when this mortal body is transfigured into the similitude of our Savior's<br />

glorified body. When He was transfigured on the mountain, Moses and Elijah both appeared with Him invested<br />

in their transfigured bodies, the latter representative of all the living saints who shall be on the earth when our<br />

Lord comes to take up <strong>His</strong> Bride and who will be transfigured through the translation, whereas the former<br />

represented all of the buried saints who will be transfigured by the resurrection.<br />

(6.) Our wonderful, omnipotent Savior, in <strong>His</strong> glorious vicarious atonement, has not only provided for the<br />

glorification of humanity, spirit, soul and body, but has also included this earth, which is to be sanctified by the<br />

crematory fires, (2 Peter 3) and gloriously renovated by special Divine creative intervention (Rev. 21). Thus<br />

Peter and John each tell us about the grand restitution which, in glorious mercy, awaits this earth when the<br />

purgatorial fires will sanctify out of her all the pollutions with which sin has affected land, sea and air, thus<br />

eternally expurgating every atom of impurity and defilement and superinducing the Edenic purity which<br />

antedated the fall. Then omnipotent intervention taking this whole world, terrestrial and aerial, in hand will<br />

recreate it into primitive heavenly similitude, restoring it back to its original place in the plain of the ecliptic<br />

where, resuming its own orbit, whence Satan arrested n in view of augmenting the dominions of Hell,<br />

deflecting, it away from comradeship with kindred celestial spheres he has utilized it these six thousand years as<br />

a preparatory for the pandemonium in the glorious finale. This wonderful Savior, pursuant to <strong>His</strong> infallible<br />

promise, “The meek shall inherit the earth,” Matt. 5:5, will confer this beautiful, sanctified, renovated,<br />

celestialized world as a soldier's bounty, and the faithful pilgrims who, through the long roll of the ages, have<br />

heroically confronted Satan and his stygian hosts on the battlefield, and proven true amid all the temptations<br />

superinduced by Diabolus and his myrmidons, will receive it.<br />

This book, “Glorification,” is cheap, brief, focalized, consolidated, and expository of these great fundamental<br />

truths appertaining to the work of' Christ, which should be so familiar to every witness for Jesus as to enable us<br />

always to have them at our tongue's end<br />

“Incarnation of the Holy Ghost”<br />

This book is just the size of the preceding, “Glorification,” and contains precious truths exceedingly vital in the<br />

gracious economy and transcendently important, not only to every Biblical student, but especially to every soul<br />

who would enjoy a clear, bright, satisfactory experience, which is the only certain guarantee of a home in<br />

Heaven. During this probation the great interest of every soul is, in the first place, real, actual, and unmistakable<br />

salvation, so confirmed by the witness of the Spirit as eternally to put to flight all doubt and fear? Giving victory<br />

brilliant as a sunburst and so incontestably witnessed by the Spirit as to leave no room for Satan in his cunning<br />

caprices to inject doubts. In the second place it is of the greatest conceivable importance to us that we shall<br />

never forfeit our inheritance by apostasy.<br />

How can we secure these grand achievements? We answer, there is but possibly one way and that is<br />

conservatism to the Holy Ghost, who is the Executive of the Trinity. The exegesis of our Savior's statement in<br />

reference to the admissibility of the sin against the Holy Ghost, (Matt. 12:31-32) arises as a logical sequence<br />

from the adjustment of the Trinity to the redemptive scheme. The Father, in <strong>His</strong> infinite mercy, grants that<br />

redemption of the human race, the Son volunteers to procure the redemption by <strong>His</strong> vicarious death and<br />

sufferings, while the Holy Ghost becomes the omnipotent Executive. The Person of the Father sits upon the<br />

throne of the universe, while worlds in countless millions move responsive to <strong>His</strong> ipse dixit. The Son sits<br />

coronated, enthroned at <strong>His</strong> right hand. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of the Father, (Acts 5:3-4) whom He sends<br />

freely into this world, omnipotently executive of the glorious plan of human redemption. The Holy Ghost is also<br />

the Spirit of the Son, (Acts 16:6-8) whom He freely pours out on every human soul who, duly and humbly<br />

appreciative of <strong>His</strong> blessed privileges in the plan of salvation, enters into a receptive attitude, for conviction,

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