W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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martyrdom gave him his discharge for a kingdom and a crown by the side of his martyred Predecessor, in the<br />

bright upper world.<br />

MATTHIAS, who was elected to take the place of fallen Judas, also received his appointment in Africa, being<br />

sent to Abyssinia, where he also faithfully preached till his enemies cruelly murdered him and he exchanged<br />

astern Africa for the New Jerusalem.<br />

THOMAS, the famous doubter, whose doubts were all consumed in the Pentecostal fires, received India, the<br />

largest country in the known world at that time, as his field of labor. When I was there a few months ago, I<br />

traveled in the region of his ministry and near the place of his martyrdom, as they informed me. Thousands of<br />

people are there today, known as the Christians of St. Thomas and claiming to be his followers.<br />

JUDE received Tartary, a great and powerful nation at that time, bordering on China, which would have been<br />

included in his field of labor if they had let him alone. But as the Brahman priests led the cruel mob that<br />

perforated the body of Thomas with an iron bar, and hung him up between two trees, so the cruel pagan priests,<br />

in the case of Jude, instigated the barbaric reprobates to tie him to a tree and enjoy a shooting match at his<br />

expense, gambling with each other who could shoot an arrow in his right eye, etc., thus literally plugging his<br />

body full of arrows.<br />

ANDREW received Armenia as his field of labor, whither faithfully going he preached heroically till they<br />

crucified him on the X cross, which to this day is known among Roman Catholics as St.Andrew's cross.<br />

BARTHOLOMEW, who is Nathanael, a native of Cana in Galilee, received Phrygia, a very barbaric country in<br />

Northern Asia, whither he faithfully went and zealously preached the living Word with the Holy Ghost sent<br />

down from Heaven. Meanwhile, the seal of God settled down on his ministry and he saw a great harvest ripe for<br />

the sickle; so, pressing the battle with redoubtable energy for God and souls, Hell was stirred and Satan raised<br />

an awful hubbub. The civil commotion was intense and the excitement wild and furious, so that the king<br />

concluded that the available remedy was to drive off the preacher. Consequently he ordered him to leave his<br />

country and never return, as he blamed him for making the awful trouble which threatened the very stability of<br />

his government.<br />

Then when he did not obey the royal mandate, the king got so awfully mad at him that he had him skinned alive<br />

as an effectual terror to evil doers, since he concluded that he was an awfully bad man as he had raised such a<br />

terrible hubbub among the people.<br />

PHILIP received Syria as his field of labor, which contains Baalbek, the universal metropolis of Asiatic idolatry,<br />

whither all nations from the days of Cain had resorted bringing their sumptuous offerings to Baal the sun god.<br />

Therefore of course it devolved on Philip to actually beard the lion in his den. This he did most heroically, going<br />

right into Baalbek, preaching Christ and thundering against idolatry like a messenger from Heaven. They did not<br />

stand him very long till they reciprocated his great doctrine, “Jesus crucified,” by crucifying him.<br />

SIMON Zelotes, as history informs us, received for his appointment insular Europe, I. e., England, Ireland,<br />

Scotland and Wales, the land of our American ancestry, and the cradle of the great Anglo-Saxon race. Those<br />

countries not only abounded in the popular religions of Greece and Rome, but in the native Druidism. Thus you<br />

see this fiery apostle, named “Zelot” because the dynamite predominated in his character, was the apostle of our<br />

ancestors, he, too; while preaching the Gospel all over those countries was permitted to go to Heaven with a<br />

martyr's crown.<br />

LUKE the faithful and indefatigable amanuensis of Paul, honored to write the most of the New Testament when<br />

his senior preached, was arrested at Nicapolis, Greece, and carried away to Rome the second time, for<br />

prosecution, under charge of burning the city, not personally, but because it was imputed to the Christians and he<br />

was their prominent leader. He was finally hanged on an olive tree in Greece.<br />

MARK, the faithful amanuensis of Peter, who is said to have dictated the Gospel that bears his name, received<br />

Egypt, the oldest nation in the world. Faithful to his appointment and off to the land of the Pharaohs, he went<br />

like a hero to the battlefield, peregrinated the country, and everywhere contended for “the faith once delivered to<br />

the saints,” till an awful persecution in Alexandria culminated in a cruel mob, who dragged him through the

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