W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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omnipotent Spirit, conferring on us the life and giving us all needed help to live it day by day, thus utterly and<br />

eternally sweeping away every apology for sin, either actual or original, whereas the infirmities normal to our<br />

fallen state really have no power to vitiate the perfect spiritual life in our hearts for the obedience of perfect<br />

love, which we live. These infirmities in the Bible are denominated sins of ignorance, and, though incompatible<br />

with the heavenly state, have no power to either condemn or pollute in the present life, as they are abundantly<br />

provided for in Christ. This we see beautifully and powerfully illustrated in the cities of refuge, which were<br />

three in number on either side of the Jordan, so that the involuntary homicide could surely reach one of them,<br />

unobstructed by Jordan's flood. If the avenger of blood overtook him he would certainly kill him, but there was<br />

no reason why he should overtake him, as he always got the start of him and as there was no real obstruction in<br />

his way. He had nothing to do but to run with all his might and fall headlong through the gate of the city and in<br />

that way was perfectly safe. If the avenger of blood should then slay him, his nearest relative would certainly<br />

kill the avenger. These cities of refuge beautifully symbolize our wonderful Christ, who has actually provided<br />

for everything. These infirmities are accidental violations of the divine law, illustrated in the Bible by a man<br />

chopping down a tree and the axe flying off the handle and killing a man who happened to come up behind and<br />

the chopper did not see him; hence they rank as mere accidents in which we do wrong while aiming to do right.<br />

While the Christian perfection we enjoy in this life is not vitiated by these sins of ignorance, the angelic<br />

perfection, which we receive in glorification and enjoy in Heaven, would be utterly marred and ruined by<br />

accidental transgressions of the Divine law. Therefore the angels are forever kept even from sins of ignorance.<br />

But our blessed Christ has so wonderfully redeemed us that He has provided for the elimination of all these<br />

infirmities which conduce to sins of ignorance.<br />

While biography is doubtless the most profitable line of reading, it is of course a universally conceded fact that<br />

every biography in all the ages is incident to infirmities, except that of our glorious Lord. Therefore while we<br />

may derive vast help by acquainting ourselves with the lives of the Lord's people, yet they are to be taken more<br />

or less at discount in every case, leaving a large margin for infirmities. We all in this life need a perfect<br />

examplar. My teachers used to tell me always to aim high, as I was very likely to drop down below the mark of<br />

my aspiration. As our glorious Lord has taken it on Himself to come to this world, and has given us a perfect<br />

example showing us how to live and die, therefore the value of <strong>His</strong> biography is absolutely inestimable to us.<br />

Oh, what a world we would have if every human being in it would acquaint himself with the life of Jesus and<br />

walk in <strong>His</strong> footprints! No human being can do it without the prevenient concomitant grace which He freely<br />

gives through the blessed intervention of <strong>His</strong> Holy Spirit. But we are so happy to say that He leaves us without<br />

excuse. When He so frequently rings out the proclamation, “Follow me,” rest assured He is not mocking us,<br />

because He freely gives us all the help we need to obey that and every other commandment. N. B. Obedience<br />

legitimately appertains to citizens of <strong>His</strong> kingdom. No sinner can possibly keep our Lord's commandments,<br />

because he is a citizen of Satan's kingdom who is too strong for him and assuredly will not let him obey the<br />

Lord. But if he will cry to God He will send him <strong>His</strong> Holy Spirit anywhere this side of Hell to defeat the devil,<br />

break his chains and set him free.<br />

In regeneration he is born into the family of God and becomes a bona fide citizen of <strong>His</strong> kingdom.<br />

Then by <strong>His</strong> sustaining grace and sanctifying power he can walk in the footprints of Jesus, to his infinite benefit<br />

prompted by the Lord's infallible example, both in life and in death. This “Life of Jesus and <strong>His</strong> Apostles,” you<br />

will find infinitely valuable as an expositor of <strong>His</strong> wonderful preaching, by far the best preaching the world ever<br />

heard or ever will till He comes in <strong>His</strong> glory.<br />

It so happens that the Bible does not follow any of the Apostles to the end of their lives, except poor Judas, who<br />

died first of all by awful suicide, and James, the elder brother of John and son of Zebedee, whom Herod Agrippa<br />

beheaded with the sword. The destiny of the other Apostles we have to find in history. After those awful,<br />

exterminating wars by the Romans, began to gather the formidable tempests threatening the very existence of<br />

the Jewish nation, whose nationality they did obliterate. All of the Apostles, pursuant to our Lord's commission,<br />

(Matt. 28:19), then divided up the great heathen world and separated, never to meet again this side the pearly<br />

gates, each one going to his respective field of labor.<br />

MATTHEW received Ethiopia as his appointment, whither faithfully going, he preached heroically till bloody

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