W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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so clearly that he can explain it to others.<br />

(2.) They are lucidly experimental, I. e., bearing constantly on Christian experience, which is so preeminently<br />

important. If you would pass through the pearly gates, the Bible must go through your heart and shine<br />

out in your life. Our preaching should be constantly, earnestly and explicitly experimental, as otherwise it is<br />

intangible, impracticable and of no substantial availability. The whole Bible is rigidly experimental and our<br />

preaching must be its veritable facsimile. These Commentaries are the very thing to feed your own soul and<br />

make you he efficient dispenser of soul pabulum to others.<br />

(3.) They are also strictly practical, bringing the precious and infallible Word into constant availability so we<br />

can utilize its heavenly wisdom in our daily living. The Bible is really every man's guide-book, the infallible<br />

director of the pilgrim prosecuting his toiling march along the King's highway of holiness in this world of sin<br />

and sorrow, to the glorious and eternal rest which awaits the faithful probationer beyond the range of tempest<br />

and sorrow “where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest.”<br />

“Oh! 'tis sweet to think, hereafter<br />

When the spirit leaves this sphere,<br />

Love with deathless wings shall waft her,<br />

To those she long hath mourned for here.<br />

“Hearts from which 'twas death to sever,<br />

Eyes this world can ne'er restore,<br />

There as warm, as bright as ever,<br />

Shall greet us and be lost no more.”<br />

(4.) They are not critical. I have kept close company with all of the prominent critics of Christendom from<br />

the Apostolic Fathers down to the present, who day and night, like my predecessors, have written critically, but<br />

the Lord did not so lead me. He used some of my scholarly holiness brethren to advise me to leave out the<br />

critical phase, which is the most prominent in all of the older commentaries. They start out and tell you what this<br />

critic says, what another says, etc. The reader goes ahead and reads the expositions of the different critics, gets<br />

bewildered, and actually reaches nothing tangible and utilizable. These Commentaries, instead of perplexing<br />

you with criticisms, explain the Word in a plain style so that you can feed on it in your own soul and dispense it<br />

to the hungry around you.<br />

(5.) They are non-sectarian. I do not believe any really candid person can read them and locate the author<br />

with any of the sects or denominations. Where does the non-sectarian and undenominational part come in? From<br />

the simple fact that the Bible is positively free from sectarianism and denominationality. Of course we have all<br />

come into the world and grown up under some sectarian influences, but it is a conceded fact that real<br />

sanctification saves us from carnality in all its forms and phases, and that includes sectarianism.<br />

(6.) They are pre-eminently adapted to all who feel called of God directly or indirectly to dispense the<br />

glorious Gospel of <strong>His</strong> once humiliated but now glorified Son. That Son is now enthroned at <strong>His</strong> right hand,<br />

coronated, sceptered and interceding for a lost world, which He, in <strong>His</strong> wonderful condescending mercy, by <strong>His</strong><br />

vicarious substitutionary atonement redeemed forever from sin, death and Hell, having so triumphantly<br />

conquered all of our enemies as to eternally preclude the faintest apology for the damnation of a solitary soul.<br />

Most transcendently important, interesting and delightful is the glorious privilege of dispensing this message of<br />

life and salvation to the lost millions now thronging the broad and frequented road down to a devil's hell. They<br />

are manipulated, deluded, hoaxed and bamboozled by millions of excarnate demons thronging the air and<br />

incarnate devils, in the form of counterfeit preachers and false prophets, literally inundating every land and<br />

clime in these latter days of the Pentecostal dispensation. This world is now flooded with a population of sixteen<br />

hundred millions of immortal souls, one thousand millions of whom are sitting in heathen darkness, and<br />

enveloped in the thralldom of death. Human longevity has been cut down from a thousand years in the<br />

antediluvian ages and a hundred years in the post-diluvian, to the fleeting span of only twenty-four in India and<br />

but little more in other heathen lands. Thus we have now a thousand incentives playing on every intelligently<br />

and victoriously saved soul to rally to the rescue of his perishing comrades, who by millions on all sides are<br />

precipitating themselves into Hell at race horse speed. Since the glorious Gospel, with which the blessed Bible<br />

is flooded from Alpha to Omega, is God's predestined medium of rescue for every fallen son and daughter of

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