W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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And dwell where Jesus is.<br />

“Thou art the sea of love,<br />

Where all my pleasures roll;<br />

The circle where my passions move,<br />

And center of my soul.<br />

“Not all the harps above<br />

Can make a heavenly place,<br />

If God <strong>His</strong> residence remove,<br />

Or but conceal <strong>His</strong> face.<br />

“To Thee my spirits fly<br />

With Infinite desire,<br />

And yet how far from Thee I lie!<br />

O Jesus, raise me higher<br />


I must mention two whom God decisively used to develop a new epoch in my life. The one is Rev. M. W.<br />

Knapp, and the other Brother J. L. Hunton, a preaching layman of Hillsboro, Texas, and now at Orange,<br />

California. I must ever glorify God for using Brother Knapp to launch me into authorship and Brother Hunton to<br />

cut me loose from my native land and give to me the Old World in addition to the New for my field of labor. I<br />

do owe a debt of gratitude to these brethren as God's humble instruments in the development of this great and<br />

interesting epoch in my life, which I can never pay.<br />

I had read the writings of Brother Knapp and he had read mine and we had corresponded, but never met till he<br />

migrated to Cincinnati in 1892, then of course we had him come over into Kentucky to preach for us in our<br />

Holiness Convention, when I, for the first time, looked into his inspiring face.<br />

I was a little surprised to find him twenty years my junior, as his trenchant pen had impressed me with his<br />

seniority.<br />

I had written my “Baptism,” “Sanctification,” “Christian Perfection,” “Victory” and “Holiness or Hell,” all of<br />

which had received a wonderful circulation and appreciation, infinitely beyond my anticipation, and God had<br />

used them as pioneers of the Movement, especially throughout the great South, whither its coming was a score<br />

of years more tardy than in the vast North. Those books are all distinguished for their brevity, perspicuity,<br />

vivacity and Biblical orthodoxy; meanwhile the didactic phase of them is of infinite value to the Biblical<br />

student, at they teach the great truths of regeneration and entire sanctification, so tersely, clearly, experimentally<br />

and demonstratively that the blessed Holy Spirit has used them in leading multitudes into the happy experience<br />

of full salvation. Besides, they are all pre-eminently characteristic of multum in parvo, much in little, and<br />

consequently are well adapted to the busy millions of Christians who are hungry for this delectable full salvation<br />

and, like myself, are seeking it blindly, as I did for nineteen years because I did not know how to get it. If either<br />

of the above books had reached me I would have entered Beulah Land in my blooming youth, instead of waiting<br />

till life's meridian. Brother Knapp had read and circulated all of those books. I simply wrote them in order that<br />

they might help me preach this great salvation and reach multitudes whom I would never have the opportunity<br />

to meet face to face and dispense the living Word.<br />

I also wrote them especially to leave with the people to whom God, in <strong>His</strong> providence, had permitted me to<br />

preach the Gospel, in order to establish them in the faith, so that their experiences would not evanesce through<br />

the chicanery of the intriguing foe. I have seen wonderful fruitfulness which, in the good providence of God, has<br />

supervened through the media of these straight, clear, scriptural and irrefutable presentations of God's blessed,<br />

saving truth, revelatory of the glorious privileges and invaluable inheritance which He hath bequeathed to <strong>His</strong><br />

humble, faithful and teachable children.<br />

The holiness people had been exceedingly clamorous a full dozen years for me to write commentaries<br />

expository of the New Testament. This conception had originated from my constant habit of teaching the

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