W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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he did not well understand English.<br />

Now, while the wagon ran those eight miles I had nothing to do but preach to him. <strong>Rest</strong> assured I did my best.<br />

Before we reached the camp, I saw that the lightning had struck him. Before we dismounted I asked him if he<br />

would attend all of the meetings. He responded in the affirmative. I found him all the time sitting directly in<br />

front of me and giving the most profound attention.<br />

Arriving on Thursday I spent all of my time until Sunday night preaching on sanctification, especially in view of<br />

getting our forces armed and equipped for the oncoming campaign, as I was satisfied that a great multitude were<br />

coming from all parts of that vast wild west. By Sunday we had many tenters on the ground and a vast multitude<br />

of people not only filling the great auditorium but overflowing it. On Sunday night I preached directly to the<br />

unconverted, using as the text, Psa. 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into Hell with all the nations that forget<br />

God.” The immense audience listened as if the archangel of the final judgment morn had descended and was<br />

sounding his mighty trumpet and calling the nations to the flaming Tribunal of the omniscient Judge of the quick<br />

and the dead.<br />

As that was my first message that I had directed to the unconverted, I took plenty of time, knowing that the great<br />

majority of those people had become exceedingly wicked in that wild country.<br />

While dispensing the living Word, I warned them to flee the wrath to come, at the same time revealing the<br />

appalling horrors of a bottomless Hell, amid penal fires unquenchable. The blessed Spirit wonderfully helped<br />

me to portray the eternity of woe most certainly awaiting the unconverted.<br />

As the moments fled away and conviction settled down on that lost multitude like a nightmare from the eternal<br />

world, groans, sighs, heaves and sobs became distinctly audible. The tide of conviction rising higher and higher,<br />

they began to weep aloud in different places through that great auditorium. The scene intensifies as conviction<br />

comes like an incorrigible paralysis on the people and they begin to fall from their seats, losing the physical<br />

power of locomotion. The moans increase on all sides till they rise like the roar of many waters, so drowning my<br />

voice that I am constrained to open the altar quickly a multitude rush to it and crowd it to overflowing. Looking<br />

round I see an altar out in the auditorium where the people have fallen and seem unable to get away. I look in<br />

the other direction and see another altar and the dear saints pressing the battle. In still a third direction I see<br />

another altar, and oh, how the Christians are toiling to lead the penitents to the Lamb of God that taketh away<br />

the sin of the world! They are actually peregrinating the crowd like the resurrection angels, when the Lord shall<br />

descend to catch away <strong>His</strong> waiting Bride.<br />

The first one to rush to the altar when I gave the invitation was that German who had carried me to the camp.<br />

Oh, how he prayed to God, for Christ's sake, to forgive his sins and give him a new heart. About ten o'clock he<br />

came through bright as a meridian sunburst and shouting all over the tabernacle. Forgetting that he was in an<br />

English-speaking audience, he fell to exhorting in German and singing songs.<br />

Wonderful was the work of the Lord that memorable Sunday night, when many passed out of darkness into<br />

light, while others were fording the Jordan and entering Beulah Land.<br />

At eleven o'clock I proceeded to dismiss the congregation although I knew many would linger until they found<br />

the Lord. When I was about to pronounce the benediction, this joyful, newly-born German begged me most<br />

importunately not to dismiss, saying, “You see I have got it, but here are my wife and sister at the altar and I<br />

want you to hold on till they get it.” I told him to rest easy for God would surely give it to them, and so He did<br />

in <strong>His</strong> own good time. The meeting proved a glorious victory; before it was over this German had not only been<br />

converted, but sanctified. At the conclusion of the encampment, when Brother Adams invited people to join the<br />

Church, this German, accompanied by his wife and sister, was among the first, they having forgotten all about<br />

the oath sworn in Germany at the knee of the priest, solemnly obligating themselves to stick to the Catholic<br />

Church and die in it.<br />

This illustrates the great mistake there is in fighting churches. That is not our business. We have all we can do to<br />

fill our regular contract to fight the devil and sin. Holiness people make two mistakes – they fight fireflies<br />

instead of devils, and doctors instead of diseases. Let us take warning and make these mistakes no more. I had to<br />

convince that German that I had no fight with his Church, but only wanted his soul saved. A fight with his

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