W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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the deep interior of every heart, “What shall I do to be saved?” Even the presiding elder, who, with all his<br />

culture, (for he was both an. A. M. and a D. D. had been deluded by Satan and, manipulated to run me out of the<br />

whole country, in one short hour after his arrival radically revolutionized, confessed, and rescinded all of his<br />

actions against me, and became my right hand helper, throwing every door open and writing to all the preachers<br />

notifying them that it was a God-sent opportunity to have such a revival in their churches which they badly<br />

needed but never dreamed of.<br />

My own heart was never disturbed by all of those machinations of the enemy, but I rested perfectly in Jesus,<br />

fully assured that He would manage <strong>His</strong> part if I would be true. Though I was fifteen hundred miles from home,<br />

having come that distance to answer the calls of the preachers, still God took care of me and gave me victory.<br />

Never be discouraged at the most formidable combinations against you; great things are as easy for<br />

Omnipotence as the smallest.<br />

From Uvalde, we went to Florisville, another county seat. There, with an audience of fifteen hundred, the Lord<br />

gave us another glorious revival, hundreds getting converted, reclaimed or sanctified. While I was moving<br />

ahead, preaching the Sinai Gospel with all my might, utilizing the enginery of prayer and testimony, cooperatively<br />

with my Sinaic thunder, lightning, earthquakes, cyclones and typhoons, the Baptist pastor who had<br />

already been sanctified and was taking an active part in the meeting, got up and spoke about two minutes, then<br />

threw the altar open for sinners who wanted salvation to come and seek. About eighty of those wild cowboys<br />

crowded to the altar. I had already been inviting seekers for sanctification, but had given no invitation to sinners<br />

because I did not think the conviction was sufficient.<br />

In those days I never held little short meetings, as I do now, for the especial edification of the Lord's people and<br />

the conversion of sinners who are ripe enough, but at that time I made it a rule to stay till Satan was defeated<br />

and the glorious victory came.<br />

This premature call for sinners really damaged the work, because we found it difficult for them to reach a<br />

satisfactory conversion, because their conviction was not deep enough. As a rule, our holiness people are too<br />

expeditious in their revival work. They call for penitents prematurely and find them difficult to lead into a bright<br />

and glorious experience. Without a genuine Holy Ghost conviction, all sinners are gum logs, neither splitable<br />

into rails, nor rivable into boards, but the real and potent illumination and conviction of the Holy Ghost turns all<br />

of these old gum trees into chestnut and white oak, so that they split like a top and rive like lightning.<br />

While I was always flooded with calls, I made it a rule never unduly to expedite the work, thus going ahead of<br />

the Holy Ghost. Consequently other calls had to wait till I could reach them. I made it a rule to preach Sinai till<br />

conviction settled on the people like a nightmare. Then it was easy to get them brightly and triumphantly<br />

converted. I have closed many a meeting without any altar call, when I knew that they would crowd it if I gave<br />

them an invitation, but I wanted the Spirit to have time to do <strong>His</strong> work. I have frequently gone on till the sinners<br />

would come to me, trembling like Belshazzar, and say, “Preacher; are you never going to have a mourner's<br />

bench? I feel that I will be dead and in Hell before the sun goes down, if you do not give me a chance to seek<br />

the Lord.” Then of course I would open the altar.<br />

Premature calls not only give unworkable material, on which to wear ourselves out, but conduce to superficial<br />

professions, which are worse than none. Evangelists often think that a long meeting will not receive proportional<br />

financial support. I always found it the very opposite. The most liberal financial remuneration I ever received<br />

was for meetings running for six weeks. Paul's first protracted meeting at Corinth lasted eighteen months. An<br />

eleven months' protracted meeting constitutes a bright oasis in my pilgrimage.<br />

Seguin, Texas, a flourishing county seat of eight thousand; was also the scene of a great battle and a glorious<br />

victory. On arrival, the cultured pastor a collegiate graduate and a member of the General Conference,<br />

responsive to my interrogations in reference to Christian union and cooperation, answered me very<br />

encouragingly, “Yes, brother, that is all right. Our eight churches in this city are in perfect harmony, and we all<br />

work together in our revival meetings. Therefore you can perfectly rely on their sympathy and co-operation.<br />

However, to my sorrow, I soon found that the union was in the dance, at the card table, and in the whiskey<br />

bottle. Looking out of my window I saw two men drinking alternately out of the same bottle, and asked a citizen

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