W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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The second Saturday and Sunday of our revival was the regular time of the quarterly meeting.<br />

When Dr. Harris, the presiding elder of San Antonio District came along, I met him with congratulations of<br />

rejoicing and praising God for his arrival, saying to him, “My dear brother, I am an old presiding elder and<br />

know the duties of your office. Of course you are in charge during your appointed time and I am only an auditor<br />

and your humble helper at your option.” Then he said, “No, brother, please excuse me from preaching, as I shall<br />

not take your place in any of the evening services.” When I insisted that he should feel free to fill his regular<br />

appointment, he said, “I have read in the Bible of a man by the name of Uzzah, who dropped dead because he<br />

took hold of God's ark. I shall certainly profit by his sad fate, for I have never, (and he was on old man) seen a<br />

meeting like this in all of my life. The power of God here manifest throughout this whole town actually excels<br />

anything I have ever known. Therefore I am not willing to do anything, lest I might grieve the Holy host, who is<br />

working here as I never saw in all my life. Truly the people old and young, great and small, saints and sinners,<br />

all manifest to me that they are wrought upon by the Holy Ghost as I never saw before. And I do realize that it is<br />

most unmistakably the presence and power of God.” Such was the verdict of the presiding elder on his arrival<br />

Saturday morning to hold his quarterly meeting. He utterly refusing to take the meeting it devolved on me to do<br />

the preaching; therefore I preached to them on sanctification, closing with an invitation for seekers. Among<br />

others, he took his place at the altar; the Lord sent the power and souls tided over.<br />

After dismissal he took me aside and said, “I have a confession to make to you. Whereas the preachers in my<br />

district had called you to come and hold revival meetings for them, since your arrival they have again written to<br />

you, rescinding all of those engagements and closing their churches against you.” I responded, “Please, brother,<br />

give yourself no trouble about that; it is all right; God will open doors enough.” Then he proceeded, “But,<br />

brother, hold on and let me make my confession.<br />

You must not blame those pastors for rescinding their calls and closing you out. I am to blame for that, because I<br />

ordered them to do so, pursuant to a letter received from the pastor at San Marcus, stating that he had<br />

entertained you in his own house, and gotten acquainted with you and found you to be a wild fanatic, crazy on<br />

holiness, and if I did not want all the churches ruined, the thing to do was to keep you out. Therefore I wrote to<br />

all of my preachers, as he sent me the list of your calls, (as you had given it to him), ordering them to write you<br />

at San Marcus, in care of that pastor, rescinding their calls. I also wrote to Brother Shaw at this place to rescind<br />

and close you out, but I am very glad he did not obey my order, which I assure you I gave in the integrity of my<br />

heart. As to all the balance, I see now I was led astray by the San Marcus pastor, who (as I hope, innocently)<br />

misrepresented you as a wild fanatic. I find you nothing but an old-style Methodist preacher on the Wesleyan<br />

line and preaching (as we all ought to) with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven. I have thoroughly<br />

investigated to my own satisfaction, since I came to this town, and find it is truly the work of God and is as free<br />

from fanaticism as anything I ever saw, and just what I want throughout San Antonio District. I will now write at<br />

once to all these brethren, confessing my mistake and telling them to renew their calls at once.”<br />

The preachers thereafter no longer waited on the slow run of the mails, but poured telegrams on me from all<br />

directions, urging me to come at once. The result was that I found the whole Conference open to me and stayed<br />

there six months, going from city to city, and witnessing the mighty work of God.<br />

The time of the quarterly meeting was really opportune, coming as it did twelve days after my arrival, because I<br />

found Satan so impregnably fortified that if the quarterly meeting had come off a week sooner, it would have<br />

been too early for the coming power. Consequently the presiding elder would have skedaddled me out; but the<br />

twelve days' run by the blessing of God had brought us over the crisis. Then the walls of Jericho had fallen<br />

down flat and God had descended, so putting <strong>His</strong> subduing hand on the whole community that all of the people<br />

coming, recognized <strong>His</strong> presence, halted in their tracks, trembled and soliloquized, “Surely God is in this place;<br />

and this is none other than the house of God and the gate to Heaven.”<br />

In this we have a brilliant illustration of what God will do if you are true to Him. That place was so awfully<br />

wicked, and the Church so captured by Satan, that the terrific Gospel, which was absolutely indispensable to<br />

their conviction, actually provoked that mob, who aimed to kill me. But God is always more than a match for<br />

the devil and all his myrmidons. He came to my relief, and put down <strong>His</strong> omnipotent hand on all the people in a<br />

conviction which suddenly and unexpectedly paralyzed all their Satanic devices and put the importunate cry in

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