W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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skate their way down to Hell.<br />

Showed it up as Satan's literal Hell-trap, in which he was so adroitly using the preachers and leading members to<br />

capture the young people and put them on that greased plank and shoot them on the downward road. The Lord<br />

wonderfully helped me to warn them of their awful danger and, responsive to my invitation, gave us an altar<br />

crowded with seekers; thus opening a glorious revival.<br />

My rough and terrible assault proved an awful I awakening to the people, the Holy Ghost wonderfully using it in<br />

conviction. The Presbyterians at once sent me word please to spare them, as they were all repenting in sack cloth<br />

over the wretched mistake they had made, and to rest assured that they would never be guilty of it again.<br />

Meanwhile, the Episcopalians who owned the institution, received such an awakening that they sold it out to<br />

Satan's people and undertook to wash the blood of souls from their hands.<br />

My treatment of that crying iniquity was so summary and decisive that it produced an awful excitement in the<br />

city. Two daily papers immediately took it up, the one against me and the other on my side, and went into the<br />

war hot and heavy. On Tuesday morning following, an anomalous circular was found distributed throughout the<br />

city, ordering me to leave at once or meet Judge Lynch face to face. The next morning another circular was<br />

found throughout the city, exhorting me to take courage and hold on, assuring me that I had plenty of friends in<br />

that place, and need not be afraid.<br />

Of course these sensational papers gave me the best possible advertisement, so that I had to stand in the door,<br />

with the house full of women and a multitude of men without, and preach them the glorious Gospel. Meanwhile<br />

the revival swept on, penitents crowding the altar, seeking and finding the Lord. Brother Lively, who has since<br />

been presiding elder many years, came seventy miles to attend the meeting, and you do not wonder that he got<br />

sanctified.<br />

That was the beginning of my work in Texas. The Lord gave us a glorious victory. He let me preach this<br />

wonderful salvation Gospel from Arkansas to Louisiana, to the Mexican border, and from the Gulf to the Pan<br />

Handle.<br />

While I was moving along holding meetings, pursuant to the invitation of the pastor I held two revivals at<br />

Arlington, a beautiful town midway between Dallas and Fort Worth. The good people were anxious to settle me<br />

there, proposing to donate me a splendid home, which I gratefully, lovingly, and respectfully declined to accept.<br />

The same was done at Russellville, Ind., and likewise declined. I never, never wanted gifts, but always preferred<br />

to pay for everything I received. My collegiate education cost me a thousand dollars, whereas I might have<br />

received it gratuitously. I feel that it is a great mistake for any of us ever to accept a price which our friends set<br />

upon or heads, lest in so doing we might make the awful mistake of Judas when he sold Jesus. When we have<br />

taken Him for our everlasting portion, we have passed the temptation of bribes.<br />

At Alvarado, the Lord gave us a four weeks' revival, which continued to run on after we left, resulting in two<br />

hundred and fifty conversions and sanctifications. The whole country was stirred for twenty miles in all<br />

directions. As a rule the meetings would hold till eleven or twelve o'clock at night, the people lingering<br />

spellbound to the end, knowing that it would take them the balance of the night to drive home. Bud Robinson<br />

came twenty miles in a jolt wagon to attend the meeting There he heard his first sermon on sanctification and<br />

got convicted for it, being at that time a preacher. He says he never survived that conviction till he entered into<br />

the experience.<br />

From Alvarado, we went to Maxahatchie, where the Lord gave us another glorious victory, about one hundred<br />

souls thronging the altar and praying through to a clear, bright testimony to the power of Jesus to save even to<br />

the uttermost.<br />

We found in that country deep and inveterate hostility to sanctification, resulting mainly from a fatal fanaticism<br />

which had visited the land in preceding years, preaching a counterfeit sanctification, which required husband<br />

and wife to separate. Satan is the great counterfeit and never fails to counterfeit everything that God does In that<br />

case the people come in contact with his counterfeit and find it a rattle-snake sub rosa, get bitten and ever<br />

afterward ignorantly fight the genuine. This high handed scheme of counterfeiting the blessed work of God has<br />

always been Satan's great gun. The rationale, when sounded to the bottom, would really beat Diabolus at his

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