W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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awful contagious disease which they would contract. But it so happened that an old Dutchman was living in the<br />

village, who had been to the meetings and got knocked down and wonderfully saved, so when he came he told<br />

the people not to be afraid, that the man had no contagious disease, but he had been to that campmeeting and it<br />

was the power of God on him to save his soul. They were to rest easy, for in due time he would be all right.<br />

Then the Dutchman asked them to help him carry the young fellow into his house (for he was large and heavy).<br />

Though the old fellow's speech was so indistinct that it was hard to understand him, he spent the whole night<br />

with him in prayer and exhortation. With the dawn of the ensuing morning, the glorious heavenly daybreak<br />

peered into his soul. Therefore with tremendous shouts of victory, mounting his horse he went on his way<br />

rejoicing, confirming the testimony of his predecessors that nobody could go to that campmeeting and not get<br />

knocked down by the power of the Holy Ghost. He became one of the greatest Methodist preachers that ever<br />

blew the Gospel trumpet. You would all do well to purchase the “Life of Rev. Jas. B. Finley,” and read it<br />

appreciatively. I assure you it will prove an exceedingly profitable inspiration.<br />

God is not going to let Satan's people capture this world and run away with it, without so revealing his<br />

supernatural power to the elect that the lost millions will be left without excuse. The reason why He so<br />

miraculously interfered at Cane Ridge, Ky., was because the people were pouring into this great, rich, and<br />

beautiful valley of the Ohio and Mississippi by millions, and without the means of grace requisite to resist the<br />

awful tide of infidelity which was threatening to inundate and really capture this country, through the current<br />

circulation of that dangerous book, Payne's “Age of Reason,” which was everywhere scattered through the<br />

settlements of this new country. The French infidels had captured that empire but a short time previously, when,<br />

during the French Revolution, they got the political power into their hands, banished the Bible, closed all the<br />

churches and turned them into lecture halls, abolished the Sabbath, appointing every tenth day for recreation and<br />

rest, and sending agents throughout the whole country to superscribe on every graveyard, “Death is an eternal<br />

sleep.” Payne. Voltaire and Rousseau had filled the whole country with their infidel writings, which had been<br />

carried into this new country and circulated extensively, before the people bad time to organize churches. God<br />

wanted this delightful land to become the grand citadel of <strong>His</strong> kingdom, as we now rejoice to recognize that it is,<br />

that it might send millions of missionaries to light the dark regions of the antipodal world Therefore He came<br />

among them with <strong>His</strong> miraculous power, which put to shame the votaries of Satan's Hell-hatched lies.<br />

During my late tour around the world, as I paused and gazed on the statue of Voltaire on the public square in<br />

Paris, I thought about his prophecies, that one hundred years would take the Bible out of the world forever. It is<br />

a significant fact that in less than a hundred years, his own office, in which he wrote that awful prophecy,<br />

became a Bible Depository, and is still used in that way. Well did Dr. Talmage say that the age of miracles is not<br />

passed, but we are sad to admit that with many the age of faith is past.<br />

For reasons I know not, this extraordinary power was principally manifested in the South. I surmised that it was<br />

a manifestation of God's presence rebuking the sin of slavery and emancipating those people who had toiled in<br />

hard bondage for two hundred years. I am so glad you may see this extraordinary manifestation of <strong>His</strong> power<br />

among the heathens and especially in India today.<br />

In 1884, the Lord gave us a wonderful revival at Piedmont, Mo., doing mighty works. In that meeting I observed<br />

an extraordinary phenomenon among the railroad men. That is a great railroad center where they have extensive<br />

shops and all change engines. A leading railroad man received conversion, reminding me of Saul of Tarsus in<br />

the brilliancy which characterized it. He at once turned evangelist among his comrades, like a cyclone of fire.<br />

Many of them were unable to reach the meetings till nine o'clock P. M., so we at once accommodated ourselves<br />

to their conveniences with great delight, not only holding the meetings at other hours accommodatory to the<br />

citizens, but continuing on till midnight, and after, in the especial interest of the railroad people, male and<br />

female, who came pouring in about nine; and it seemed, so far as I could tell, that the revival reached everybody.<br />

Our newly saved and sanctified railroad evangelist organized a meeting in a running car, for the benefit of the<br />

train men who had no chance to attend church. Those fire-baptized railroad men thus prayed and preached their<br />

lost comrades through into the kingdom, while the train was speeding over the track at forty miles an hour.<br />

While the work was glorious in the local churches and among the citizens, this railroad phase of the revival far<br />

excelled all I ever knew. I mention it by way of special encouragement in the interest of our railroad people.

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