W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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two solid hours before we could even have a song. Meanwhile there were many centers of the work round about<br />

and all moving independently of each other; e. g., while some were up shouting, others were down praying with<br />

seekers and others preaching to sinners with all their might and exhorting the weak believers to plunge beneath<br />

the crimson flood that washes whiter than the snow, and then to<br />

“Rise to walk In Heaven's own light<br />

Above the world of sin;<br />

With heart made pure and garments white;<br />

And Christ enthroned within.”<br />

After this stalwart man had prayed importunately for about fifty minutes, I saw an amber haze begin to gather<br />

on his countenance; it continued to increase, growing brighter and brighter till his whole physiognomy was<br />

literally illuminated with preternatural splendor and his eyes flashed with an unearthly brilliancy. Then,<br />

springing to his feet, he clapped his hands like roaring thunder. I was impressed that he must have been a<br />

blacksmith, his hands were so heavy and brawny and his entire physique so muscular. Oh, how his roaring<br />

shouts made the welkin [atmosphere, air – DVM] ring! About this time he caught sight of me, having hitherto<br />

labored in vain to get his attention. Then he leaped and snatched me up, tossing me as if I had been a baby,<br />

alarming me seriously, lest he let me fall and hurt me. While tossing me, he shouted out, “I am the man who<br />

cursed you last Sunday, calling you the stumbling-block of this meeting, and saying if you had stayed away, we<br />

might have had a respectable camp; that your coming had disturbed everything and made the people mad. It is<br />

true you were the stumbling-block, and I stumbled over you on my way to Hell. Now I have gotten turned<br />

around and am running at race horse speed the other way, and expect to never let up till I leap through the pearly<br />

gates and shout the victory.”<br />

Though the campmeeting was scheduled to close that night, there was no chance, for it would run by its own<br />

momentum. I had to leave the ensuing morning for another engagement, but the work moved on. Afterward I<br />

heard of many souls saved and sanctified.<br />

Reader, it is your privilege to enjoy all of those nine gifts of the Holy Ghost, which you see catalogued in I Cor.<br />

12:8-11. They are all indispensable in their place. In this important emergency, the gift of spiritual discernment<br />

was especially utilized.<br />

In 1883; the pastor of my old church, where I held my membership when a little boy, and where my father had<br />

been reared, saved, and called to preach, and his five brothers had also entered the ministry, called me<br />

repeatedly to come and help him in his work. Pressure of engagements detained me a long time. This pastor, J.<br />

H. Williams, was a Gospel son of mine and always peculiar for his low estimation of his own ability and<br />

consequently inclined to despondency. As the church was in a somewhat backslidden state, his faithful efforts to<br />

stir them up had produced reaction against him and conduced somewhat to his depreciation among them. My<br />

long postponement and the great difficulties which confronted him in his work, and which his diffidence<br />

conduced to magnify, had all conspired to a degree of discouragement which had collapsed his energies.<br />

Therefore, somewhat yielding to the tempter, he had concluded to give up the work, quit the ministry forever<br />

and return to his father's farm. When I arrived, he met me and told me he had no appointment for me, that I had<br />

waited so long that he had concluded to give up the work, quit the ministry forever and go home. I remonstrated<br />

against the unhappy verdict he had given, as I felt it to be for his own detriment for time and eternity. Then I<br />

asked him to let me preach anyhow; to this he responded that of course he would not prevent me, but when I<br />

did, it would be entirely upon my own responsibility, as he had made up his mind not only to leave this work but<br />

to abandon it forever. However I constrained him to go with me to the place and attend the meetings in which I<br />

would do all the preaching a well as conducting them. As we had no announcement beforehand, the audiences at<br />

the beginning were quite small, but gradually increased until they became really splendid, eventually crowding<br />

the house and filling all the environments. That meeting proved phenomenal in the extreme. Such was the<br />

wonderful power of the Spirit in conviction that the people fell and lost the power to stand on their feet, lying<br />

prostrate, and unable to rise and walk, till the Holy Spirit administered to them the resurrection power. People<br />

would fall under the power during the morning service, and lie there till the afternoon or until night. Sometimes<br />

during the night meetings, which generally occupied about six hours, this knock down power would come on<br />

the people, disqualifying them to stand or to walk, and they would have to stay all night. As it was in the

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