W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest

W. B. Godbey - Enter His Rest


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of spirits, I Cor. 12:8-10, in whose clear illumination I was enabled to read the people like I read Greek and<br />

Latin. I saw that we were in a hornet's nest, though no one had posted me on the fact that there were no<br />

sanctified people in that country. The camp had been pitched by the Holiness Band in Knoxville, about a dozen<br />

of whom had come out to lead the campaign against Satan and his myrmidons. I soon learned that the people in<br />

the community had unfortunately become prejudiced against sanctification and the holiness people. For this<br />

unhappy state of things, the preachers were principally in fault, who were violently opposed to our mode and<br />

had done their utmost to arouse the people and fortify them against the influence which they contemplated<br />

during the encampment. This was abundantly evidenced by a letter I soon received from a Methodist pastor<br />

forbidding me to take part in the meeting and threatening me with prosecution and decapitation if I did not<br />

desist at once and leave the grounds. Of course, I did not comply with the letter, but simply responded in a kind<br />

and loving invitation to him to attend the meeting, and let us have a glorious refreshing from the presence of the<br />

Lord, mutually helping each other, as we traveled along the King's highway to the land of the blessed, where<br />

sorrow never treads and pleasure never dies. I heard no more from him, and know not whether he ever came to<br />

any of our meetings or not.<br />

As my brother evangelist already had the night meetings, I encouraged him to keep them and let me preach in<br />

the day time. This he did till the following Tuesday, when he left for another field of labor; of course, turning<br />

over the meeting exclusively to me. I continued to teach the blessed Scriptures to the dear saints during the day,<br />

but preached at night to the vast audience, and of course the Sinai Gospel was my constant theme. I kept Hell<br />

uncovered, as flamiferous and horrific as I could paint it in the bold phraseology of God's precious Word. I<br />

preached from such texts as, “The wicked shall be turned into Hell with all the nations that forget God,” Psalm<br />

9:17, and our Savior's frequent and unmistakable utterances on the lake of fire and brimstone that burneth<br />

forever and ever, 'where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched.” We had a few seekers, but the crowds<br />

were proud, stubborn, haughty, rebellious, and even defiant.<br />

So we moved on through the week; the schedule time impending expiration the ensuing Sunday night. On the<br />

Sabbath the crowds were immense. Morning and afternoon I preached mainly to the Lord's people on<br />

sanctification, however at the same time showing up a clear Bible As the evening service, which uniformly<br />

opened at sunset, drew nigh, I felt we were approaching the crisis yea, all day I felt impressed that a cyclone had<br />

left Heaven and was traveling that way; when it would strike, I could not decisively opine. Having opened with<br />

the setting sun and spent a solid hour in prayer and testimony, I took my stand to preach the Word, aiming still to<br />

give them Sinai, as God in mercy might condescend to help “a feeble worm thrash a mountain.” I do not think I<br />

had enunciated my text, till suddenly that cyclone struck the multitude; the people all around me leaped to their<br />

feet and not a few fell on the ground. As yet my altar invitation, which had hitherto received so meager a<br />

response, had not been given, but the people unhesitatingly rushed to the altar from all parts of the auditorium,<br />

quickly filling it to overflowing, then falling in the aisles and filling them up, and all crying aloud for mercy.<br />

At that time the blessed Holy Spirit was most copiously poured out on the entire assembly in <strong>His</strong> convicting,<br />

converting, and sanctifying power, and abundantly rested upon the sanctified Knoxville band, inspiring them<br />

with those wonderful extraordinary gifts, nine in all, I Cor. 12:8-10, pursuant to these supernatural induements.<br />

They all went to preaching with all their might to the people nearest them; thus actually developing a regular<br />

Pentecostal scene. I tried to conduct the meeting but signally failed; and certainly all right, because the Holy<br />

Ghost was in charge, managing it in <strong>His</strong> own infallible way. He gave every one the message He wanted him to<br />

deliver, as well as the utterance pertinent to that delivery.<br />

My attention was arrested by a stalwart man making for the altar with all his might. He fell prostrate in the<br />

middle of the aisle and roared out an importunate prayer with stentorian voice, pleading with God to have mercy<br />

on his lost soul. I felt anxious to speak to him and try to help him, but all of my efforts to command his attention<br />

signally failed. <strong>His</strong> eyes seemed set on something far away beyond everything about him, as if looking into the<br />

ethereal regions with all the power of sight and diagnosis. I somehow felt constrained to linger about him and<br />

make him a subject of special prayer; meanwhile souls were passing triumphantly into life and sweeping<br />

victoriously into Beulah Land every few minutes, bright as a meridian sunburst and with tremendous shouts of<br />

victory.<br />

The scene, preeminently Pentecostal, swept on the even tenor of its way without the slightest intermission, for

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